May 18, 2005
Friend of FLAME:
As you know, Iran is governed by Islamic fundamentalists---people,
like Osama bin Laden, who believe the world should be governed by
Islamic theocracies. These Islamists have no problem killing countless
numbers of other people, including their own suicide jihadists, and
utterly destroying symbols of Western society (like the World Trade
Center) to accomplish their ends. For decades Iran has hidden its
program for developing weapons-grade nuclear material, but now theyve
come defiantly out in the open. The Germans, French and English have
been negotiating with Tehran in the hopes of persuading the Iranians
to abandon their headlong path to nuclear weaponry, but even the patient
Europeans are becoming frustrated at Irans recalcitrance. So
what are the stakes here? How bad could it be if Iran acquires nuclear
weapons? The answer is, unspeakably horrible. Indeed, there is no
greater threat to the worlds survival than a nuclear-armed Iran
. . . and time is growing short to prevent this eventuality.
The editorial below, from Israels leading newspaper, HaAretz,
lays out the stakes and the options. To get even more depth on this
frightening subject, I strongly recommend you review FLAMEs
recent hasbarah (clarifying message), Iran and Nuclear
Weapons: What does the world, what does Israel have to fear?
One thing is clear: We must urge our leaders to proceed with an iron
will in the face of Irans nuclear intentions. This theocracy
simply cannot be allowed to develop weaponry capable of setting off
a worldwide nuclear holocaust . . . since of all the worlds
bad actors, none is more capable of sacrificing everything---all of
civilization---in the name of God. Its a risk we cannot take.
Best regards,
Jim Sinkinson
Director, FLAME
you believe that spreading the word about Irans nuclear
threat is critical and urgent, we encourage you to support the
publication of FLAMEs position paper on this timely issue
nationally and internationally. To make a donation online, please
go to
Thanks in advance. |
Editorial, HaAretz, May 15, 2005
The revolutionary Islamic regime in Tehran is trying
to buy time. A few days, until the end of the month, when the conference
reviewing the state of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty disperses.
A few weeks, until the middle of next month, when presidential elections
take place in Iran. A few months until they obtain sufficient enriched
uranium-fissurable material required to produce nuclear bombs and
The Iranians are prepared to use any trick, say anything, pretend
as much as their interlocutors desire, so long as time passes and
they can, one dark day, announce, as a fait accompli, that they possess
nuclear weapons.
It's possible that Iran's objectives are purely defensive, deterrence
or political, but its authorities are threatening Israelworking
outright for its annihilation and operating proxies against Israel
in Lebanon, in the territories and in distant arenas.
Israel defers its concerns regarding powerful militaries in the
region, such as Egypt's and Saudi Arabia's, because of the pro-Western
orientation of the regimes in Cairo and Riyadh. Tehran already fulfills
one of two negative conditionsa hostile regimebut lacks
the destructive force to implement its designs. Israel, therefore,
must not treat the Iranian nuclear threat with complacency, as though
it did not exist, or as though the problem can only be handled by
another party.
By its very existence, the Iranian threat justifies Israeli preparations
to frustrate it. As far as tactics are concerned, the [Israeli] government's
approach is correctnot to lead the global efforts to thwart
the Iranian threat. Iran constitutes a challenge to the international
system, which is founded on voluntary membership in regional and global
organizations and adherence to the charters of these organizations.
In contrast to India, Pakistan and Israel, which chose to preserve
their freedom of operation even at the cost of forgoing benefits and
remained outside the nuclear nonproliferation treaty club, Iran tried
to gain nuclear assistance for peaceful purposes as a member of the
club, while flouting its obligation and clandestinely working to acquire
nuclear weapons. North Korea did the same, until it withdrew from
the club.
International acquiescence to Iran's conduct would shatter the
framework for the nonproliferation campaign. Additional countries
would be quick to conclude that they wouldn't suffer should they follow
in its footsteps. In the Middle East, the effect would be even more
immediate and severe.
Israel wouldn't be the only one to find it difficult to do nothing.
Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Turkey would identify an Iranian threat, at
least in terms of regional supremacy. Just as Iran attacked the Iraqi
nuclear reactor in the fall of 1980 and drew pleasure from the fact
that, after its failure, Israel came along and destroyed the reactor
in June 1981, so, unless it is stopped, a nuclear Iran would overshadow
the entire region.
The three leading countries in the European UnionBritain, Germany
and Franceare close to despairing of Iran's antics. The next
stage is a report to the Security Council, which would consider sanctions.
Only after these have been exhausted would it be time to use force,
American or otherwise. This is essentially the correct course of action,
whose weakness lies in the fact that, meanwhile, time is passing -
and the Iranian clock may be running faster than the world clock.