Palestinians Need Israel to Win
by Bret Stephens
The Wall Street Journal, January 6, 2009

Maybe this column would get a better reception
if it were titled, "No Endgame for Israel." Because the quantity
of commentary claiming that Israel cannot possibly achieve any kind of
successful outcome in Gaza is already approaching presurge levels of Iraq
The argument that Israel's assault on Gaza is an exercise
in futility has four main parts. First, say the critics, Israel cannot
defeat Hamas by restricting its attacks to the relatively safe distance
of airstrikes and a limited land incursion. Down that road lies a reprise
of the failed 2006 war with Hezbollah.
Next, they say, the human cost of taking physical control
of Gaza will be too high in terms of Israeli soldiers and Palestinian
civilians. Down that road lie memories of the 1982 siege of Beirut.
Third, we are told that the only method by which Israel
can prevent Hamas from regaining power is by resorting to another full-scale
occupation. Down that road lies endless international condemnation and,
inevitably, another excruciating intifada.
Finally, we hear that by invading Gaza,
Israel has further weakened Palestinian moderates and midwifed into existence
yet another generation of jihadists. Down that road lies the end of the
two-state solution and, demography being what it is, the end of the Jewish
state itself.
On this last point, it would be interesting to know how
a two-state solution is supposed to come about by allowing Hamas to continue
to rule half of a presumptive Palestinian state. Are we now to endorse
a three-state solution of Israel, Hamastan and Fatahland? Are Israelis
supposed to support a peace deal by looking at Gaza as the model for what
they should expect in the West Bank? Is Mahmoud Abbas's hand strengthened
by the mockery Hamas makes of his claims to presidential authority? And,
speaking of Palestinian moderates, shouldn't the test of their moderation
be a willingness to stand up to Hamas, if only rhetorically?
Then there is the matter of the war itself. Israel has already
demonstrated that it has learned the principal lessons from the war with
Hezbollah. It did not wait too long to begin the ground campaign. It resisted
the lure of a premature cease-fire, engineered by others. It did not promise
ambitious goals at the war's outset only to walk away from them amid military
and diplomatic complications.
On the contrary, the stated goal of a "quiet"
border with Gaza has the dual advantage of suggesting a degree of restraint
while allowing Jerusalem to preserve its options as the battle unfolds.
"Quiet" does not require the destruction of Hamas. But neither
does it exclude it.
In other words, instead of being forced
publicly to ratchet its aims downward, as it did in Lebanon, Jerusalem
can now ratchet them upward, putting Hamas off-balance and perhaps tempting
it to cut its losses by accepting a cease-fire on terms acceptable to
Israel. Doing so would not quite amount to a defeat for Hamas. But it
would be an unambiguous humiliation for a group whose greatest danger
lies in its pretension of invincibility. Burst balloons aren't easily
It is precisely for this reason that Hamas will likely fight
on, in the hopes that Israel will flinch. Critics of military action point
to this damned-if-Israel-does, damned-if-it-doesn't scenario as evidence
of the folly of the war.
Yet by no means is it obvious that the Israeli army needs
to walk directly into a Gaza City Götterdämmerung in order to
achieve its military aims. Hamas has been able to arm itself with increasingly
sophisticated rockets thanks to a vast network of tunnels running below
its border with Egypt. Israel found it difficult to destroy that network
prior to its withdrawal from Gaza and will not easily do so now. But by
bisecting the Strip, as it has now done, it will have no trouble preventing
these rockets from moving north to their usual staging ground, thereby
achieving a critical war aim without giving Hamas easy opportunities to
hit back.
Israel also has much to gain by avoiding
a frontal assault on Gaza's urban areas in favor of the snatch-and-grab
operations that have effectively suppressed Hamas's terrorist infrastructure
in the West Bank. A long-term policy aimed squarely at killing or capturing
Hamas's leaders, destroying arms caches and rocket factories, and cutting
off supply and escape routes will not by itself destroy the group. But
it can drive it out of government and cripple its ability to function
as a fighting force. And this, in turn, could mean the return of Fatah,
the closest thing Gaza has to a "legitimate" government.
All this will be said to amount to another occupation, never
mind that there are no settlers in this picture, and never mind, too,
that Israel was widely denounced for carrying out an "effective occupation"
of the Strip after it imposed an economic blockade on Hamas. (By this
logic, the U.S. is currently "occupying" Cuba.) If Israel is
going to achieve a strategic victory in this war, it will have to stand
firm against this global wave of hypocrisy and cant.
Israel will also have to practice a more
consistent policy of deterrence than it has so far done. One option: For
every single rocket that falls randomly on Israeli soil, an Israeli missile
will hit a carefully selected target in Gaza. Focusing the minds of Hamas
on this type of "proportionality" is just the endgame that Israel

Facts and Logic About the Middle East
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