The FLAME Hotline is a free weekly email news alert on current issues relating to the Middle East conflict. Each issue typically consists of an outstanding article that has appeared recently in the media and that we believe sheds valuable light on the current situation. Below you will see a listing of past issues we have sent to FLAME Hotline subscribers. You may view them in either html, or print them out in a printer-friendly format.
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Jim Sinkinson, President
P.S.: If you have any questions or comments about the content, ideas, or philosophy espoused in these messages, e-mail them to FLAME President, Jim Sinkinson by clicking here. While we read every e-mail message, please understand that because of the volume of e-mails received, we cannot guarantee a personal reply.
Media ignore Mahmoud Khalil’s violations of U.S. Immigration laws, promote free speech hoaxHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
A disturbing new truth about Israel—let me be the first to tell youHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Arab Plan for Gaza ignores Palestinians’ failed quest to destroy IsraelHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
How Israel’s maximum pressure on Hamas can free the hostages and end the warHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Let’s face facts: Palestinians are Hamas. Hamas are PalestiniansHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Murder of the Bibas Children: The Day Palestinianism DiedHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
For progressives, humanitarian values apply to everyone . . . except the JewsHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Trump’s relocation plan gives Gazans a chance for a better futureHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Media hide main cause of global antisemitism in order to promote bankrupt ideologyHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Hamas may have lost the war…but Israel has not yet wonHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
7 recent media attacks on Israel pervert the truth, promote woke agenda.HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
While Houthi terrorists attack Israel and global shipping, the West dithers…waiting for what?HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Middle East power upheaval helps Turkey emerge as threat to Israel and U.S. interestsHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Israel’s victories usher in a new era: Time to realign power in the Middle EastHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Amnesty’s disgraceful “genocide” slander against Israel tarnishes the group HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Year-End Alert: Israel’s new era, plus new dangers—what is our role? HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Why the Israel-Hezbollah ceasefire is fated to fail—and why that’s a good thingHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Israel’s enemies attack with new, more vicious lies—how will we respond?HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Reward UNIFIL’s epic failure and corruption in Lebanon by shutting it downHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Sick of media lies about Israel? Finally here’s a solution..HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
“Globalize the Intifada” Means It’s Coming to a Street Near YouHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Media whitewash Amsterdam pogrom, excusing antisemitic Muslim violence HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
How lovers of Israel can defeat our enemies in today’s Information War HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Wikipedia’s anti-Israel bias undermines objectivity and credibility HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Israel Banishes UN “Terror Organization” from Operating on Its Soil—Western Nations Melt Down HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Israel Kills Another Top Terrorist and U.S. Reacts: “Time to Give Up.” HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Media’s Seven Greatest Israel Lies and Cover-Ups This MonthHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
How Iran fights the U.S. and Israel from Main Street to the Middle EastHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
As Iran & Co. continue their belligerence, the U.S. continues its failed diplomacy HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Israel fights global terrorists single-handedly—and wins—yet Biden-Harris say “Stop!” HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
UN uses “diplomatic terrorism” to attack Israel and support Palestinian peace refusals HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Why such outrage and lies against Israel’s Beeper Attack? Here’s the reason: HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Why beeper attacks won’t suffice: Israel must fully defeat its enemiesHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
We have met the anti-Israel student terrorists—now we will defeat them.HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Media promote bogus UN report claiming Hamas has no ties to UNRWAHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Non-Partisan Biden-Harris Report Card on IsraelHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Pressure on Israel for a Gaza ceasefire is misdirected, dishonest and dangerousHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Why do Westerners continue to support the failed Palestinian cause?HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Outrageous New Media Lie: Israel Attacks “School” in Gaza.HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Lies the media tell to whitewash Hamas harm both Israel and the U.S.HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Biden-Harris calls for Gaza ceasefire threaten Israel, hostages, U.S. interestsHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
International Court of Justice demands ethnic cleansing of eastern Jerusalem and disputed territoriesHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
ICC threatens Netanyahu and Defense Minister with bogus arrest warrantsHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
If we lose Israel, we lose America . . . and all we hold dear: What to doHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
How phony declarations of a Palestinian state prevent Palestinian liberationHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Authorities fail to correct campus injustice against Jewish students, preferring appeasement HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Despite UN report denying famine in Gaza, anti-Israel media continue the lie. Why? HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Let Israel win: How Biden’s effort to protect Hamas endangers Jews, the U.S. and IsraelHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
New AP report exposes Hamas’s bogus death counts in Gaza warHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Media falsely condemn Israel for rescuing hostages—what can we do? HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Why the U.S. must support Israel’s massive retaliation against Hezbollah attacksHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
For Hamas sympathizers, this reality check should be soberingHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Student protesters support Islamist repression they would never wish on themselves HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Stop terror on campus: Lies, hypocrisy and “Death to America” HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
10 pro-Palestinian slogans: Outright lies uttered by “useful idiots”HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Biden halts arms shipments to Israel—further damaging his reputation, here and abroad HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
How we can fight the “hate revolution” on America’s campuses HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Biden Administration unfairly scapegoats Netanyahu to please progressives, radical left.
