Israel and Its Liberal ‘Friends’
by Bret Stephens
The Wall Street Journal, June 8, 2010

Questions for liberals: What does it mean
to be a friend of Israel? What does it mean to be a friend of the Palestinians?
And should the same standards of friendship apply to Israelis and Palestinians
alike, or is there a double standard here as well?
It has become the predictable refrain among Israel's liberal
critics that their criticism is, in fact, the deepest form of friendship.
Who but a real friend, after all, is willing to tell Israel the hard truths
it will not tell itself? Who will remind Israel that it is now the strong
party, and that it cannot continue to play the victim and evade the duties
of moral judgment and prudential restraint? Above all, who will remind
Israel that it cannot go on denying Palestinians their rights, their dignity,
and a country they can call their own?
The answer, say people like Peter Beinart, formerly of the
New Republic, is people like . . . Peter Beinart. And now that Israel
has found itself in another public relations hole thanks to last week's
raid on the Gaza flotilla, Israelis will surely be hearing a lot more
from him.
Now consider what it means for liberals to be friends of
the Palestinians.
Here, the criticism becomes oddly muted. So Egypt, a country
that also once occupied Gaza, enforces precisely the same blockade on
the Strip as Israel: Do liberal friends of Palestine urge the Obama administration
to get tough on Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak as they urge him to do
with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu? So a bunch of "peace"
activists teams up with a Turkish group of virulently anti-Semitic bent
and with links both to Hamas and al Qaeda: Does this prompt liberal soul-searching
about the moral drift of the pro-Palestinian movement? So Hamas trashes
a U.N.-run school, as it did the other week, because it educates girls:
Do liberals wag stern fingers at Palestinians for giving up on the dream
of a secular, progressive state?
Well, no. And no. And no. Instead, liberal
support for Palestinians is now mainly of the no-hard-questions-asked
variety. But that is precisely the kind of support that liberals decry
as toxic when it comes to Western support for Israel.
I leave it to others to decide whether this is simple hypocrisy
or otherwise evidence of how disingenuous claims by certain liberals to
friendship with Israel have become. Still, these liberals insist that
their remonstrances are necessary because, without them, Israelis won't
get the tough love they need.
Really? Consider a sample of recent clippings from the Israeli
press. An editorial in Haaretz: "Like a robot lacking judgment .
. . that's how the [Israeli] government is behaving in its handling of
the aid flotillas to the Gaza Strip." A columnist in the Jerusalem
Post: "As evil as these jihadists [aboard the flotilla] are, they
were acting in a cause the whole decent, democratic world knows is right:
Freedom for Gaza. Freedom for the Palestinians. And end to the occupation.
An end to the blockade." A member of Israel's cabinet: "We need
to ease the population's conditions and find security-sensitive, worthy
alternatives to the embargo."
None of this indicates a society lacking in a capacity for
self-criticism. Yet that capacity hardly has any parallel in the closed
circle of Palestinian media or politics, a point that ought to bother
Western liberals.
It doesn't. One wonders why.
Part of the reason surely has to be intellectual
confusion, an inability to grasp the difference between national "liberation"
and genuine freedom. Ho Chi Minh was not a "freedom fighter,"
and neither was Yasser Arafat. How many times does the world have to go
through this drill for liberals to get the point?
There's also a psychology at work. Harvard's Ruth Wisse
calls it "moral solipsism"—obsessive regard for your own
moral performance; complete indifference to the performance of those who
wish you ill.
Finally there's the fact that liberalism has become a politics
of easy targets. Liberals have no trouble taking stands against abstinence
educators, Prop 8 supporters or members of the tea party. But when it
comes to genuine bigots and religious fanatics—and Hamas has few
equals in those categories—liberals have a way of discovering their
capacity for cultural nuance and political pragmatism.
Today, by contrast, the task of defending Israel is hard.
It's hard because defenders must eschew cliches about "the powerful"
and "the powerless." It is hard because it goes against prevailing
ideological fashions. And it's hard because it requires an appreciation
that the choice of evils that endlessly confronts Israeli policy makers
is not something they can simply wash their hands of by "ending the
occupation." They tried that before—in Gaza.
Is there a liberalism that is capable of
recognizing this? Or are we again at the stage where it has been consumed
by its instinct for fellow-traveling? In 1968, Eric Hoffer wrote: "I
have a premonition that will not leave me; as it goes with Israel so will
it go with all of us. Should Israel perish the holocaust will be upon
us." By "us," he meant liberals, too, and maybe most of

Facts and Logic About the Middle East
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San Francisco, CA 94159
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