Without Judea/Samaria
(the West Bank) Israel would be totally indefensible;
therefore, neither the purposes of Israel nor those of the Unioted
States would be served by Israels relinquishing control of the
West Bank. |

Judea/Samaria (the "West Bank")
Can Israel survive without it?

Many people believe that the "conflict"
between Israel and the Palestinians could be resolved if Israel were to
consent to the creation of a Palestinian state in Gaza and in all or most
of Judea/Samaria (the "West Bank"). Even our president has advocated
this outcome, contingent on the "good behavior" of the Palestinians.
But would the creation of such a state be a solution to the conflict or,
just as the Oslo Accord, another illusion that would exacerbate the conflict,
rather than terminate it?
What are the facts?
The root of the conflict. The conflict between Israel
and the Arabs is not about borders and not about the Palestinians. The
conflict is not about the size of Israel. It is about Israels very
existence. Israel, of whatever size and within whatever boundaries, is
unacceptable to the Arabs. In surrendering strategic territory, Israel
is gambling with its very life. The PLO still adheres to its infamous
"phased plan." It calls for first creating a Palestinian state
on any territory vacated by Israel and then using that state to foment
a final allied Arab assault against the truncated Jewish state.
The importance of territory. Many believe that in
this age of missiles, territory is of little importance and that Israel
should therefore not hesitate to relinquish "land for peace."
But that is not the case. The Arab states have acquired over $50 billion
of the most advanced armaments since the end of the Gulf War. And those
are not just "conventional" weapons enormous quantities
of tanks, aircraft of all kinds, and much more. The Arab states possess
large arsenals of chemical and biological weapons, and all of them work
feverishly on the development of their nuclear potential. All of those
weapons have only one single purpose: the destruction of the state of
Israel. And that goal is not being cancelled for any agreements that Israel
may make with the Palestinians.
For both "conventional" war and for war of mass
destruction, territory and topography are critical for self-defense and
deterrence. The mountainous territory of Judea/Samaria (the "West
Bank") is an indispensable line of defense, especially for a country
as small as Israel. It totally controls access to Israels heartland
from the east. Israel needs this high ground for defense, to be able to
peer deeply into the enemys territory and to get early warning of
any attack. The high ground allows Israel to detect missiles while they
are still in the launch stage and to destroy them, with the Arrow or other
sophisticated anti-missile systems. Unlike the U.S., Israel cannot maintain
a fleet of nuclear submarines for "second strike" deterrence.
But it can maintain dozens of mobile missile launchers safe in underground
tunnels hewn into the rock of the Judean mountains.
Would the "West Bank" be demilitarized?
Even those who want Israel to retreat to its pre-1967 borders are agreed
that the evacuated areas must be demilitarized. But that would be useless.
Because the Palestinians will have thousands of trained soldiers, camouflaged
as their police force. In case of war against Israel, these troops could
be helicoptered in minutes to their positions, with armored forces reaching
them within the same night. In any case, it is highly doubtful that the
surrounding hostile Arab nations would allow such a military vacuum to
exist. And finally, there is the matter of terrorism. There are over fifteen
Palestinian terror organizations that neither Yassir Arafat nor any other
Palestinian authority can control. There would be a constant rain of Katyusha
rockets launched into the Tel Aviv area and into the entire coastal plain,
which is only nine miles wide at its waist. It contains 80% of Israels
population and of its industrial and military potential. Ben Gurion airport,
every incoming and outgoing flight, would be subject to mortar fire or
shoulder-held Stinger attack. Does anybody doubt that the Arabs would
not exploit that irresistible opportunity?
Without the "West Bank" Israel would be totally
indefensible. That is the professional opinion of over 100 U.S. generals
and admirals. Israels strong defensive posture makes it most inadvisable
for Israels enemies to attack her. But once this defensive strength
is removed, a coordinated war against Israel can only be a matter of time.
The example and fate of Czechoslovakia, which preparatory to the Second
World War was dismantled and shorn of its defensive capacity, insistently
comes to mind. What does all this mean to the United States? In a part
of the world in which our country has the most far-reaching geopolitical
stakes, Israel is the only democracy, the only country that is unquestioningly
aligned with us. It is the guarantor of American interests in the area.
With Israel in a position of weakness, the role of the United States in
the area would collapse and radical states such as Syria, Iraq and Iran
would dominate. That is why, despite the heady prospect of "peace
in our time," neither the purposes of Israel nor those of the United
States would be served by Israels relinquishing control over the
"West Bank."
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Facts and Logic About the Middle East
P.O. Box 590359
San Francisco, CA 94159
Gerardo Joffe, President

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