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Like it or not, Iran’s war against Israel is now America’s war
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Fighting our enemies’ new battle cries: “Death to America,” and “Shut It Down for Palestine”
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Biden hypocrisy: Blames Israel for aid workers’ deaths, despite worse U.S. errors
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Can Biden fool Congress and the American people by putting lipstick on the Palestinian Authority?HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
America’s UN betrayal of Israel weakens the U.S. globallyHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
As Jew hatred steals our freedom, how can American Jews respond?HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
To Jews it feels more like 1930s Germany every day—here’s what you can doHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Hamas steals food aid from its citizens, yet the media and politicians blame shortages on . . . IsraelHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
How media and politicians malign Israel’s IDF—the world’s most humanitarian armyHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Threats to instantly recognize Palestinian state likely to backfireHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Media launch new lies against Israel even as Hamas loses ground in Gaza HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Agitating for a Gaza ceasefire ignores the most promising option—Hamas’s unconditional surrenderHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Biden courts pro-terrorist Muslim voters in desperate bid to rescue election campaignHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Why are there still Palestinian refugees after 75 long years?HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Clock ticks on Biden as Iran’s tentacles grow longer, stronger and deadlierHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Most pro-Palestinian demonstrators are not just anti-Israel. They are also anti-American.HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Why Palestinian Authority cannot play a role “the day after” in Gaza.HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
How we can help Israel win the Information War against pro-Hamas hatersHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
The U.S. and allies vs. the Houthis: Continue attacks until the jihadis stopHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
UNRWA in Gaza serves as Hamas subsidiary, undermining hopes of Israel-Palestinian peace HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Pro-Palestinian or anti-Israel? Why does the Left ignore true Palestinian suffering? HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
How Israel can win the Information War: Here’s your last chance in 2023 to helpHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
How the De-Hamasification of Gaza Can Inspire Palestinian Peace and ProsperityHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Pro-Hamas “kids” 18-24 shockingly ignorant of basic facts about Gaza warHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Gaza Ceasefire Demands: Instant Recipe for More Death and DestructionHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
How will today’s shocking social revolution impact Israel and the U.S.? HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Why the media cite fake “death tolls” in the Gaza war—and how it misleads usHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
“Never Again” means fighting anti-Israel media lies starting todayHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
How to shut down antisemitic assault, bullying and bias on campusHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Media promote false, anti-Israel narrative, parroting Hamas lies.HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Satire: Help Hamas destroy Western Civilization and Liberate the Palestinian PeopleHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Open cries for massacre of Jews and Israel: How can decent people respond?HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
How we will defend Israel from Hamas savages and from our enemies here at home.HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
How media use the false myth of proportionality to hide Hamas’s war crimesHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Antisemites now support attacking us—and Israel—by “any means necessary.”HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Why Palestinians’ bad behavior has made them pariahs in the Arab worldHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Brace yourself: The media backlash against Israel has begun!HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Pro-Hamas demonstrators cheer bloody murderers, joining depraved supporters of Hitler’s genocideHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
While jihadist Hamas commits cruel, bloody atrocities, Israel’s enemies say the Jews deserve itHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Exposing the evil heart of Hamas: Death to Christians and JewsHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
As Hamas brutally attacks Israeli civilians, the media lies have already begun.HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Israel doesn’t demand all of “Greater Israel,” but still wants connection to its biblical homelandHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Oslo Accords: Misstep on the road to Israel’s liberation from the PalestiniansHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Can Israel win today’s “War of Words”? Yes, if we fight back together!HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Abbas’ hateful antisemitic rant again proves his Palestinian dictatorship is no partner for peaceHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
How mainstream media damage Israel in a daily war of wordsHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Critics of Israel unfairly slander its IDF—the most humane army in historyHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Biden’s $6 billion ransom payment to Iran teaches our enemies a lesson: Take more hostagesHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Professors increasingly use classrooms to slander Israel and intimidate Jewish studentsHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
In anti-Israel vote, anthropologists support the greatest hoax since the Piltdown manHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Palestinian society sinks into shambles—further from peace and statehood than ever HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
European Union helps Palestinians build illegal settlements to sidestep peace negotiations HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
President Biden attacks Israel again for attempting to democratize its judicial system HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Israel’s raid on Jenin terrorists: How media perverted the true story HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Why Biden’s new “Iran Deal Lite” raises alarm from Congress and U.S. alliesHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Asking CAIR’s help in Biden’s national fight against antisemitism insults all victims of Jew hatredHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Why Biden’s billion-dollar gamble on the Palestinians is doomed to failHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
How can Palestinian leaders deny a Jewish bond to the Temple Mount despite all evidence? HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
DEI programs not only fail to fight campus antisemitism—they actually encourage it HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
New anti-Israel hate speech at CUNY Law School: Deans and faculty cheerHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Biden’s plan to fight antisemitism is a deception—protecting, rather than defeating the enemy HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Stop the lie: Israel never ethnically cleansed 700,000 Palestinians from the new Jewish state HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Israel is one of history’s greatest fighters against colonialism HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Jordan’s anti-Israel incitement threatens its alliance with the U.S. and its peace with Israel HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Palestinians suffer the greatest political and economic oppression from fellow Arabs. (Is that a problem?) HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Palestinians have failed to create a state because they value terror over governanceHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Holocaust’s hateful murders resemble antisemitic terror killings todayHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Why Israel’s communities in Judea and Samaria are no obstacle to peace . . . or to a Palestinian stateHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
4 tragic U.S. diplomatic errors prolong the Israeli-Palestinian warHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
New book says wokeness undermines Jewish social justice values and promotes antisemitism.HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
As Iran nuclear weapon threat ratchets up, it’s time for the U.S. to keep its promiseHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Israel’s enemies try to trash Israel-U.S. relationship. It’s time to fight back—again!HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
How the Palestinians Got Their Name: The True StoryHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Media’s demonization of Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria obscures Palestinian roleHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
New York Times’ blatant antisemitic coverage should repulse truth-loving advertisers and readersHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
U.S. Again Betrays Promise of “Unbreakable” Support for Israel at the United NationsHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Gazans Speak Out: Hamas’s Warmongering Keeps Us Oppressed and Poverty Stricken.HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
5 Ways American Jews Can Help Israel—by Helping OurselvesHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
How can peace-loving Americans support Palestinians’ celebration of cold-blooded murder?HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Critics warn of Israeli judicial apocalypse even as lawmakers work to create stronger democracyHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
European Union sponsors illegal Palestinian land grabs and terrorist groups: Why?HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
The truth about Israel’s “occupation”: It’s legal, it’s moral, and it’s not an occupationHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
If the U.S. wants a two-state solution, it must help the Palestinians help themselvesHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Arabs’ false pretext for violence: Jews altering Temple Mount’s “status quo”HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
New Israeli government responds to besieged public: Terrorists will get death penaltyHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Defeat Israel’s enemies today using the fighting spirit of ChanukahHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Palestinian death culture: 16-year-old girl killed in terrorist firefight with IDFHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
NY Times attacks Israel again: Accuses new government before it startsHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Progressive, Liberal Israel: How Can Ultra-Leftists Continue to Deny It?HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
If you love Israel, but hate the lies against Israel—here’s how you can fight back.HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
