PR for Israel: Ads and Positions Archive

FLAME’S Collection of Messages on the Middle East

Since 1987, with the help of concerned citizens, the following messages have appeared in national media. All are available in an HTML format, and some are also available in a pdf format, exactly as they appeared in print.

PLEASE NOTE: The ads below are available in Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF) format or html format. The PDF format allows you to view — and print out — the ad exactly as it appears in national print media. You will need to have a copy of Adobe’s FREE Acrobat Reader software on your computer to view and print out ads in PDF format, and most computers already have this program installed. Click here if you wish to download a free copy of Acrobat Reader now.

To view or print out an ad in PDF format, click on PDF below the title; to view an ad in HTML format, click on HTML. (HTML format will display the ad as a standard web page. Note that printing from an html display often results in the sides being cut off.)

Ad #187: Stop Terrorism on Campus

Ad #185: Israel’s Enemies Tell Five Big Lies

Ad #184: Can Biden’s Plan Beat Antisemitism?

Ad #182: Demand Justice for Jewish Students

Ad #181: Democracy Thrives in Israel

Ad #180: The Palestinian Catastrophe

Ad #179: The Israel Genocide Slander

Ad #178: Ben & Jerry’s Bad Taste

Ad #177: The Ugly Truth About Hamas

Ad #176: No Fool’s Deal with Iran

Ad #175: The Israel Apartheid Lie

Ad #174: What’s Stopping Palestinian Statehood

Ad #173: Help the Iranians, Not the Ayatollahs

Ad #172: Aid to Israel Makes the U.S. Safer

Ad #171: Is a Two-State Solution Still Possible?

Ad #170: What Is “Palestinian Territory”?

Ad #169: What Does BDS Really Want?

Ad #168: Recognize Israel’s Golan Heights Rule

Ad #167: Anti-Zionism Is Racism

Ad #166: Palestinian Dictatorships

Ad #165: Palestinian Mythology

Ad #164: We Must Stop Iran Now

Ad #163: Exit the U.N. Human Rights Council

Ad #162: Israel’s Settlements: Obstacle to Peace?

Ad #161: U.S. Funds Palestinian Terrorism

Ad #160: Palestinian Genocide?

Ad #159: U.N. School for Terrorism

Ad #158: What Is Disproportionate Force?

Ad #157: The Muslim Immigrant Question

Ad #156: Paris. Jerusalem.

Ad #155: Why Does Israel Matter?

Ad #154: Palestinian Incitement to Terror

Ad #153: Who Are the Indigenous People of Palestine?

Ad #152: A Cheater’s Dream: Can’t Trust, Can’t Verify

Ad #151: Who Owns the “West Bank”?

Ad #150: BDS, Academic Freedom and Anti-Semitism
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Ad #149: Mr. President, Stop the Iran Deal Now!
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Ad #148: Can the U.S.Can the World Afford a Palestinian State?
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Ad #147: Three Deceptive Myths of the BDS Movement
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Ad #146: How Will We Stop Iran
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Ad #145: Should the U.N. Declare a Palestinian State?
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Ad #144: Who Should Pray on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount?
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Ad #143: Why Can’t the Palestinians Have a State?
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Ad #142: Can We Afford an Israeli-Palestinian Peace?
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Ad #141: ISIS, Hamas and the Black Flag of Global Jihad
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Ad #140: The Shame of Gaza
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Ad #137: Israel: A 65-Year Miracle
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Ad #136: Israeli Settlements: Are They a Threat to Middle East Peace?
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Ad #135: Who—and How Many—Are the Palestinian Refugees?
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Ad #134: The Most Practical Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Can the two current proposed solutions bring peace to the region?
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Ad #133: Why Are Christians Disappearing from the Middle East?
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Ad #132: Good News from the Middle East: Israel’s Prospects Have Never Been Brighter
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Ad #131: Do the Jews Have the Right to a State in the Holy Land?
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Ad #130A: Why Should the U.S. Fund the Palestinian Authority?

