How do we decide that now is the time to act? What does it take?
A friend recently sent me this quote from Albert Einstein:
“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”
If ever in our lives we were called on to defend the Jewish people . . . and the State of Israel—the world’s only refuge for Jews—surely now is that time.
Let’s not forget the pledge that good people made after Holocaust: Jews and gentiles alike took an oath, declaring, “Never again.” We won’t let it happen.
So many people say they love and support Israel, but they simply don’t know how to get involved. They don’t have time or they don’t have thousands of dollars to give.
I understand completely, but consider: You don’t have to donate hours of time, and you don’t have to donate $500 or $100. You don’t even have to donate $50 or $25.
You see, FLAME is supported by tens of thousands of members. One by one: We have strength in numbers.
More than 30,000 donors—people just like you, many who make very modest donations, many on fixed incomes—help ensure our good work.
Won’t you please step forward today as someone who cares for Israel from the heart . . . someone who recognizes Israel’s importance to the United States and the Jewish people?
Won’t you please go now to membership donation before December 31—to help Israel win this Information War?
I hope you agree that FLAME’s editorial messages, which appear in media reaching more than ten million readers—including college students—must continue educating Americans about these and other issues, including anti-Israel anarchy on campus.
I hope you also agree that FLAME’s editorials spread the truth about Israel—a truth Americans just won’t find in today’s mainstream media.
Finally, I hope you agree that Israel needs this kind of public relations—someone like FLAME to tell the inspiring story about the Jewish state—its virtues, values and accomplishments . . . and its strategic importance for our own country.
Who supports FLAME? Our media efforts are made possible by more than 30,000 passionate individual donors who love Israel and everything it stands for. They are people who strongly believe Israel deserves a fair shake in the media.
Thousands of our supporters are of the Christian faith, and we of course welcome their devotion and generosity.
Please be assured that FLAME is an educational non-profit organization and extraordinarily thrifty with the funds that you and other supporters contribute to us.
We work out of Spartan offices, much of our work is contributed pro bono and our part-time office-staff payroll is tiny.
By keeping expenses low, we’re able to publish our monthly messages in major national magazines and metropolitan and small-town newspapers all across the U.S.
We also send our messages, with convincing cover letters, to all U.S. Senators and Representatives, the President, Vice President, Secretary of State and all Justices of the Supreme Court.
Won’t you step forward— and help us tell the truth about Israel? Please make your tax-deductible membership donation now, before November 30.
When you renew as a member of FLAME, you join tens of thousands of ardent Zionists who realize how precious Israel is to the Jewish people—and the world.
Let me leave you with one thought: The American people must know the truth about all these issues—no more lies. No more fake stories.
Remember: The only thing limiting international persecution of Israel is the United States. We must continue to protect the Jewish state from her enemies.
When you affirm your membership in FLAME, you help us continue telling Israel’s righteous and powerful story to influential people all over the U.S.—including college students—and to all members of the U.S. Congress.
Won’t you renew your commitment to FLAME right now . . . while you have this message front and center?
Thank you very much, shalom and sincerely yours,
James Sinkinson, President
Facts and Logic About the Middle East
P.S.1: Please consider remembering FLAME’s good work in your will. Your generosity allows us to sustain and expand our voice in more mainstream media, and it secures our ability to support Israel for many decades to come.
P.S.2: You can play an important role in defending Israel from her enemies—today. This minute. Please make your tax-deductible donation now, before December 31.
P.S.3 Too often, American citizens take comfort in their insulation from Islamist violence roiling the Middle East, as well as cities in Europe. But the jihadists are clear that fighting Jews and Israel is just the beginning. At rallies in Iran—and increasingly in the U.S.—the crowds scream, “Death to Israel, Death to America.” They understand that Israel is just the tip of the spear of Western Civilization—because Israel was the birthplace of so many Western values. Today the Jewish state stands as one of the strongest democracies in the world—a defender of liberty and enemy of oppressive Middle East dictatorships and terrorism. I hope you’ll agree that we supporters of the Israel-U.S. relationship need to speak out. FLAME’s new hasbarah—explanatory message—“Israel’s War Is America’s War”—describes how Israel massively defends United States interests in the Middle East and how Israel represents a roadblock to Islamic expansion worldwide. Finally, it explains why the recent U.S. foreign policy of soft diplomacy and appeasement of Iran has failed consistently. Please review this convincing, fact-based editorial, which FLAME intends to publish to millions—in leading social media, as well as in the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, New York Post, Chicago Tribune, Tampa Bay Times, Denver Post and Los Angeles Times. This piece will also be sent to all members of Congress, the President and Vice President. If you agree that this kind of public relations effort on Israel’s behalf is critical, I urge you to support us with a donation.
As of today, more than 27,000 Israel supporters receive the FLAME Hotline at no charge every week. If you’re not yet a subscriber, won’t you join us in receiving these timely updates, so you can more effectively tell the truth about Israel? Just go to free subscription.
