youll find an archive of the ads and articles that FLAME has published
since its inception. To access the full text of a particular article,
click on its title in the list below.
The position papers (hasbarah messages) you
will address on this page are listed numerically. Several of these messages,
however, have been re-edited and re-published, so as to respond to current
realities. The most recent ads we have published are at the top of the
archive list. To see them now click here.
PLEASE NOTE: The ads below are available in Adobe
Acrobat Reader (PDF) format or html format. The PDF format allows
you to view — and print out — the ad exactly as it appears
in national print media. You will need to have a copy of Adobe's FREE
Acrobat Reader software on your computer to view and print out ads in
PDF format, and most computers already have this program installed. Click
here if you wish to download a free copy of Acrobat Reader now.
To view or print out an ad in PDF format, click on
PDF below the title; to view an ad in HTML format, click on HTML. (HTML
format will display the ad as a standard web page. Note that printing
from an html display often results in the sides being cut off.)
If you have any questions or comments about the content,
ideas, or philosophy espoused in these messages, e-mail them to FLAME
President, Gerardo Joffe by clicking
here. While we read every e-mail message, please understand that because
of the volume of e-mails received, we cannot guarantee a personal reply.
Our small team of dedicated volunteers types each
ad in. Occasional typos do slip in, so please let
the webmaster know about any typos, broken links, or other technical
problems you find.
Regarding the numbering system below: We occasionally republish
one of our hasbarah (educational and clarifying) messages because the
matter with which it deals has again become topical and of immediate interest.
We usually re-edit such messages somewhat so as to take any changes or
new developments into account. Such re-edited messages are numbered with
a suffix (such as a, b or c). That is the reason that our published messages
don't always appear in numerical order. The messages as listed on this
website always represent the latest edit if applicable.
Be sure to tell your friends to visit
the FLAME website! Thank you!
Since 1987, with the help of concerned citizens, the
following messages have appeared in national media. All are available
in an HTML format, and some are also available in a pdf format, exactly
as they appeared in print.