Ad #129: Muslim Arab Anti-Semitism: Why it makes peace very difficult – almost impossible
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Ad #128: Why Should the U.S. Fund the Terrorist Group Hamas?
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Ad #127: Are the Palestinians Ready for Peace? Why Arab intransigence makes peace most unlikely.
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Ad #126: Apartheid in the Arab Middle East: How can the U.N. turn a blind eye to hateful, state-sponsored discrimination against people because of their race, ethnicity, religion and gender?
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Ad #125: A Most Stalwart and Reliable Ally: Is Israel indeed America’s unsinkable aircraft carrier?
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Ad #124a: The Truth About the Muslim Brotherhood: Is it a moderate Egyptian party committed to democracy . . . or a jihadist group seeking to create an Islamist empire?
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Ad #123: The Truth about the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement Does it stand for Middle East peace or does it seek Israel’s destruction?
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Ad #122: The Great “Peace Flotilla” Ambush? How Israel fell into a trap, carefully set by its enemies
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Ad #121: Israel: An Apartheid State? Is there any truth at all in this oft-repeated calumny?
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Ad #120: Jerusalem (III): Should Israel be able to build residences in its capital city?
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Ad #119: Israel: A Light unto the Nations: Those who demonize Israel are either misinformed or malevolent
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Ad #118: Mr. Netanyahu’s Offer (II): Are the objections of the Palestinians justified?
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Ad #117: Mr. Netanyahu’s Offer (I): Would it bring peace to the tortured Middle East?
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Ad #116: The Two-State Illusion: Would it solve the Middle East problem?
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Ad #115: A Demilitarized Palestinian State (II): Should Israel, should the world rely on it?
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Ad #114: Israel’s Defensive Response to Gaza: Was Israel using “disproportionate force?”
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Ad #113a: The Economic Miracle of Israel: What does it mean to American investors?
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Ad #112a: The Promised Land of Milk and Honey: Could it have been? Could the dream still come true?
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Ad #111: Rockets Over Sderot: What should Israel do to stop this outrage?
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Ad #110: Turmoil in Gaza: What can the world, what can Israel do to restore order?
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Ad #109: The Deadly Threat of a Nuclear-Armed Iran: What can the world, what can the USA, what can Israel do about it?
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Ad #108: The Saudi “Peace Initiative”: Is it meant to lead to peace or to Israel’s destruction?
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Ad #107a: The “Root Cause” of the Middle East Turmoil: Would peace descend if the Arab-Israeli conflict were resolved?
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Ad #106b: The Forgotten Refugees: Why does nobody care about the Jewish refugees from Arab lands?
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Ad #105: Jimmy Carter, Israel and the Jews: Is our former President ignorant, malevolent – or both?
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Ad #104: Israel’s “Right to Exist” (II): How could anyone question such a right?
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Ad #103: “Land for Peace” (II): Should the “West Bank,” should the Golan be yielded?
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Ad #102: Myths About the Israeli-Arab Conflict (II): Is there such a thing as the “cycle of violence”?
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Ad #101: Myths About the Israeli-Arab Conflict (I): Is “occupation” the cause of this conflict?
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Ad #100: The Big Lie (II): What about those Arab “refugees”?
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Ad #99: Israel and the United States: Is Israel an asset or a burden to our country?
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Ad #98: Suicide Bombers in Israel — What Do They Really Want? Are those who kill innocent civilians seeking freedom and peace . . . or do they have other motivations?
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Ad #97: Christians and Israel: Are Christians Israel’s supporters or its detractors?
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Ad #96: The New Anti-Semitism: Who are its advocates? What are its goals?
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Ad #95: The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Is it the “root cause” of
unending war and of terror?

