How can 200,000 Jews
living among one million Arabs be an obstacle to peace? Over one million
Arabs live in Israel ... nobody considers them an obstacle
to peace. |

Those "West Bank" Settlements
Are they really the "greatest obstacle
to peace?"

The Palestinians have once again erupted in bloody
uprising, an uprising in which so far hundreds have been killed and thousands
have been wounded. Even though the terms of a final settlement of the
decades-old dispute between Israeli Jews and Palestinians were clearly
spelled out in the Oslo Agreement, the Palestinians insist that the so-called
"settlements" in Judea/Samaria (the "West Bank") should
be dismantled or, at the very least, that not a single building may be
added to them.
What are the facts?
A thumbnail history. In order to gain perspective,
some thumbnail history is in order. Large numbers of Jews have been living
in these territories since biblical times without interruption.
Most of the Arabs living there are in fact relative newcomers. As the
term "Palestine" is understood, it encompasses the entire area
now covered by Israel including Judea/Samaria (the so-called "West
Bank") and what is now the Kingdom of Jordan. It originally also
included the Golan Heights. In 1922, totally contrary to the Mandate of
the League of Nations, the British severed the entire area east of the
Jordan River and gave it to the Hashemites as reward for their assistance
in W War I. Thus, fully 75% of Palestine, all of which under the Mandate
and under the terms of the Balfour declaration was meant to be a home
for the Jewish people, was lost for that purpose. Only the area west of
the Jordan River was left for the Jewish homeland.
The "West Bank" occupied by Jordan. In
1947, after decades of strife between Arabs and Jews in the territories
west of the Jordan River, the British had enough and relinquished the
Mandate. The United Nations proposed a partition plan under which the
country (west of the river) was to be divided into respective Arab and
Jewish areas. Jerusalem was to be internationalized. The Jews accepted
the plan; the Arabs refused it out of hand. In 1948, on the twice-truncated
territory allotted to them by the United Nations, the Jews declared their
independence and the state of Israel was born. On the same day, six Arab
armies invaded the new-born state. In what can only be described as an
almost biblical miracle, the ragged and poorly armed Jews defeated the
six Arab armies, though at staggering cost in lives. When an armistice
was finally secured, however, Transjordan remained in possession of Judea/Samaria
(the "West Bank") and the eastern part of Jerusalem; Egypt remained
in possession of the Gaza Strip. Transjordan promptly renamed itself Jordan.
Israel recaptures the "West Bank" in Six-Day
War. Once they were in possession of the "West Bank" and
East Jerusalem, the Jordanians immediately proceeded to expel all Jews
from these territories and to make them "judenrein." They then
proceeded systematically to desecrate most Jewish sacred places, cemeteries
and houses of worship. No Jews, regardless of whether they were Israelis,
Americans or citizens of any other country, were allowed into the "West
Bank" or East Jerusalem, the locale of the Western Wall, the holiest
site in Judaism. In 1967, Egyptian president Abdel Nasser, joined by the
same array of Arab armies that had unsuccessfully tried to destroy Israel
at its birth in 1948, launched another war against Israel. He promised
that this time he would "drive the Jews into the sea" and into
oblivion, once and for all. The Israelis pre-empted and defeated and utterly
destroyed the combined Arab might in the Six-Day War, one of the greatest
military victories in history. When the fog and dust of war finally settled,
the Israelis had not only retained their national territory, but had repossessed
the territories of Judea/Sumaria (later called the "West Bank"),
the eastern part of Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights and had
totally occupied Egypt's vast Sinai Peninsula.
It is clear from this short history that Israel's claim
to the "West Bank" is a strong one. By constant repetition,
the world has come to think of these territories as "occupied Arab
land". Over 200,000 Jews now live there. And why shouldn't they?
Why should the Arab countries and the "West Bank" be the only
places in the world where Jews cannot live? How can 200,000 Jews living
among one million Arabs be "an obstacle to peace"? And why does
absolutely nobody care about how many Arabs "settle" in the
"West Bank"? The over one million Arabs who live in Israel are
citizens, enjoy every civil right, and have nothing to fear from the Jews.
Nobody considers them an "obstacle to peace".
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Facts and Logic About the Middle East
P.O. Box 590359
San Francisco, CA 94159
Gerardo Joffe, President

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