When will American universities put a stop to skyrocketing campus attacks on Jewish identity?HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Israel, you and me: The truth will keep us free—and help defeat Israel’s enemies.HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Israel’s enemies demand FBI investigation for journalist Akleh shooting: “A slap in the face”HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
U.S. Should Seize the Chance to Support Iranian Protesters and Bring Down the RegimeHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
As the ultra-left attacks Israel, here’s how we can fight back.HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Hysterical American warnings against Israel’s new government show more chutzpah than wisdom HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
“Who, me?” U.N.’s antisemite-in-chief Pillay denies any bias HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Anti-Israel and antisemitic attacks exploded in media and on campus last week HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
American Politicians Jump into Israel’s Elections—Do They Welcome Israeli Opinions on Their Candidates? HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Rising Movement Attempts to Drive Jewish Teachers and Students Out of Academia HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
When Hamas seizes power in the West Bank, how will the Two-State Solution survive? HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Israel is fighting two warsHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Why a Two-State Solution based on land-for-peace is bound to failHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Israel One of the World’s Strongest, Most Successful Democracies, New Report ConfirmsHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Why the Israel “Occupation” Myth is False—and How to Defeat It Using Actual FactsHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Why Biden was right to reject a Palestinian state at the UN Security CouncilHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
The Art of the Bad Deal: Iran tricks U.S. into the worst deal of the centuryHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Judaism Is Zionism: Celebrating the New Focal Point of the Jewish PeopleHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Israel’s enemies in Gaza—and the U.S.—attack the Jewish stateHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Palestinian Police States Torture, Kill Thousands of Palestinians: U.S. Media and Politicians YawnHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Boston ‘Mapping Project’ Accuses All Jews—and Many Others—of Being Zionists, Like It or NotHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Radical educators want to make Israel a dirty word in California schools: New law suit fights backHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Democrats are increasingly abandoning Israel: Will American Jews continue to follow them?HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
You and I helped crush Ben & Jerry’s—see how we did itHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
It’s time for Western powers to terminate UNRWA, stop the hate and start anewHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
UN agency flaunts anti-Israel agenda: Time for the U.S. to resign again.HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Three Tough Questions About the Two-State Solution: It’s Time for Honest AnswersHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
U.S. tries to interfere in Jerusalem Day parade—Israel says “No, thanks.”HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
As Palestinians hide evidence, 57 Congressional Democrats demand U.S. investigate Israel’s role in reporter’s deathHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Palestinian Nakba Day mythologizes a catastrophe of self-destruction HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
How can Israel fight harder than its enemies? HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Harvard Crimson sophomorically endorses BDS and the destruction of IsraelHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
How SJP’s Antisemitism and Violent Harassment Threaten Jewish StudentsHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Israel’s Options with a Nuclear Iran: Do . . . or DieHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Time for Israel to Change the Status Quo on the Temple MountHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
“The Two-State Solution”: A Figment of the Western ImaginationHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Palestinian Terror Culture Desecrates Muslim Holy Month of RamadanHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
What Palestinians? Negev Summit builds powerful new Israel-Arab alliancesHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Palestinians’ new threat against Israel proves only their fading influenceHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
As Iran Missiles Attack US Consulate, Biden Desperately Rushes to Sign Nuclear DealHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
US loses control of Iran nuke talks, Israel loses hope of a serious dealHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Ukraine and Putin Remind Israel: You’re on your ownHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Israel to UN Commission of Inquiry: Drop Dead! HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Israel—and Israel advocates—are winning the stand-off against Ben & Jerry’s HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Whoopi’s denial of Holocaust racism is anti-Semitic—and anti-IsraelHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Absurdity undermines Amnesty International’s evil accusation of Israel apartheidHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
The Jewish people alone created Israel: Not the Holocaust and not the UN HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Media and politicians hide anti-Semitic motives of Texas synagogue terrorist HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
In domestic conflicts with Arabs, Israel again waffles on enforcing rule of law. HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Scandal as Arab-Israeli politician accepts Jewish state of Israel. HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
The UN and New York Times attack Israel again! Last chance to join the fightHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
If Israel is as terrible as its enemies claim, why do so many Palestinians prefer to live under Israeli rule?HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Will we let the anti-Semitic Israel haters win? Or will you help us fight back?HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
America’s diplomatic failure with Iran may force Israel to fight for its life—againHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Israel: How we’re winning, how we’re not—won’t you add your energy to help Israel survive? HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Why do so many nations join bizarre United Nations votes against truth, history and the Jewish State? HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
FLAME defends Israel in the NYT and Washington Post: Please review, tell us you support us! HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
How the true story of Mizrahi Jews defeats anti-Zionist mythology HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Why do radicals support Palestinians who want to destroy Israel and kill innocent Jews? HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
The Israel Genocide Lie: Why do Israel’s critics keep repeating it?HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Jewish Democrats need guts to condemn Israel’s enemies in their partyHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Memo to U.S. State Department: Admit Palestinian NGO connections to the terrorist PFLPHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Israel’s enemies again attempt the “indigenous people” lieHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Redividing Jerusalem: Perverse Symbolism by U.S. State DepartmentHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
VP Harris’s faux pas: Should we really tolerate anti-Israel hate speech?HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Democrats can no longer tolerate the Squad’s anti-Israel hatredHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Sidelining Abbas can remove the greatest obstacle to Israel-Palestinian peace HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Happy anniversary, Abraham Accords! Time for the U.S. to rejoin the party HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
All praise to nations who reject the new anti-Israel hate fest in Durban HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Reopening the U.S. “Palestinian embassy” in Jerusalem undermines Israel’s sovereignty and American interests HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Why the U.S. values Israel today—more than ever HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Will a New Iran Deal Be Biden’s Next Folly? HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Afghanistan’s collapse tells Israel it must defend itself—alone if necessary. HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
How “court Jews” help Israel’s enemies: The pathetic case of Peter Beinart HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Ignoring Truth, Ben & Jerry’s “Occupation” Simply Repeats a Big Lie HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Ben & Jerry’s doesn’t want to end the conflict, they want to end the Jewish state HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Palestinians wage a battle to defeat Israel by denying truth, facts and historyHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Why critics unjustly scorn Israel’s Jewish and democratic character HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Want an Israel-Palestinian peace? Stop hateful incitement of Palestinian youth HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Palestinian Authority Kills and Tortures Dissenters—the Media Yawn HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Who are the real colonizers in the Israel-Palestinian conflict? HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Time to expose Muslim antisemitism: It’s the cause of rising Jew-hatredHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
New York Times front-page photo-collage of dead children repackages anti-Semitic blood libelHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Media lies about Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah feed false Palestinian narrative.HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Anti-Israel bias in Gaza war coverage: Mainstream media again exposed.HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
If your friends sympathize with Hamas, show them this . . .HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Human Rights Watch’s latest report is part of a broader war to isolate and destroy IsraelHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
In Iran negotiations, U.S. needs to treat Israel as an ally—not as a client stateHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Media spin Palestinian “TikTok Intifada” into baseless slander against IsraelHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Why Israel supporters must pressure President Biden to stop anti-Israel measuresHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
What Americans. Can Learn from Israel’s Independence Day: Pride and PatriotismHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
For the EU, business opportunities outweigh the danger of Iran’s bad behavior.HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