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Ad #94c: Racism in the Islamic World: How can peace prevail in the Middle East in the face of Islamic bigotry and hate? When will moderate Muslims speak out?
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Ad #93: Peace in the Holy Land: Does Israel’s “intransigence” stand in its way?
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Ad #92: Iran and Nuclear Weapons: What does the world, what does Israel have to fear?
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Ad #91: A Homeland for the Palestinians?:Why they? How about all those others?
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Ad #90: The Holocaust: Sixty Years Later: Has the spirit of Auschwitz been revived?
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Ad #89: An Assessment of Arafat: Will his death open the way for peace?
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Ad #88a: “One Land for Two Peoples: Is it a solution to the Arab/Israeli conflict or a recipe for disaster?
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Ad #87: Twisted Words and Phrases (2): More examples of Arab propaganda, giving new meaning to old words.
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Ad #86: Egypt: Is it a factor for peace in the Middle East?
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Ad #85: Abandoning Gaza: Would Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza lead to peace?
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Ad #84: Twisted Words and Prases (1): How Arab propaganda has managed to give new meaning to old words.
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Ad #83: The “Geneva Accord:Is it the way to lasting peace in the Middle East or to disaster?
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Ad #82: The Fence: Will the Fence calm the region or exacerbate the conflict?
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Ad #81: Oslo and Arafat Ten Years: Has it brought us closer to peace in the Middle East?
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Ad #80: The “Right of Return:” Is it a valid demand, and how would it affect Middle-East peace?
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Ad #79: An Independent Palestinian State: Would it be a peaceful neighbor of Israel or would it lead to war?
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Ad #78: The “Road Map:” Will it lead to peace or to devastating war?
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Ad #77: The Myth of “Settlements:” Are they indeed the “root cause” of violence in the Middle East?
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Ad #76: The Two-State Solution: Will the “Road Map” lead to peace in the Middle East?
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Ad #75: Worldwide Islamic Terrorism: Are the U.S., Israel and other nations fighting the same enemy?
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Ad #74: The UN and Israel: Is the Jewish state getting a fair shake from the world body?
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Ad #73: The Saudis: Are they our friends . . . or our enemies?
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Ad #72: The Big Lie (I): Are the “occupied territories” really occupied territories?
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Ad #71c: The Unrelenting and Virulent Hatred of the Arabs: Will peace ever be possible under those conditions?
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Ad #70: War in the Middle East: Can it happen? How can it be avoided?
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Ad #69.1: “Excessive Force”: Are Israelis overreacting to the present upheaval?
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Ad #68: Ariel Sharon: Will his “yad chazakah”, his strong hand, bring peace?
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Ad #67: More About Minister Sharansky’s Letter: Is he (are we) justified in being seriously concerned?
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Ad #66: Peace with Syria: Should Israel surrender the Golan Heights?
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Ad #65c: Arabian Fables (II): More fanciful Arab myths to sway world opinion.
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Ad #64b: Arabian Fables (I): How the Arabs soften up world opinion with fanciful myths.
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Ad #63: The So-Called “Peace Process”: Is it the cause for unrest in the Middle East?
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Ad #62: Much Pressure on Israel: Will Barak be able to preserve his country’s security?
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Ad #61: Prospects for the Middle East Peace Process: What is the likelihood of its ending successfully?
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Ad #60: Incitement to Violence: Do the Palestinians live up to their Oslo commitments?
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Ad #59: 100 Years of Zionism and 50 Years of Israel: What can the world learn from it?
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Ad #58b: Terror in Israel: How should it affect the “peace process”?
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Ad #57: The Israeli-Palestinian “Peace Process”: Are both parties doing their share?
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Ad #56: “Sacrifices for Peace”: What else does the world expect Israel to do?
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Ad #55: Upheaval in Israel: Should Israel make further concessions to the Palestinians?
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Ad #54: New Broom in Israel: Will Netanyahu bring peace and security to his country?
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Ad #53: The Legacy of Yitzhak Rabin: Which direction for Israel in the wake of his assassination?
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Ad #52d: Jerusalem (2): Should the U.S. Embassy be moved to the capital of Israel?
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Ad #51: U.S. Troops on the Golan: Would they further the cause of peace in the Middle East?
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Ad #50: Syria and the Peace Process: Is it a partner that Israel should trust?
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Ad #49e: The Golan Heights: To whom do they belong? Can Israel survive without them?
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Ad #48f: A Demilitarized Palestinian State: Should Israel, should the world, rely on it?
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Ad #47b: Judea/Samaria (the “West Bank”): Can Israel survive without it?
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Ad #46: Israel’s Peace with the PLO: Can the leopard change his spots . . . the wolf become a lamb?
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Ad #45: The Arab Boycott of Israel: Does it give any clues to Arab intentions?
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Ad #44: Peace in the Middle East (II): Is the peace with Egypt an encouraging example for Israel?
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Ad #43: Hamas and the Muslim Fundamentalists: Was Israel justified in expelling 400+ of their leaders?
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Ad #42: “Greater Israel”: Does it have any relation to reality?
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Ad #41b: Peace in the Middle East (I): Can it be achieved under the present circumstances?
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Ad #40a: Loan Guarantees for Israel: Are they in the best interest of the United States?
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Ad #39: Israel’s “Right to Exist”: Is it important that the Arabs acknowledge it?
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Ad #38c: Those “West Bank” Settlements: Are they really the “greatest obstacle to peace”?
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Ad #37c: Myths About Israel and the Middle East (II): Should we re-examine endlessly repeated clichés?
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Ad #36d: Myths About Israel and the Middle East (I): Do the media feed us fiction, instead of fact?
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Ad #35: Loan Guarantees for Settlement of Soviet Jews: Should the U.S. play a role in this humanitarian enterprise?

