
Letter to the editor of
The New York Times:

October 1, 2002
Dear Editor:
I am so disappointed that a fine paper like The New
York Times would have made its pages available to the scurrilous writing
of David Grossman. Mr. Grossman is a well-known Israeli leftist, who has
spent his entire career maligning his own country and befouling his own
nest. Space does not permit to counter his lies and accusations in detail.
One thing is clear, however: The Jews are great people, who, for more
than 2000 years, have been able to overcome and outlive their enemies
from Pharaoh in Egypt, through the Crusades, the Inquisition and
even through the Holocaust and the murderous Arabs. They will also be
able to overcome such as David Grossman and his ilk. And shame on The
New York Times for publishing such drivel.
Gerardo Joffe, President