New US State Dept. report shifts policy on Israel-Palestinian conflict to the leftHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Israel trounces BDS in the marketplace, but its PR struggle continues.HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Time for Jordan to join its Arab neighbors and embrace true peace with IsraelHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Why the Biden Administration is picking a fight with Saudi ArabiaHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Why does the New York Times incessantly attack Israel?HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Strip Ilhan Omar of membership on all House Committees for anti-SemitismHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
The ICC’s political attack on Israel makes a mockery of international lawHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Will President Biden get trapped by failed Israel-Palestinian conflict policies of the past?HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Surprise: Anti-Semites resent the IHRA Definition of AntisemitismHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
The coming Palestinian election catastrophe: How can the U.S. and our allies prevent it?HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
How the Biden Administration can improve ties to Israel and strengthen U.S. securityHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Media tell new lies about Israel excluding Palestinians from the Covid vaccineHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Biden’s Israel-Palestinian peace plans must be grounded in hard realismHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
The UN and New York Times attack Israel again! HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
The Israel-Arab Alliance: Biden’s greatest opportunity for a foreign relations triumph HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Will we let the anti-Semitic Israel haters win? Or will you help us fight back?HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
How should recent Arab-Israeli normalization agreements guide Biden’s Middle East peace strategies?HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Israel: How we’re winning, how we’re not—won’t you seize the power to help Israel survive?HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
No new Iran Deal unless we eliminate all the threats—not just illicit nuclear weapons.HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Media attack Iran assassination, Tlaib wants Israel destroyed—FLAME fights backHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Why the assassination of Iran’s nuclear weapons czar was legal and justified HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Jewish refugees from Arab countries deserve recognition and redress . . . nowHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Jewish refugees from Arab countries deserve recognition and redress . . . nowHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
New challenges for Israel supporters as the Biden Administration takes power.HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
How humanitarian Israel strives to be a “light unto the nations”—even with its enemies HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
75 years, has the UN completely exhausted its moral legitimacy? HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Time to crack down on Erdogan’s Turkey—now more an opponent than an ally HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
What the Ramallah lynchings taught us about Palestinian incitement HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
False assumptions prevent resolution of the Israel-Palestinian conflictHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
How the European Union obstructs peace between Israel and the PalestiniansHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Israel’s new African friendships quash automatic majority against the Jewish state in the UNHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
New opportunity opens for the Palestinians: Will they seize peace and prosperity . . . or let it slip away again?HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
U.S. aid to Lebanon helps Hezbollah create an Iranian puppet state.HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
“Land for Peace” Formula for the Middle East is Dead—Long Live “Peace for Peace”HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
New Israel-UAE pact shatters false myths about peace with Palestinians HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Does the standard definition of anti-Semitism squelch free speech . . . or just hate speech? HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Myth vs. Fact: Are today’s Jews the descendants of ancient Israelites? HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Israel Haters Find a New Way to Attack: Block Police Training Exchanges between the U.S. and IsraelHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Is Israel a European colonial transplant—or is it the Middle East’s most diverse nation? HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Were Jews the “Chosen People” to Create a State in the Land of Israel? HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
How Israel rescued the Promised Land from devastation and neglectHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Black Lives, Yes . . . Anti-Semites—No, No, NoHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
As Palestinians squander chances for peace, Israel strengthens its relationship with Arab states HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
False ICC Accusations Against Israel and the U.S. Underscore the Value of Our Alliance HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Palestinians Issue a “Cry for Help”—Why Won’t Concerned Politicians and Nations Step Up?HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Never Mind “Annexation”: Opponents Ignore the Number-One Obstacle to Peace Between Israel and PalestiniansHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Israel’s Sovereignty Plans for Judea-Samaria: It’s Not Annexation, It’s RestorationHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Huge Opportunity for the U.S. to Ratchet Up Pressure on Iran: Renew the U.N. Arms EmbargoHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
U.S. Aid to Lebanon Is Aid to Hezbollah Terrorists—Time to Stop ItHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
What apartheid? Israeli Arabs reject Palestinian identity—and overwhelmingly identify as IsraelisHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Even in the face of the Covid-19 crisis, Palestinians and Israel-haters can’t resist anti-Semitic slandersHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Passover in the Time of Corona Strengthens the Jewish People and the Jewish StateHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Humanitarian Aid to the Iranian People, Yes—But No Sanctions Relief for the AyatollahsHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
As Israel Helps Palestinians Fight the Coronavirus, It Disproves Anti-Semitic Lies HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Jewish Democrats’ Commitment to Israel Faces Test in Next Election HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Iran is a Mess . . . Which Creates Strategic Opportunities for Israel HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Iran is a Mess . . . Which Creates Strategic Opportunities for Israel HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Who Is the Real Cause of Gaza’s Misery? Surprise: It’s Not IsraelHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Mahmoud Abbas Flounders at the U.N.: Last Gasp for Palestinian Statehood?HTML | Printer-Friendly Version
UN Sinks to New Low: Publishes BDS-Inspired Blacklist Against IsraelHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Clueless European Union Muddles the Middle East AgainHTML | Printer-Friendly Version
Who Cares About Palestinian Rejectionism?
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World Holocaust Forum Honored Not Only The Six Million, But Also the Miracle of Israel
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Campus Anti-Semitism Reaches New Highs—Or Lows—in America
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Soleimani’s Killing Dramatically Improves Odds for Middle East Peace
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Bad Day for Middle East Terrorists: U.S.’s Soleimani Termination Should Focus the Ayatollah’s Attention—and Ours
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Israel Must Fight the Bogus International Criminal Court
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The UN and ICC attack Israel again! Last chance to join the fight—please step up before year’s end
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Will we let the anti-Semitic Israel haters win? Or will you help us fight back?
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Banning anti-Semitism on campus: The NY Times has a problem with that. Are you ready to fight back?
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Israel Must Be Wary of Two-Faced Jordan
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FLAME defends Israel in U.S. mainstream media: Please review, tell us you support us!
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Israel’s Communities in Judea/Samaria Have Always Been Legal
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European Union and 107 House Democrats attack Israel again—FLAME fights back: How you can help
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The Left calls Israel’s West Bank “settlements” illegal—how FLAME fights back
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The Palestinian Authority’s Corruption Dooms Chances for Peace
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Aid to Israel Keeps the United States Safer—Linking It to the Palestinian Conflict Is a Mistake
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The Coming Collapse of Lebanon . . . Crisis or Opportunity for Israel?
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It’s Time for the U.S. and NATO to Give Belligerent Turkey the Boot
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Arab-On-Arab Murders in Israel Soar: Israel’s to Blame . . . of course
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Trump’s Syria Drawdown Validates Israel’s Self-Sufficiency Strategy
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Israel May Be Defeating Pan-Arab Rejectionism At Home and Abroad
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Anti-Israel Lies on Facebook: New Year’s Resolution on Defeating Haters
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Israeli Democracy Speaks Again: But What Did It Say?
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Does Israel Have Rights—and Need—to Assert Sovereign Control over the Jordan Valley?
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In Lebanon, The United Nations Has Failed Israel Yet Again
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“Defending Israel”: New Dershowitz Memoir Provides Ammunition for Zionist Champions
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Did President Trump Accuse Jews of Dual Loyalty?
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Brouhaha over Omar-Tlaib Non-Visit to Israel Distracts from the Real Problem: Anti-Semites in Congress
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No . . . The United Nations Didn’t Create Israel
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If you advocate a two-state solution, you must answer these 7 tough questions
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Palestinians Threaten to Void All Agreements with Israel: No Big Deal
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New Palestinian Textbooks Teach More Jew-Hatred . . . and Undermine Peace Efforts
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The “Jesus was Palestinian” hoax: An old Big Lie gets new legs from Sarsour and Omar
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How the Palestinian strategy of lies subverts the promise of a Palestinian future
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Why Are Arab States Rejecting the Palestinian Cause?