Ad #34: Secretary Baker’s Peace Mission: Are he and the President putting pressure in the right places?
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Ad #33c: Arab-Moslem Fanaticism and Intransigence: Are they the root cause of Mid-East turmoil?
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Ad #32: The U.N. and the Middle East: Is it a proper forum to sit in judgment?
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Ad #31: Hussein and Arafat — Birds of a Feather: How they engineered the bloody events in Jerusalem?
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Ad #30: Iraq, the Arabs, the U.S., and Israel: Is there linkage between Kuwait and the “West Bank”?
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Ad #29: Soviet-Jewish Migration to Israel: Why do the Arabs fear it and fight it?
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Ad #28: Israel, the Arabs, and Human Rights
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Ad #27: The “Bashing” of Israel: Who does it? What is behind it?
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Ad #26: The “Intifada”: Is Israel using excessive force to suppress it?
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Ad #25: “Land for Peace”: Can it solve the problems of the Middle East?
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Ad #24: The “West Bank” and Gaza: Should Israel withdraw from the territories?
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Ad #23: The Israeli Peace Initiative: Can it restore peace and tranquility to this troubled area?
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Ad #22: Israel and the Media: Are current events in Israel getting fair coverage?
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Ad #21: Israel and Human Rights: How does Israel behave in the face of Arab uprising?
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Ad #20: The “New” PLO: Or can the leopard change its spots?
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Ad #19: Those “Moderate” Arab States: Should the U.S. sell them advanced weaponry?
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Ad #18: Jordan: Is it or is it not Palestine?
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Ad #17: Mubarak Awad: Was Israel justified in expelling him?
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Ad #16: The “Troubles” in Israel: Should Israel withdraw from the “West Bank” and Gaza?
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Ad #15: A “Palestinian Homeland”: Is it the cause for unrest in the Middle East?
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Ad #14: Gaza: Are its inhabitants being “subjugated” by the Israelis?
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Ad #13: Saudi Arabia: Does it support America’s interests in the area?
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Ad #12: Zionism: Is It Racism?
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Ad #11: The Economy of Israel: Is it sound? Should you invest in it?
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Ad #10: Syria and the Middle East: Can it be a force for peace in the area?
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Ad #09: Israel and South Africa: Does Israel support the apartheid regime?
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Ad #08: The Arabs of Israel: Are they a “persecuted minority”?
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Ad #07e: Jerusalem (1): Whose city — whose “holy city” — is it?
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Ad #06: Israel’s Borders: Are they “legitimate”? Should they be changed?
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Ad #05: Judea and Samaria (the “West Bank”): Whom does it belong to? Is it “occupied territory”?
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Ad #04: “The Palestinian Problem”: Is it the cause for unrest in the Middle East?
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Ad #03c: Those “Palestinian Refugees”: Who are they, what is the real story?
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Ad #02c: Aid to Israel: Does the U.S. get its money’s worth?
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Ad #01: The PLO: Is it a force for peace in the Middle East?
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