Is it a force for peace in the Middle East?

The skilled public relations apparatus of the PLO
has lulled many into the belief that this organization could possibly
be a force for peace in the Middle East. Some believe that there is a
certain amount of "grandstanding" on the part of the PLO, mostly
for internal consumption, but that essentially the PLO is searching for
peace and for a "just solution" to the problems of the Middle
East. And those people believe that Israel is in error in its unyielding
resistance to the PLO.
What are the Facts?
The PLO is a terror organization, created in
1964 by the Arab League three years before the territories, as a result
of the Six-Day War, came under the administration of Israel. It was not
created by the people of Palestine. According to its charter, it has only
one aim: the destruction and elimination of the State of Israel through
force and violence. Any apparent deviation from this single-minded aim
is a temporary tactical maneuver.
The basic charter of the PLO is the so-called "Palestinian
National Covenant." It was adopted in May 1964 and has been reconfirmed
ever since. Its main theme is that only the Arabs are entitled to self-government
and that the State of Israel is illegal from its inception with no right
whatever to exist. It states clearly that "Palestine...is an indivisible
part of the Arab homeland," that "Palestine...is an indivisible
territorial unit," and that "the Arab Palestinian people...reject
all solutions that are substitutes for the total liberation of Palestine."
That is the undeviating line. Those PLO and Arab leaders who have from
time to time ventured to propose a less inflexible approach have invariably
paid with their lives for such deviation from PLO "orthodoxy."
The PLO is enormously rich and is almost totally financed
by the oil-producing Arab states, especially including the so-called "moderate"
ones. Saudi Arabia is the main bankroller.
The PLO has factions and splinters that operate under
several minor warlords. But there is only one central command, only one
authority. Nothing happens without its approval. Nobody should be fooled
by pleas of innocence when thing go wrong or if world opinion is outraged,
as in the Achille Lauro shipjacking, in the hijacking of the AirEgypt
plane, which cost 57 lives, in the coordinated shootouts at the Rome and
Vienna airports, or in the Karachi and Istanbul murderous attacks.
The PLO is the kingpin of international terror.
It maintains a complex network of relations with all the main terror organizations
throughout the world. It has written a blood-spattered record of unrelenting
terror in Israel and in many other countries. Some of their more "glorious"
exploits: The attack on Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics (17 dead);
the attack on the Ma'alot School (62 dead, mostly children); the attack
on pilgrims and passengers at BenGurion International Airport (76 dead);
the hijacking of a passenger bus on the Haifa-Tel Aviv Highway (82 dead).
This is only a small sample. There have been many bombings, hijackings,
and terrorist attacks in virtually every European country (except the
Soviet Union and its satellites), leaving uncounted dead and wounded.
The PLO cannot be a force for peace in the Middle
East, because it is totally committed to the destruction of Israel, because
it engages in unremitting terror, and because it is not representative
of the Palestinian Arab people. Though others are occasionally duped,
Israel has always understood that. Israel knows that the fight against
PLO terror is the fight for peace. Those that support the PLO are the
greatest obstacle to peace in the Middle East, because knowingly or unknowingly
they support terror. There will be no peace in the Middle East until all
nations join Israel in fighting PLO terrorists. Terror and peace cannot
exist together. To invite the PLO to the peace table would be a travesty.
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Facts and Logic About the Middle East
P.O. Box 590359
San Francisco, CA 94159
Gerardo Joffe, President

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