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American and Israeli Jews’ Profound Connections and Alarming Fissures Revealed in New Survey
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Israel Need Not Fear the Fake Time-Bomb of Palestinian Demographics
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4 reasons Israel should consider annexing part of Judea-Samaria
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Palestinian Authority Desperately Pursues Suicidal Policies
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Israel’s Enemies Create an Alternative Universe in Which the Palestinians Are Martyrs, Instead of Misfits
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Old Palestinian Holocaust Lie Peddled by Rep. Rashida Tlaib
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Hamas Bombs and Kills Innocent Israeli Civilians, World Snores
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New York Times Struts Its Anti-Semitic Stuff
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Palestinian Rejection and Middle East History Are Rapidly Diminishing the Possibility of a State
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No People Deserve a State Less Than Palestinian Arabs
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Israel Supporters Who Despise Netanyahu Miss the Point
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Israel Still Seeks True and Durable Peace with Egypt
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How to Defeat the False Anti-Zionist Narrative: Tell the Truth
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Arab Authorities Abuse Their Authority on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount
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Do Jewish Democrats Care Enough to Protect Israel from Their Party?
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Anti-Semitism Triumphs in the United States Congress
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Why Palestinians Reject U.S. Peace Plan Sight Unseen
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The “Progressive Agenda” Threatens Support for Israel in America and Abroad
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Why Ilhan Omar is dead wrong about why the U.S. loves Israel
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Israel Fights Back Against Human Rights Watch’s Attacks
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Why do the Europeans still support Iran: It’s the money, stupid.
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Palestinian “Pay for Slay” Program: Even Worse Than You Thought
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Israel: Still the Scrappy Underdog in Today’s Middle East
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How the Palestinian Authority’s Perversion of Justice Prevents Peace
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Middle East Christians Are Safe Only in Israel
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Defeat Israel’s enemies! Last chance to join the fight
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The anti-Zionism controversy smokes out the snakes: Will it inspire you to fight back?
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Hezbollah Terror Tunnels Expose United Nations Impotence
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Despite vicious attacks on Israel by the media, the U.N. and Islamists, we continue to win!
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FLAME defends Israel in the New York Times: Please review, tell us you support us!
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Airbnb: A Despicable Case Study in Corporate Anti-Semitism
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3 new attacks on Israel: Airbnb, US House member, Newsweek op-ed—time to fight back
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Hamas and the U.N. attack Israel again—we fight back: How you can help
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Palestinian Leaders Ruin Democracy Hopes for Arabs . . . Yet Again
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Synagogue Killer and Israel Haters: Two Forms of Anti-Semitic Racism
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Fight Fake Palestinian History: Jews Are Israel’s Indigenous People.
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Israel’s “rule of judges” overrules law, permits BDS activist Alqasem to enter
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Israel owns the Golan Heights: Time for the U.S.—and the world—to recognize it
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Pro-Israel Praise Must Remain Bipartisan, Admit No Anti-Trump Bias
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25 years of the Oslo Accords: Why did they fail to create peace?
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Israel-Palestinian Peace Process Is Dead—But, Tragically, Palestinians Never Say Die
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The Dangerous “Palestinian Narrative” Threatens Peace for All
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Anti-Zionist Anti-Semitic Attacks on Campus Get Uglier—and More Frightening for Students
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Arab nations victimize Palestinians … yet always escape blame
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Enough is Enough: UNRWA Must Be Abolished and Replaced
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Israel Faces Military Eruption as Iran and Its Allied Militias Threaten the Golan Heights
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Jewish Schism: Liberal American Jews vs. Israeli Jews—why can’t we just be friends?
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Gerardo Joffe, FLAME Founder, Passes at 98
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Palestinians Join UN-Affiliated Organizations: Law Says US Must Defund
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Time to stop the UNRWA Palestinian refugee scam
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If you support Israel, can you also support President Trump?
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“Peaceful” Palestinian protests include Molotov cocktails, mortars and arson kites
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Will the E.U. ever support Israel? Positive signs, but why!
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U.S. finally gets tough on Iran—is regime change the goal?
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Israel haters say Gaza protests are peaceful—really?
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Should Israel Annex Area C in Judea and Samaria (“the West Bank”)?
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“What is President Trump’s strategy for stopping Iran in Syria? It’s time to act.”
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“Palestinian assaults on Israel’s border provide perfect example of anti-Israel media bias”
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“Partisan Fair-Weather Friends of Israel Are Not True Friends at All”
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“Is Donald Trump Good for Israel? It’s Complicated—Yet So Clear”
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“Palestinians reject Trump administration’s Israel-Palestinian peace plan before they see it”
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“The U.S. Should Not Expect Israel to Crush Iran’s Imperialist Aggression Alone”
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“In order to bring the Palestinians to peace, we need to insist on a hard dose of truth and reason”
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“Tired Lies of the Palestinians Are Losing Their Power on the World Stage”
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“The U.S. should stand up for Iranian protestors and against the Iranian dictatorship.”
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“Another Chance to Move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem: Will the President Do the Right Thing?”
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“Hamas and Fatah Try Reconciliation . . . Again. Why It’s a Futile Dream”
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“President Trump decertifies the Iran Deal: What does it mean and what’s our next step? “
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“President Trump’s Blast at Iran in His U.N. Speech Was Welcome, But Will He Back It with Action?”
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“It’s Time to Put Iran’s Feet to the Fire—the U.S. Must Act Now Before It’s Too Late”
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“If we want an Israel-Palestinian peace, it’s time to drain the swamp in the U.S. State Department”
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“Iran Continues to Seize Territory—and Influence—Faster than the West Can Respond”
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“President Trump’s Middle East Envoys Grow Weary—and Wary—of Palestinian Shenanigans “
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“Palestinians commit murder, then complain when Israel cracks down with increased security measures”
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“Congress Must Cut Funding if Palestinians Continue Paying Terrorists”
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“Radical Ignorance Threatens Israel: Let’s at Least Agree on the Facts”
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“Will President Trump’s Envoys—Kushner and Greenblatt—believe Palestinian Lies?”
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“Why do the mainstream media consistently lie about Israel—and what can we do about it?”
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“To achieve an Israeli-Palestinian peace, President Trump should be realistic—and honest.”
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“Can Mr. Trump Seize the Right Opportunity During His Visit to Saudi Arabia and Israel?”
