Rockets Over Sderot
What should Israel do to stop this outrage?

Three years ago, Israel abandoned
the Gaza strip and evicted the over 8,000 Jewish residents who had lived
there for generations and who had created an island of civility, industry
and prosperity. What has been Israel’s reward for its generosity?
What are the facts?
Israel's many mistakes. In its six decades
of history, clouded by almost uninterrupted warfare against it, Israel
has made many mistakes. Relinquishing the Sinai to Egypt, Southern Lebanon
to Hezbollah, and Gaza to the Palestinians were the most egregious. One
lesson to be learned was that one cannot make peace with one’s enemies
by giving away pieces of one’s country.
The greatest folly, of course, was the abandonment of Gaza.
Virtually since the first day of Israel’s disengagement from the
area, the Gazans have launched daily rocket attacks on the city of Sderot.
So far “only” about twenty Israelis have been killed. Many
more have been wounded.
But it is only a matter of time that one of these rockets
is going to hit a school, a hospital or an apartment building, causing
unacceptable casualties. Then Israel’s forbearance and patience
are likely to snap.
These Qassam rockets, however, are only the beginning. Large
quantities of explosives and more advanced weapons systems – presents
from Syria and mostly from Iran – are supplied daily through sophisticated
tunnels from the Sinai into the Gaza territory. That happens under the
“watchful eyes” of the Egyptians, who have foolishly been
allowed to be the guardians of the border between Egypt and Gaza.
There is no question what any other country would do if
it found itself in a position similar to that of Israel. What would we
do if bombs or rockets launched from Mexico landed in San Diego? Obviously,
we would obliterate the source of such attack and inflict sufficient additional
damage to totally discourage such behavior in the future. But what does
Israel do? Does it use its powerful army or its superb air force to destroy
the areas from which these rockets are launched? Surprisingly not. Guided
by its own moral compass and always concerned about “world opinion,”
Israel attempts to pinpoint the source of attacks, taking enormous care
not to hurt “innocent civilians.” But the concept of “innocent
civilians” is nonsense, of course. Anybody who allows his backyard
to be used as a launching pad for rockets should expect his home to become
a target for counterattack and for casualties to ensue.
Lessons to be learned. For reasons that
are not at all clear, Israel finds itself in the thankless role of being
responsible for Gaza’s welfare, adequate supply of food, fuel and
electricity. Occasionally, in feeble retaliation, Israel will slow the
supply of fuel and electricity, though it never curtails the supply of
food and medicine and routinely allows seriously ill Gazans access to
its superb medical facilities. When it occasionally does curtail fuel
and electricity, the world complains about Israel’s “siege
of Gaza.”
Some questions: 1) Who appointed Israel to be the guardian
of Gaza and responsible for its welfare and comfort? 2) Why don’t
the Gazans and their Iranian and Syrian friends use the sophisticated
tunnels leading from Sinai to Gaza to import fuel, food, and medicine
instead of explosives and weapons? 3) Why, in sixty years and in the decades
before, when Egypt was in charge of Gaza, have the Palestinians been unable
to build a functioning power plant that would make them independent in
that respect? Surely their Arab cousins, could supply some of their abundant
petroleum for that purpose.
Israel’s attempt to stop the shelling of Sderot has
so far been a failure. But what should Israel do? The answer is obvious:
Israel should openly declare to Gaza and to the world at large that every
rocket that falls on Sderot or on any place in Israel will immediately
be responded to by a rocket aimed at where it came from. Since Gaza is
packed with humanity, it is clear that such a tit-for-tat approach would
cause many civilian casualties. That would be a tragedy, of course. But,
it is pretty clear that the rockets would stop in short order. Sure, “the
world” would object. But a country’s first duty is to protect
its citizens from attack. That is what we would do. That is the very least
any country would do.
The real tragedy is that the bitter experience with Gaza
will make Israel quite unresponsive to our government’s desire to
achieve a “two-state final solution” before the end of the
year. No such solution is possible in this or in any other year unless
Israelis are convinced that the Palestinians wish to live in peace and
friendship with them. If, under the pressure of our government and of
many other countries, Israel would commit the folly of giving up control
of Judea/Samaria (the “West Bank”), not only the Palestinians,
but also Syrians and Iranians – with heavy armament, planes and
tanks – would pour in and would dominate the Judean ridges and the
heartland of Israel. That would finally achieve the long-hoped-for end
of the Jewish state. It would bring about what many wars and “intifidas”
were unable to accomplish.
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Facts and Logic About the Middle East
P.O. Box 590359
San Francisco, CA 94159
Gerardo Joffe, President

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