Hamas and the Muslim Fundamentalists
Was Israel justified in expelling 400+ of
their leaders?
For the last few months the media have been reporting
about Israel's temporary banishment of 400+ Hamas terrorist leaders. The
U.N. Security Council, unconcerned apparently about dreadful things being
perpetrated in many part of the world, "strongly condemned"
Israel for these temporary expulsions and threatened sanctions. Wishing
to avoid such sanctions Israel offered to take back over 100 of these
people and to cut the exile of the remainder in half. In order to be able
to judge Israel's actions, the world must understand who and what Hamas
and the Muslim fundamentalist really are.
What are the facts?
A fundamentalist terror organization. Hamas is a
Muslim fundamentalist terrorist organization that was born in Gaza in
1978. Hamas ideology combines pan-Arab religious and fundamentalist principles
with radical Palestinian aims. It insists that "all of Palestine
from the (Jordan) river to the (Mediterranean) sea is holy Arab
territory" and that the "liberation" of all of that territory,
not just the "West Bank" and Gaza but all of it, including
Tel Aviv and Haifa and, of course, Jerusalem is the immutable aim of the
movement. Autonomy for the Palestinian Arabs, as envisioned in the Camp
David Accords, or even a Palestinian state, as proposed by the PLO, are
totally unacceptable or at best just tactical steps in the "liberation
of all of Palestine."
Terror also against fellow Arabs. A basic ingredient
in the ideology of Hamas is the use of terror, not only against Israeli
Jews, but against all who oppose its political and religious zeal and
ideology. Hamas has killed hundreds of Palestinians, usually in the most
gruesome manner and often in front of their families, for being "collaborators"
with the Israelis or for suggesting political solutions to the "Palestinian
problem" that are not in full accord with Hamas' ideology. But Hamas
and fundamentalist Islam are not foes of just Israel. They are in mortal
conflict with all secular Arab regimes. Some years ago, Iraq's Saddam
Hussein boasted that he (personally) had shot 600 of "those traitors."
In 1982, in response to a fundamentalist uprising, President Assad of
Syria ordered an all-out assault on the Syrian city of Hama, in which
an estimated 20,000 people were killed. During the 1988 riots in Algiers,
the army unceremoniously shot and killed between 150 and 300 demonstrators.
Similar bloody scenarios have been replayed in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan
and other Arab countries. There was never any public outcry. The media
largely ignored those vents, and there was certainly no emergency meeting
of the U.N. Security Council
Expulsion, a legitimate punishment. Different countries
have different customs and different laws. In the United States, we have
the death penalty by hanging, lethal injection, firing squad, electric
current, or poison gas which is considered unspeakable and barbaric
in much of the world, including Israel. The Arabs have public beheadings
and amputations, which we consider to be beyond the pale. The Israelis,
having adopted their laws from the British mandatory power, punish with
expulsion for certain serious crimes.
There are those who insist that, regardless of the crimes
committed by "the 400," and regardless of Israeli law, the expulsions
are in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. But that Convention
was composed in 1949, for a very specific purpose, namely to prevent repetition
of the crimes of the Nazis, who, to serve their manic purposes, transported
entire populations (or their survivors) from one end of Europe to another.
And the Convention clearly states that "...the occupying power may
undertake total or partial evacuation...if the security of the population...demands
it." Certainly, Israel, just as any other country, has the right
to self-preservation and the duty to protect its citizens. And that duty
demanded, in conformity with Israeli law and in full compliance with international
law, specifically the Fourth Geneva Convention, that the 400+ Hamas terrorists
be expelled.
Despite reams of bad press, it is clear that Israel has
shown and continues to show a forbearance towards those who have vowed
to destroy it that no other country would have shown. We, nor any other
western country, would tolerate such open sedition, armed insurrection
against established authority, and incitement to the destruction of our
country. The fact that the Israelis have allowed the so-called intifada
to survive for so many years, that they have expelled for only a limited
term the 400+ leaders of the Hamas terrorists, is testimony to Israel's
humanitarianism. That these people continue to camp in no-man's land,
with none of the Arab countries wishing to receive them, is being done
for purposes of media circus only. Can the world imagine what Israel would
do if Syria, for instance, would expel the Jews still remaining in that
country? Israel would immediately take them in of course, just as it has
taken in hundreds of thousands of other refugees and expellees from Arab
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Facts and Logic About the Middle East
P.O. Box 590359
San Francisco, CA 94159
Gerardo Joffe, President
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