Letter to Washington Report on Middle East Affairs:
Obsession with USS Liberty incident

August 18, 2005
The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs is
a very slick and well-edited monthly that fervently promotes the Arab/Palestinian
cause and heaps scorn on Israel and on American Jews. FLAME is
a particular bête noir of theirs and they mention our organization
in their columns in almost every issue. FLAME President
Gerardo Joffe has frequently written them and they have quite often published
his letters.
One of the publication’s obsessions is the 1967 Israeli
attack on the USS LIBERTY. They have an article about this Israeli “perfidy” in
almost every issue. In the current (August) issue, they have once again
(not just one, but two) articles on this topic.
Dear Editor:
I have just received the August issue of your magazine.
As always, it is professionally done and very well edited.
But I am surprised and must take exception to what can
only be described as your "obsession" with the attack on the
USS LIBERTY, which took place in 1967 -- 38 years ago!
You seem to have an article on this deplorable accident
in every issue of your publication. The August issue features a "twofer" --
articles by
both Mr. Findley and by Ms. Hanley.
I wonder why you refuse to accept that this was an unfortunate accident
in the middle of a raging war. This has been proven conclusively by
congressional investigation and by in-depth books and articles written
about it.
It appears that you keep using this hoary incident as
something on which to hang your editorial hatred of Israel.
There are so many other pertinent things that you could
mention, such as:
• the Arabs' murderous attack on the Israeli
athletes at the Munich Olympics;
• the countless attacks by Jihadists in which
hundreds and thousands of Jews, Israelis, and others all over the world
have lost their lives;
• the Arab attack on the Marines barrack in Beirut,
in which hundreds of American service persons died;
• the 1997 bombing by Arabs of the Khobar Towers
in Saudi Arabia, in which 23 Americans were killed;
• the attack by Iraqi forces (in peacetime) on
the USS STARK in the Persian Gulf, which killed almost exactly as many
Navy personnel as were killed in the USS LIBERTY incident;
• the attack by Arabs on the USS COLE, with the
loss of many American servicemen;
• And, of course, last but certainly not least,
the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, in which over 3,000 Americans
lost their lives -- followed by the deadly attacks on Spanish trains
and the London subway system.
All those were deliberate attacks by Arabs against American
assets and personnel. And then there are the regrettable and unavoidable
accidents of war (and sometimes peace) such as:
• the tragic incident, not too many years ago, in which,
in peacetime, trigger-happy personnel of the USS VINCENNES (an American
warship) shot down a civilian commercial Iranian airliner, killing
over 200 innocent people;
• the accidental bombing, as a result of intelligence
error, by which our pilots bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade and
by the hundreds of other civilians whom U.S. forces killed by intelligence
error in the "Kosovo action".
But none of that seems to be of any importance to you
-- the USS LIBERTY seems to consume you totally. And nowhere do you mention
that Israel, though innocent, paid heavy compensation to the U.S. government
and to the victims of this incident.
I hope I live that long, but I would not be surprised
if in 50 years from now, you would still editorialize about the "perfidious
act of the Israelis" in attacking the USS LIBERTY.
On a somewhat lighter note, in Mr. Kilgore's article, "U.S.
Gets Tough on
Israeli Arms Sales to China," he describes the Lavi
fighter plane as "US-designed and paid for". Mr. Kilgore is
in serious error. The Lavi was totally designed in Israel, though there
was indeed some U.S. financial contribution.

Gerardo Joffe
President, FLAME
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