Soviet-Jewish Migration to Israel
Why do the Arabs fear it and fight it?
There are 2 to 3 million Jews living in the former
USSR. After Israel and the U.S., this is the third largest such group
in the world today. Under the Soviet system, their culture and their religion
have been ruthlessly suppressed for decades. Emigration was virtually
impossible. Lately, under glasnost and the more enlightened leadership
of Mikhail Gorbachev, the gates of emigration have begun to open. Most
of the emigrants choose Israel as their destination. All Arabs
and not just the "Palestinians" are unanimous and strident
in their opposition to this immigration. What motivates them? What is
their concern?
What are the facts?
Why was Israel created? It is important to remember
that Israel was created for a specific purpose. It is the ingathering
of Jews from all over the world, especially those who had been subject
for centuries to hostility, violence, oppression, ghettoization, expulsion
and eventually, the unprecedented disaster of the Holocaust, in which
6 million Jews perished. The yearning for the re-establishment of the
Jewish homeland in what came to be called "Palestine" had been
unremitting over the centuries. In 1917, the British were in control of
Palestine and issued the Balfour Declaration, which called for the establishment
of "... a national home for the Jewish people." This Declaration
was confirmed by the League of Nations. The concept of Palestine as a
Jewish state was further confirmed by the United Nations, which recognized
the newborn Jewish state in the month of May of 1948.
Jews could have been saved. During the Second World
War, many of the millions of Jews who died in the gas chambers of the
Nazis could have been saved if they had been allowed into Palestine. The
British, however, under the unrelenting threats of the Arabs, buckled
under that pressure and effectively throttled Jewish emigration to Israel,
thus condemning many to horrible deaths. The situation today is comparable:
Under "glasnost," the virulent history-old anti-Semitism of
the Russians and the newfound hatreds in the Islamic parts of the former
Soviet Union subject the Jewish population to imminent great danger and
possible pogroms. Emigration to Israel is the only solution.
Exodus regarded with hostility by the Arab world.
The Arab world has regarded this exodus with undisguised hostility and
has urged the former Soviet Union to restrict or even to stop emigration
to Israel altogether. Pretext for this hostility and opposition is the
alleged fear that the Soviet-Jewish immigrants will settle in the administered
territories, thus threatening the Palestinian inhabitants and their future
hopes for a homeland. But, this is a false charge, a "red herring."
The Israeli government gives no incentives to any of the immigrants to
move to those areas. Fewer than 1% of all Soviet-Jewish immigrants have
moved into the territories.
The concern of the Arab states, virtually all of which (with
the notable exception of Egypt) consider themselves in a state of war
with Israel and which have the destruction of Israel at the top of their
agendas, is not with the "Palestinians." In fact, the "Palestinians"
and their aspiration for a homeland are a matter of some indifference
to the Arab nations, a pretext and justification for the enmity to Israel.
If they were truly concerned about the "Palestinians" and their
well-being, they would not have suffered their staying in refugee camps
for over forty years, in conditions of utter misery. The real reason is
the basic Arab view that the existence of Israel on any land that the
Arabs think of as "sacred Arab soil" is considered a Western
and Christian plot against Islam and the Arab world and that the destruction
of Israel is a sacred religious duty, which calls for "jihad"
(holy war) against the "infidels." Even if Israel could be induced
to grant the "Palestinians" their mini-state, it would not change
the hostility of the Arab nations one iota. Their aim would still be the
destruction of Israel, except that, with a Palestinian state in Israel's
heartland, the Arab armies would only be minutes away from Jerusalem,
from Tel Aviv, and from the military, industrial, and population centers
of the country.
The mass immigration of Soviet Jews to Israel would strengthen
Israel. Anything that strengthens Israel is perceived by the Arabs as
weakening them and thus making more difficult the planned destruction
and dismemberment of the Jewish state. The prospect of Jewish immigration
strikes terror in Arab hearts. That explains the hysterical statements
and saber rattlings at the recent Arab summit in Baghdad. It explains
Arab pressure on the former Soviet Union to halt this emigration. It explains
why the former Soviet Union did not, until very recently, allow direct
flights from and to Israel; it explains threats to blow up commercial
aircraft of those countries bordering the former Soviet Union that may
permit transshipment of Soviet Jews to Israel. But the world must remember
and keep in mind that Israel was created to be a refuge and homeland to
persecuted Jews anywhere in the world. During World War II, the world
stood idly by and did not allow Jews to enter Palestine, which could have
saved millions. Nothing like it can be allowed to happen again. Soviet
Jews are in imminent mortal danger. They want to leave the former Soviet
Union and go to Israel. Despite Arab frenzied opposition, the world must
see to it that nothing happens to slow this exodus.
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Facts and Logic About the Middle East
P.O. Box 590359
San Francisco, CA 94159
Gerardo Joffe, President
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