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“Israel Won’t Defeat the Palestinians Militarily, But Must Defeat Them”
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“If Palestinians Don’t Like Settlements, They Should Give Peace a Chance”
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“Under the Banner of Intersectionality, Zionists are Banned from Feminist and Social Justice Groups”
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“Time is Ripe for Trump to Pull the U.S. Out of the Anti-Israel U.N. Human Rights Council”
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“It’s Time for the U.S. to Recognize Israel’s Sovereignty over the Golan Heights”
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“Israel’s New Settlement Law Draws Heavy Media Fire—But It May Be a Tempest in a Teapot”
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“Exposed: The New York Times’ Anti-Israel Double Standard and Its Treacherous ‘Narrative Bias’”
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“President Trump Should Fulfill His Promise to Move the U.S. Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem”
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“Why did Obama, Kerry and the U.N. Think It’s OK to Attack Israel (Again)?”
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“The New York Times attacks America’s new Israel Ambassador . . . for all the wrong reasons.”
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“Jimmy Carter blames Israel in the NY Times. Israel’s support among Americans slips.”
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“As Iran continues to violate the nuclear agreement, President Trump needs to get tough.”
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“President Trump Has No Track Record on Israel, But It Already Feels Better Than Obama.”
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“UNESCO Declares the Temple Mount a Purely Muslim Holy Site—Rebukes Jews and Christians.”
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“If President Obama Moves to Force a Palestinian State, Will Congress Be Able Stop Him?”
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“Why Do the Palestinians Insist on Ethnically Cleansing “Palestine” of Jews—and Why Is That OK?”
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“Palestinians Schedule Elections for October: Can They—Can We—Afford this Brand of “Democracy”?”
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“New U.S.-Israel Aid Deal Nears Completion, But Is Fraught with Flaws: Should Israel Sign?”
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“Egyptian Snub of Israeli at the Olympics Symbolizes Crippling Anti-Semitism in Arab Society”
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“Diversion of Funds to Hamas Sparks Scandal for U.S. Charity and U.N. Development Fund”
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“Is It Islamophobic to Tell the Truth about Islamist Radicalization?”
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“The Myth of the Lone Wolf and How We Must Fight Islamic Terrorism”
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“No Hope for Peace Between Israel and the Palestinians until Hateful Incitement Stops”
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“Arabs’ Problem with Jews Is Not Complex: It’s Simply That They Exist”
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“Anti-Semites, Hiding Behind Anti-Zionism, Raise Their Voices . . . and Get Scarier”
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“Bernie Sanders reveals his true feelings about Israel, and they disqualify him for President”
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“President Obama considering new Israeli-Palestinian peace proposal—at Israel’s expense?”
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“In the Search for Moderate Muslims, Twinkles of Hope”
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“The West levels Ramadi in order to save it—but where’s the outrage we saw regarding Gaza?”
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“A New Study Ranks Israel High in Quality of Life Among World’s Nations—Great Reason to Celebrate!”
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“Your last chance to help Israel in 2015. Support FLAME’s efforts to spread the truth: Donate now.”
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“Debating Israel at My Thanksgiving Table—and at the United Nations: Proof That Our Job Is Not Done”
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“Prime Minister Netanyahu Makes Nice with President Obama—and Makes His Pitch for $50 Billion”
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“Bill Clinton, Ignoring His Own Experience, Tells Israelis That Peace Is Up to Them. Excuse Me?”
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“Deadly risks of being an Israeli Jew—and an Arab who tells the truth”
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“A UN resolution—supported by the US—fuels Palestinians’ anti-Semitic violence”
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“Palestinian Violence Against Jewish Israelis Heats Up—What’s the Cause this Time?”
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“President Obama Owes Americans—and Israelis—Answers to 10 Tough Questions”
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“Key Democrats Come in from the Cold, Oppose the Iran Deal”
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“President Obama Gives Iran-Deal Opponents a Nasty (Unbecoming) Tongue Lashing”
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“Mr. Obama’s Iran Deal Is a U.S. Disaster—But It Is Also a Threat to Jews “
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“Two ways you can help Israel and the United States today”
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“Mr. Obama Accuses Iran-Deal Critics of Dishonesty: Let’s Take a Closer Look at Who’s Lying.”
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“Iran Disaster: Have Kerry & Co. Negotiated the Worst Deal in U.S. History?”
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“Let’s Not Get Suckered by a Bad Iran Deal. Given What We Know, We Must Be Ready to Act”
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“Why Is Israel-Beleaguered on All Sides-One of the Happiest Nations on Earth?”
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“The President Speaks Out on Israel: PR Spin Triumphs over Facts in the Middle East”
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“Does Anyone Trust Iran besides President Obama? Congress Must Kill the Iran Deal.”
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“Iran Is Our Enemy — and Rubs Our Noses in It at Every Opportunity.”
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“Netanyahu’s Speech Wins over Many Critics, Raises the Bar for an Iran Nuclear Agreement”
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“Why Is President Obama Upset about Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress on Iran?”
“They assassinate crying ‘Allahu Akbar,’ but Mr. Obama refuses to call them radical Islamists: Why?”
“If the Palestinians really want a state, why have they rejected every offer since 1937?”
“The new ‘car intifada’ in Jerusalem exposes the lie that the Palestinians want peace”
“What kind of borders does Israel need for security in the Age of the Islamic State?”
“Abbas at the UN (Again): We Don’t Want Peace with Israel”
“Palestinians miss another chance for statehood: Do you feel sorry for them?”
“Congress Sends Letter Showing Increasing Distrust of Obama on Iran Negotiations”
“The BDS movement—and anti-Semitism—gain new momentum in academia”
“The Ill-Begotten Iran Deal Is a Devil’s Bargain—for Which the U.S. and Israel Will Pay Dearly”
“How the World’s Most Powerful Anti-Semitic Organization Seeks to Destroy Israel”
“Obama administration, obsessed with wooing Islamists, alienates long-time friend Saudi Arabia”
“Israel Is Playing the Bad Cop to Iran, But Will President Obama Play Cop At All?”
“Why Obama’s Choices in the Middle East Make Israel—and the Rest of Us—Paranoid”
“Obama’s Indecision on Syria Disappoints, Frightens and Angers Israelis”
“How Should the U.S. Respond to Mideast Turmoil? Help Our Friends—Defeat Our Enemies. (Duh!)”
“How should Israel respond to the EU’s recent declaration of war? Not with a whimper.”
“EU’s hypocritical attack on Israeli settlements will harm peace negotiations. “
“How to Explode the Myth of ‘Illegal’ Israeli Settlements”
“Sheikh Qaradawi Orders Conquest of Israel by Palestinians: So Much for a Two-State Solution”
“What Obama’s Israel trip means for the Jewish state—and for vital American interests “
“Israel Is Constantly Demonized at the UN, But a Slave State Gets Rewarded”
“Recent anti-Semitic cartoon in British newspaper shows that Israel bashing is growing safer”
“The Palestinian Authority covers up its financial, political and moral bankruptcy”
“An Israeli Arab Women Explains to Arabs Why She Loves Israel (Let’s Start with Freedom)”
“Is the U.S. at War with Islamism . . . | Is Islamism at War with Us? We Need to Face Reality”
“Where are all the leftist protesters against crimes in Syria, Egypt and Libya?”
