“Had (the Palestinians)
accepted the hand of friendship and peace that Israel has extended
so many times... the concept of the ‘cycle of violence’ would
have never arisen.” |

Myths About the Israeli-Arab Conflict (II)
Is there such a thing as the “cycle
of violence?”

In a recent one of our hasbarah (educating and clarifying)
messages, we described how untruths and misinformation advanced by
the Arabs have made many people, even well-intentioned ones, believe
this propaganda. In that installment, we addressed the myth of “occupation” and
its being the alleged cause of the conflict between Arabs and Israelis.
Today, we look at another myth — repeated over and over again — that
of the “cycle of violence.”
What are the facts?
The myth of the “cycle of violence.” Our
government, the media and many people refer to and deplore the acts of
violence raging between Israelis and Arabs. They believe that if that “cycle” could
somehow be broken, peace and good will would prevail. But there is no
such “cycle.” The Israelis, always exercising much restraint,
are often forced to respond to such violence in order to protect their
civilian population and their installations and infrastructure. Ask yourself
how many Palestinian civilians have intentionally been killed by the
Israelis? The answer is zero, nobody! And then ask yourself, how many
Israeli civilians have been intentionally targeted and killed by the
Arabs during that same period. The answer is: all of them! Any Palestinian
civilian killed by Israel is an unintended victim. The Palestinians,
on the other hand, target only Israeli civilians — shoppers in
stores, teenagers in discotheques, celebrants at a bar mitzvah, a wedding,
or a Passover Seder, or innocents riding in buses or other public transportation.
The restraint of the Israelis in the face of never-ending provocation
is almost unbelievable. What other country in the world would continue
to suffer such sustained damage, such loss of life, without making every
effort to eliminate its source? The sense of ethics that inspires the
Israeli government and the Jewish people and, to be sure, also the pressure
of public opinion, prevents Israel from unleashing its military potential
and obliterating its tormentors once and for all. In the worst enemy
attack on our country, the outrage of September 11, 2001, 3,000 Americans
died. Our country, justifiably, went into full attack mode. Regrettably,
our enemies are elusive, and we cannot bring our military might to bear
on them. We certainly would do so and do so mercilessly if we could.
The over 1,000 civilian Israeli dead so far as a result of the current
Palestinian “intifada,” correspond to about 65,000 American
victims. Does anybody think that we would stand idly by if that were
to happen to us? Of course not! What degree of forbearance does the world
expect of Israel?
Evacuation of Gaza in vain. Bowing to bad advice and
the pressure of public opinion, Israel evacuated Gaza — not a single
Israeli soldier or civilian remains there. But instead of the expected
peace, violence
erupted almost immediately. Israel was and continues to be subject to
almost daily rocket attacks. In a most serious incident, the Gazans dug
a tunnel into Israel, attacked an Israeli patrol, killed two Israeli
soldiers and kidnapped one. An even more serious incident occurred on
Israel’s northern border. In order to promote peace, Israel abandoned
the southern Lebanon security strip, which it had maintained as a buffer
against Hizbollah (the “party of God”). In a daring raid,
Hizbollah invaded Israel, killed eight soldiers and kidnapped two. A
violent war erupted as a result, during which Hizbollah launched thousands
of sophisticated Iran-supplied rockets against Israel. It brought about
enormous destruction and hundreds of dead in both Lebanon and Israel.
There is no “cycle of violence.” There is only the very measured
response of the Israeli military to defend its civilian population and
its vital installations against unending attacks by the Arabs. They are
prepared to sacrifice their lives and that of their children and are
willing to go to any lengths to achieve their goal of destroying Israel.
Arab-Israel conflict has raged for almost 100 years. Israel has had to
defend itself against attacks since the very day of its birth — and
before. It has sustained casualties that, in proportion to its population,
are far higher than that of any country in modern times, even those engaged
in open warfare. The hatred of the Arabs against the Jews is bottomless.
They will stop at nothing to inflict damage or, if possible, obliterate
and “wipe Israel off the map.” The Palestinians live in abject
misery, their economy is in shambles, and their youths, having not learned
much more than the Koran, violence, and “martyrdom,” face
a hopeless future. Had they accepted the offered partition of the country
in 1948, or had they accepted the hand of friendship and peace that Israel
has extended so many times since, they could now have had their own state,
perhaps for as long as the Israelis — since 1948. They could have
an advanced, peaceful and prosperous society, just as that of Israel,
in partnership with and next to it. The concept of the “cycle of
violence” would have never arisen.
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Facts and Logic About the Middle East
P.O. Box 590359
San Francisco, CA 94159
Gerardo Joffe, President

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