ñThe Arab propaganda machine has created myths
that have been accepted by much of the world. No peace in the Middle
East is possible until those Arab myths have been exposed for what
they are!î |

Arabian Fables (II)
More fanciful Arab myths to sway world opinion.

Earlier this year, we published our message, “Arabian
Fables (I),” in which we made clear how the Arab propaganda machine
creates myths and lies with which to misinform the world. We discussed
the myths of the “Palestinians”and of the “West Bank”
and the mythical concept of “occupied territories”. In today's
message, we shall address three more of these myths.
What are some of these myths?
Jerusalem ("Arab East Jerusalem"). The
Arabs have assiduously propagated the myths that Jerusalem is an Arab
capital, that (after Mecca and Medina) Jerusalem is their third holy city,
and that it is intolerable to them that infidels (Jews) are in possession
of itThe Arabs decided to call these towns and villages “settlements”,
with their connotation of illegitimacy and impermanence. The world, including
the United States, is much agitated over these population centers and,
goaded by.
The reality of course is that Jerusalem was never an Arab
capital and that it was, until the Jews revitalized it, a dusty provincial
city that hardly played any economic, social, or political role. Jerusalem
is mentioned hundreds of times in the Jewish Bible and has been the center
of the Jewish faith and the focus of Jewish longing ever since the Romans
destroyed the Temple in the early years of the first millennium. Not once
is Jerusalem mentioned in the Koran.
As to “East Jerusalem”: There is East Saint
Louis, there is East Hampton, and there used to be East Berlin, but, until
the Arab propaganda machine created the concept, there was never in history
an “East Jerusalem”, let alone an "Arab East Jerusalem".
The eastern part of Jerusalem is now predominantly inhabited
by Arabs, though their proportion is decreasing. But what is the reason
for this? It is because the Jordanians destroyed all traces of Jewish
presence from the eastern part of the city and drove all the Jews out
during the 19 years (between 1948 and 1967) in which they were in occupation
of the eastern part of the city. The world, informed by Arab propaganda,
considers those Jews who wish to return to the eastern part of the city
to be troublemakers or worse.
The concept of Jerusalem being a holy Arab city and the
capital of whatever political entity the “Palestinians” may
eventually form is a myth and so of course is the concept of “Arab
East Jerusalem”.
“Settlements.” When Jordan
came into possession of Judea/Samaria and the eastern part of Jerusalem,
following the invasion of the newly-formed Jewish state, and stayed in
occupation for 19 years, it systematically obliterated all Jewish villages
in the area under their occupation, drove out the Jewish inhabitants,
and left the area “judenrein” (free of Jews)—the first
time that concept had been applied since the Nazis created it during their
short and bloody reign in Germany. When the Israelis recovered these territories,
they rebuilt these villages, created new ones, and built new towns and
suburbs to existing cities, especially Jerusalem.
The Arabs decided to call these towns and villages “settlements”,
with their connotation of illegitimacy and impermanence. The world, including
the United States, is much agitated over these population centers and,
goaded by the Arabs, declares them to be impediments to peace. What nonsense!
Nobody considers the tens of thousands of Arabs who continue to stream
to these territories as impediments to peace.
The term “settlements”, too, is a propaganda
myth created by the Arabs.
“ Refugees.” In 1948, when
six Arab armies invaded the Jewish state in order to destroy it on the
very day of its birth, broadcasts by the advancing Arab armies appealed
to the resident Arabs to leave their homes so as not to be in the way
of the invaders. As soon as the “quick victory” was won, they
could return to their homes and would also enjoy the loot from the Jews,
who would have been driven into the sea. It didn't turn out quite that
way. Those Arabs who, despite the urgings of the Jews to stay and to remain
calm, foolishly left, became refugees. Those who decided not to yield
to those blandishments are now, and have been for over 60 years, citizens
of Israel, with all the same rights and privileges as their Jewish fellows.
But what happened to those refugees—by best estimates
about 600,000 of them? Did their "Arab brethren" allow them
to settle in their countries, to work, and to become productive citizens
and useful members of their societies? No! They kept and still keep them,
their children, their grandchildren, and in some cases even their great-grandchildren,
in miserable “refugee camps”, so that they can be used as
political and military pawns in order to keep the burning hatred against
Israel alive and in order to supply the manpower for the unremitting fight
against Israel.
During those more than sixty years, Israel has taken in
more than three million Jewish immigrants from all parts of the world
and has integrated them productively into its society. According to the
“Palestinians”, the Arab “refugees” have now marvelously
increased to five million (!). It is the intent and fervent desire of
the Arabs that all of them should return to Israel so as to destroy the
country without the necessity of war.
The “refugees” are a red herring and another
myth created by the Arab propaganda machine.
The Arab propaganda machine, aided by the most high-powered
public relations firms in the United States and all over, has created
myths that, by dint of constant repetition, have been accepted as truth
by much of the world. No sensible discussion, no peace in the Middle East,
is possible until those Arab myths have been exposed for what they are.
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Facts and Logic About the Middle East
P.O. Box 590359
San Francisco, CA 94159
Gerardo Joffe, President

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