“Why Do the Arabs Continue to Disrespect the U.S.—Despite President Obama’s Fawning Overtures?”
“Israel’s Best Defense Against Perennial Attacks by the International Community Is . . . the Facts”
“Do Arabs Have the Culture—and the Society—They Deserve . . . | Do They Want Better?”
“With Iran Negotiations Failed, What Should the U.S., What Should Israel Do?”
“Let’s Admit It: The Israel-Palestinian Peace Process Is Dead”
“When author Alice Walker says Israel is “apartheid,” she’s really confessing to bigotry and libel”
“Can We Be Friends with Our Enemies in Egypt, Even if They’re Democratically Elected?”
“Why Do Some Christians Support Israel Fervently . . . and Others Oppose It?”
“No False Bargains with Iran Hardliners Who Threaten Israel and the Whole World”
“Vicious Attacks on Israel’s Legitimacy—and How We Must Fight Back”
“Who Are the Palestinian Refugees, Really—and When Will They Be Set Free by the United Nations?”
“Against All Odds, Israel Survives and Thrives at Age 64: How Has She Done It?”
“Let’s Rethink It: Maybe a Palestinian State Isn’t Such a Good Idea, After All”
“The maddening hypocrisy that is anti-Semitism: Why can’t the Jews escape it?”
“Who Will Stand Up for the Jews of Toulouse?”
“As the World Watches the Arab Uprisings and Belligerent Iran, Palestinians Are Left in the Cold”
“The farce that is Israel Apartheid Week appears on campuses once again”
“Why Does the Obama Administration Refuse to Help Syria (and Stop Iran)?”
“It’s time we speak up: If they’re anti-Zionists, they’re anti-Semites, pure and simple.”
“The Time for Hesitation Is Nearly at an End: Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions Must Be Stopped Now”
“Why Do Jews Stand By and Allow Anti-Semitic Bigots to Attack Them? Jackie Mason Has an Answer”
“Killing Iranian Nuclear Scientists May Be the Best Hope for Stopping the Mullahs”
“Gingrich’s Assertion That the Palestinians Are “Invented” Is True. But Why Did They Do It?”
“Do the Palestinians Really Want Peace with Israel . . . | Do They Want to Conquer Israel?”
“The United Nations’ Durban III Conference Reasserts Its Racist, Anti-Israel Agenda”
“UNESCO Violates Charter, Admits Palestinians … Loses $70 Million in U.S. Funding.”
“The Palestinian Authority to Pay Salaries to Recently Released Terrorists with U.S. Taxpayer Money”
“Despite All Israel’s Struggles, Its Creativity and Resourcefulness Mean That Time Is on Its Side”
“Mahmoud Abbas at the UN: Jews have occupied Arab land for 63 years—and we want it all back.”
“Why does Israel keep insisting that the Palestinians accept a “Jewish” state? What’s the big deal?”
“It’s time for President Obama to accept the reality: You can’t make peace with evil people”
“Israel dodges a bullet in the UN, but suffers a humiliating attack from the Obama administration”
“Dim prospects for peace with the Palestinians—what are Israel’s prospects if there is no peace?”
“Muslim Apartheid Targets Christians as well as Jews in the Middle East”
“How can there ever be an Arab-Israeli peace amidst hatred like this?“
“The 10 greatest lies about Israel . . . and why we must fight them.“
“What would the U.S. do if the Palestinians skip peace negotiations and just declare a state?“
“To achieve a Middle East peace, Palestinians—and President Obama—must face the facts“
“Israel must preserve its Jewish nature: The new oath of allegiance helps“
“What are the goals of the current peace talks? Another Islamist terror state in the Middle East?“
“Life in Gaza is actually far better than in many other parts of the world“
“World’s criticism of Israel: “Useful idiots” leading the West to destruction“
“Palestinian Authority continues to incite hate of Israel in the face of peace talks“
“Hate speech, anti-Israel speech and the First Amendment: How to reconcile them“
“A radical peace proposal: Israel must win the war against the Palestinians“
“Please write President Obama: Stop the war on Israel! It’s not the settlements, not Jerusalem, not Israel blocking peace—it’s the Palestinians“
“Exposing the outrageous truth: The world (again) uses a double standard to judge Israel”
“What is being done to help the ‘poor’ Palestinians . . . and whatrole is Israel playing?”
“The inspiring success story of Israel and the Jews: How can anyone support Israel’s enemies?”
“Palestinians scorn Netanyahu’s settlement overture, refuse to discuss peace, blame Israel”
“Jihad at Fort Hood: Is political correctness keeping us from knowing the truth?”
“J Street claims to support Israel, but in truth provides devious cover for anti-Zionists”
“Soft-Shoe Diplomacy Is Failing: It’s Time for Obama to Get Real… and Get Tough”
“Israel’s PM Netanyahu’s brilliant speech at the U.N.: ‘Have you no decency? Have you no shame?'”
“How can Obama support the creation of a new Arab terror state?”
“Sweden’s blood libel accusation represents a new low, even by European standards”
“Is Israel preparing to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities? Is the U.S. granting permission?”
“When Obama pressures Israel to stop settlements, he ignores the facts and lessons of history”
“The struggle to combat media bias: An exclusive interview with Honest Reporting’s Gary Kenzer”
“Bashir’s genocide against African Muslims is permitted by Arabs because. . . he’s not Jewish?”
“Anti-Zionism | anti-Semitism — they’re both born of hate”
“Arabs and leftists deny Israel’s right to exist because they deny history”
“Yes!Efforts by FLAME and others succeed in rousting Charles Freeman—but now he condemns the “pro-Israel lobby” for undue influence.”
“Obama’s pick of Israel critic Freeman for National Intelligence Council deserves our protest”
“When does anti-Israel criticism turn into anti-Semitism? Quite often lately, in fact.”
