Here is a thought:
How about a deal by which the settlements were indeed
abandoned, all the Jews were to move to Israel proper
and all the Arabs living in Israel would be transferred to Judea/Samaria
or to wherever else they wanted to go. |

The Myth of Settlements
Are they indeed the root cause
of violence in the Middle East?

One of the enduring myths about the Arab-Israeli
conflict is that the settlements in Judea/Samaria (often called
the West Bank) are the source of the conflict between the
Jews and the so-called Palestinians. If that problem were
solved in other words, if Israel would turn Judea/Samaria over
to the Palestinians peace would prevail and the century-old
conflict would be ended.
What are the facts?
Erroneous Assumptions: Various fallacies and erroneous
assumptions underlie that belief, so often repeated that even those who
are friendly to Israel, even many Jews in Israel and in the United States,
have come to accept it. Our government, generally friendly to and supportive
of Israel, has bought into the myth of the settlements; it
has regularly and insistently requested that the settlements
be abandoned and, one supposes, be turned over lock, stock, and barrel
to those who are sworn to destroy Israel.
The very designation of the Jewish inhabitants of Judea/Samaria
as settlers is inappropriate, because it connotes something
foreign, intrusive and temporary, something that is purposefully and maliciously
imposed. But that is nonsense of course. Why would the quarter-million
Jews who live in Judea/Samaria be any more intrusive or any
more illegal than the more than one million Arabs who live
in peace in what is called Israel proper or west of the so-called
green line? Nobody considers their presence as intrusive;
nobody talks of them as an obstacle to peace.
Most of us, regrettably perhaps, are too worldly and too
sophisticated to put much stock in the argument that the territories
in question, Judea and Samaria, are indeed the ancestral homeland of the
Jewish people, that they were promised by God to Abraham and his seed
in perpetuity. Jews have lived in that country without interruption since
Biblical times. There is no reason why they shouldnt live there
now. Why should Judea/Samaria be the only place in the world (except for
such countries as Saudi Arabia) where Jews cannot live?
Legal Aspects: But how about the legal aspect of
this matter? Isnt the West Bank occupied territory
and therefore the Jews have no right to be there? But the historic reality
is quite different. Very briefly: The Ottoman Empire was the sovereign
in the entire area. In 1917, while World War I was still raging, Britain
issued the Balfour Declaration. It designated Paleatine
extending throughout what is now Israel (including the West Band)
and what is now the Kingdom of Jordan as the homeland for the Jewish
people. In 1922, the League of Nations ratified the Balfour Declaration
and designated Britain as the mandatory power. Regrettably, Britain, for
its own imperial reasons and purposes, separated 76 percent of the land
that lying beyond the Jordan River to create the kingdom
of Trans-Jordan (now Jordan) and made it inaccessible to Jews. In 1947,
tired of the constant bloodletting between Arabs and Jews, the British
threw in the towel and abandoned the Mandate. The UN took over. It devised
a plan by which the land west of the Jordan River would be split between
the Jews and the Arabs. The Jews, though with heavy heart, accepted the
plan. The Arabs virulently rejected it and invaded the nascent Jewish
state with the armies of five countries, so as to destroy it at its birth.
Miraculously, the Jews prevailed and the State of Israel was born. When
the smoke of battle cleared, Jordan was in possession of the West Bank
and Egypt in possession of Gaza. They were the occupiers and
they proceeded to kill many Jews and to drive out the rest. They systematically
destroyed all Jewish holy places and all vestiges of Jewish presence.
The area was judenrein.
In the Six-Day War of 1967, the Jews reconquered the territories.
The concept that Jewish presence in Judea/Samaria is illegal and that
the Jews are occupiers is bizarre. It just has been repeated so often
and with such vigor that many people have come to accept it.
How about the Palestinians, whose patrimony this territory
supposedly is and about whose olive trees and orange groves we hear endlessly?
There is no such people. They are Arabs the same people as in Lebanon,
Syria, Jordan, and beyond. Most of them migrated into the territories
and to Israel proper, attracted by Jewish prosperity and industry.
The concept of Palestinians as applied to Arabs and as a distinct
nationality urgently in need of their own twenty-third Arab state, is
a fairly new one; it was not invented until after 1948, when the State
of Israel was founded.
But heres a thought: How about a deal by which the
settlements were indeed abandoned and all the Jews were to
move to Israel proper. At the same time, all the Arabs living
in Israel would be transferred to Judea/Samaria or to wherever else they
wanted to go. That would indeed make Judea/Samaria judenrein,
and what are now Arab lands in Israel would be arabrein. The
Arabs could then live in a fully autonomous area in eastern Israel and
peace, one would hope, would descend on the holy land.
This ad has been published and paid for by

Facts and Logic About the Middle East
P.O. Box 590359
San Francisco, CA 94159
Gerardo Joffe, President

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