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The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process
Are both parties doing their share?

It's now almost three years since that handshake
on the White House lawn between the late Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat,
the chairman of the PLO. The world does little remember that this acknowledgment
of the murderous PLO and its acceptance by Israel as a peace partner was
an act of generosity unprecedented in the history of the world. Israel
asked very little in return, except security and cessation of terror.
How have the parties performed their respective obligations?
What are the facts?
Israel's Commitment to Peace. Israel committed to
grant the Palestinians wide-ranging independence, eventually, according
to an established timetable, to turn over the cities and major areas of
Judea/Samaria (the "West Bank") to the control and autonomy
of the Palestinians. This is to eventually culminate in a "final
status" conference in which the borders of the autonomous zone and
the status of Jerusalem are to be agreed upon.
Israel has meticulously adhered to its commitments under
the Agreement. It has, unfortunately, made many errors, and opened vistas
and expectations among the Palestinians that will never be fulfilled.
Those are primarily that an independent Palestinian state would be allowed
to come into existence, that Jerusalem would be divided, that the eastern
part of the city would become the capital of such a state, and that the
"refugees" people who left Israel almost fifty years
ago should be allowed to return. Because of that, much trouble
and bloodshed may still be in prospect.
Thus, while Israel has meticulously kept its commitments
under the Agreement, the Palestinians have lost no opportunity to foment
unrest and bloody demonstrations in response to imaginary "violations"
on the part of Israel. The first and most notorious one was the uprising
in response to Israel's opening an entrance to an archaeological/tourist
tunnel in Jerusalem. Another pretext for violence eagerly exploited
by the Palestinians and enthusiastically seconded by most of the world
was the construction of "Jewish" housing within the city
limits of Jerusalem.
Total Disregard by the Palestinians. How have the
Palestinians performed under the Agreement? The answer is: Very poorly.
Their disregard for virtually all of its provisions has been so egregious
that it amounts to a mockery. Despite repeated assurances that they would
amend their infamous Charter, which unequivocally calls for the destruction
of Israel, this has still not been done. They have taken insufficient
measures to combat terrorist activity in fact, the Palestinian
Authority (P.A.) continues to release well-known members of terrorist
groups. Even though the Agreement demands an end of incitement to violence,
Yasser Arafat and his lieutenants consistently whip up their followers
to "jihad" (holy war). As the bloody riots in connection with
the tunnel opening and with the construction of housing units have shown,
such incitements always fall on receptive ears. It was also agreed that
the P.A. should have no authority in Jerusalem. Even so, the Palestinians
maintain (and the Israelis have so far suffered them to maintain) official
presence in Jerusalem, especially the notorious Orient House, to which
foreign visitors and diplomats like to make pilgrimages. Also, there is
specific prohibition in the Agreement for the P.A. to conduct foreign
relations. Despite that, again at the sufferance of Israel and what seems
to be encouragement by many countries, the P.A. has entered into numerous
international agreements, in such spheres as transport, telecommunications,
and postal arrangements.
One of the most egregious violations of the Agreement is
the size of the Palestinian "police" force, which is now estimated
at over 50,000 (virtually all of them former PLO terrorists) which give
the area under the P.A. the largest police-to-population ratio in the
world. Incomprehensibly, Israel (always accommodating) has provided this
"police" with an arsenal of attack weapons, which at the first
trumped-up occasion (the opening of that tunnel entrance) were turned
and used with deadly effect against Israeli civilians and military.
The list of violations of the Agreement goes on and on.
There is the failure to confiscate illegal arms; the arrest and interrogation
of Israelis by the Palestinian police; the abuse of VIP privileges; the
movements of Palestinian "police" outside the so-called "Area
A" without prior permission; the unauthorized construction of Dahaniye
Airport; the unauthorized construction of Gaza Port; the failure to enforce
visitors' permit requirements; and much more.
The Palestinians and the rest of the Arabs threaten at every
hitch in the "peace process" to break it off or to resort to
bloody violence. Regrettably, the United Nations, which takes scant interest
in the mayhem, mass murder, and genocide that goes on all over the world,
takes a totally disproportionate and one-sided (consistently pro-Arab)
interest in this "peace process" and in the alleged "violations"
of it by Israel, without considering the almost total disregard of virtually
all of its provisions by the Palestinians. No peace can possibly come
about until the world forces the Palestinians to comply fully with the
Agreement and until they realize that violence cannot take the place of
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Facts and Logic About the Middle East
P.O. Box 590359
San Francisco, CA 94159
Gerardo Joffe, President

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