“Media attack Israel using bad “facts” — when will it stop?”
battles Hamas so the U.S. and the rest of the world don’t have to”
“Why Israel must take advantage of this historic opportunity to put Hamas out
of business”
“Preparing for the U.S.-Israel collision”
“UNGA head accuses Israel of apartheid”
“How the jihadist-multicultural alliance abets evil”
“Palestinian civil war casts shadow over peace talks”
“Barack Obama links Israel peace plan to 1967 borders deal”
“Let’s calm down: Obama’s first appointment looks promising for Israel”
“ZOA Congratulates President-Elect Barack Obama”
“Palestinians: Better occupation than a partial peace”
“Palestinian ‘peace partners’ promote hate, reports Canadian MP Irwin Cotler”
“The end of the ‘guilty Israeli’: Empathy has become a victim of the Palestinian attacks from Gaza”
“Lecturing Israel on the Need for Peace? Give Me a Break, Please”
“Anti-Semitism and the Anti-Israel Lobby”
“Counterpoint: A Liberal’s Lament”
“The War Against the Free World”
“The Apple of HIS eye…Why Christians Should Support Israel”
“Strategist: Iran believes it could destroy Israel with a single nuke ”
“Iraq Study Group: Reverse both the linkage and the logic”
“The World According to Carter”
“Hamas Insists They’ll Keep Fighting Until Palestine Stretches from the River to the Sea”
“Olmert and Bush: The Consequences of an Israeli Defeat Would Be Ugly”
“The Media Aims Its Missiles: Working for the Enemy”
“Deterrence against Hamas: Israel may have no choice but to establish security zones in Gaza”
“Iran Policy Committee On Growing Iranian Nuclear Threat To Israel”
“West Bank terrorist state: The folly of Israeli disengagement”
“16 Important Facts About Jews, Arabs and Israel”
“The Face of Hamas”
New York Times, April 16, 2002
“The First Terrorist People”
by David Horowitz,, January 26, 2006
“Throttle a Hamas Government Financially”
by Daniel Pipes, National Post, January 27, 2006
[The Hamas electoral victory:] Democracy’s bitter fruit”
by Daniel Pipes, National Post, January 27, 2006
“Stop Iran”
by Joseph Farah,, January 17, 2006
by Bret Stephens, The Wall Street Journal, December 31, 2005
“Yasser Abbas”
by Tom Gross, The Wall Street Journal, December 22, 2005
“Iran’s nuclear threat escalates — shouldn’t we respond now?”
by Jonathan Missner, Director of National Affairs and Development AIPAC, December 22, 2005
“Palestinians Taste a Dose of Their Own Medicine”
by Daniel Pipes, New York Sun, November 15, 2005
“Many in Jordan See Old Enemy in Terror Attacks: Israel”
by Michael Slackman, The New York Times, November 11, 2005
“Peace At Last, Peace at Last”
by Steven Plaut, June 7, 2002
“Palestinian clerics preach hate of the US and Israel — can we really make peace with them?”
by Jim Sinkinson, July 21, 2005
“Can Hezbollah and Hamas Be Democratic?”
by Daniel Pipes, New York Sun, March 22, 2005
“Why Islam Is Disrespected”
by Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe, May 19, 2005
“The World Versus a Nuclear Iran”
Editorial, HaAretz, May 15, 2005
“Everybody Loses in Sharon’s Gaza Plan”
by Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe, May 9, 2005
“Unplug Your Computer, Throw Away Your Mobile Phone”
by Douglas Davis, The Spectator, April 16, 2005
“Hamas: We’ll Keep Our Weapons Until the End of the Occupation”
by Amos Harel, Haaretz Service and News Agencies, April 26, 2005
“The Hell of Israel Is Better than the Paradise of Arafat”
by Daniel Pipes, Middle East Quarterly, Spring, 2005
“Sharon and the Bush Doctrine”
by Caroline Glick, Jerusalem Post, March 27, 2005
“Understanding The Religious War Against Israel And America:Barbarism As Sacrifice”
by Louis Rene Beres, Jewish Press, March 24, 2005
“Don’t Wobble, Mr. President”
by Caroline Glick, Jerusalem Post, March 10, 2005
“The Oslo Failure . . . All Over Again”
by Herb Zweibon, Outpost, March, 2005
“Palestinian Police Won’t Stop Militants”
by Lara Sukhtian, Washington Post, February 16, 2005
“Why the Palestinians Came to the Table”
by Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post, February 11, 2005
“One German Who Gets It—Europe: Thy Name Is Cowardice”
by Mattias Dapfner, CEO, Axel Springer, Die Welt, January, 2005
“The Deeper Meanings of “Disengagement”
by Professor Louis Rene Beres, January 25, 2005
“A World Without Israel: A University Plays Host toAnti-Semites and Terror Advocates”
by Josef Joffe, January 18, 2005
“The Intifada Comes to Duke”
by Eric Adler and Jack Langer, Commentary, January 11, 2005
“Can Abbas Overcome the Arafat Legacy? It Doesn’t Look Good”
by Jim Sinkinson, January 4, 2005
“The Season to be Jolly . . . in the Holy Land”
by Judy Lash Balint, December 28, 2004
Arab-US summit held in Morocco
by Jim Sinkinson, December 14, 2004
“How Strong Is the Arab Claim to Palestine?”
by Lawrence Auster,, December 7, 2004
Presbyterian Church’s Harmful Resolutions on Israel
by Jim Sinkinson, November 30, 2004
“The Region: Two, Three, Many Arafats”
by Barry Rubin, The Jerusalem Post, November 23, 2004
“Arafat the Monster”
by Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe, November 16, 2004
“Strike Four, You’re Out!”
by Barry Rubin, Jerusalem Post, November 9, 2004
“Twisted Words and Phrases (2): More examples of Arab Propaganda, Giving New Meaning to Old Words” November 2, 2004
“Israel Cultivates Nobel laureates, Arabs Cultivate Suicide Bombers”
by Farid Ghadry, Israel Insider, October 18, 2004
“The Top 10 Facts You Need to Know About Israel and the Middle East conflict.” October 19, 2004
“When Churches Head Left” by John Leo, October 12, 2004
“The Misrepresentation of the Jewish Communities/Settlements in Judea, Samaria, Gaza and the Golan Heights (I)”
by Yoram Ettinger, The Ariel Center for Policy Research, The Jerusalem Cloakroom #118, October 05, 2004
“Calling Terrorism by Its Real Name” Editorial, The Ottawa Citizen, September 28, 2004
“Dual Loyalty and Larry Franklin” New York Sun, September 21, 2004
“Innocent Religion is Now a Message of Hate”
by Eric Adler and Jack Langer, The Sunday Telegraph (London), September 14, 2004
“Why Do We Support Israel?: Does the Average American Understand What’s at Stake?”
by Patrick D. O’Brien, September 7, 2004
“Palestinians Vote for Reforms; Fear Arafat Inaction”
by Reuters, August 31, 2004
“Palestinian Inquiry Blames Yasser Arafat for Anarchy”
by Arnon Regular, August 24, 2004
“Jerusalem and the 9/11 Report” Editorial, Connecticut Jewish Ledger, August 17, 2004
“Who is Humiliating Whom?”
by Eli E. Hertz, Jewish World, August 10, 2004
“Presbyterian Church Defames Christianity”
by Dennis Prager, Jewish World Review, August 3, 2004
“Why Israel Needs a Fence”
by Benjamin Netanyahu, New York Times, July 27, 2004