April 28, 2023

A Yom HaShoah remembrance billboard in Israel reminds us not only of the murder of six million Jews in the last century, but it should also remind us that antisemitic murders are still occurring—particularly by Palestinian terrorists in Israel.
How Holocaust’s hateful murders resemble antisemitic terror killings today
Dear Friend of Israel, Friend of FLAME,
I write this personal note to you on the eve of Shabbat, because I want you to share with you some powerful feelings and thoughts I’m experiencing.
I think you’ll understand why . . . and I hope you’ll appreciate them in your own way.
Last week’s Yom HaShoah—Holocaust Memorial Day—hit me hard . . . as it did most of us—with both sadness and anger.
But I suddenly realized that for all the tears and bitterness around the Holocaust, we—and especially the media—are ignoring another anti-Jewish holocaust afflicting us . . . today. Let me explain:
At the Holocaust memorial program I attended, and in the media, I heard heart-wrenching stories about dozens of real people who perished at the hands of the Nazis.
Many of the stories were directly from the children—now adults of course—of families whose parents or grandparents were killed all over Europe . . . how they hid, fled for their lives, were captured, and shipped to camps to meet a horrible death.
I’m kind of a tough guy, but those parts of the stories made me choke up and cry.
Many of the stories also revealed the abject cruelty of the Nazi murderers, who without remorse exterminated millions upon millions of innocent Jews.
Those killers didn’t care. Their duty was to destroy these people in cold blood—one by one. They despised these victims with a cold, callous hate . . . killed them systematically, simply because they were Jews.
It was this heartlessness that made me furious—outraged—at those despicable murderers.
What did they want from the Jews? Nothing. Only that more Jews should die.
I became so agitated and angry that I started to regret I couldn’t have been one of the American soldiers who helped stop the Nazi killers—defeat them . . . and yes, kill them.
As you can imagine, these feelings of sadness and bitterness stayed with me for days.
Then came the shocking news of the two young British-Israeli women, ages 15 and 20, and their mother, 48, who were killed—shot at point-blank range—by Palestinian terrorists. Simply because they were Jews.
This incident followed the brutal shooting just a few weeks earlier of two Israeli brothers, ages 19 and 21, as their car was stopped for a traffic light, midday, in a Arab Palestinian town. They were on their way to a wedding.
Unprovoked, the terrorist stuck his gun inside their car and pulled the trigger multiple times, then walked away. The young men were killed . . . simply because they were Jews.
We should ask, what do they want from the Jews? The answer, as above, is nothing. Only that more Jews should die.
Unfortunately, our media today fail to connect the dots.
Indeed, they hide the connection between the Nazis’ wanton murder of Europe’s Jews and Palestinian terrorists’ equally wanton murder of Jews in Israel—right before our eyes!
As you’ll see below, news media like the New York Times refuse even to call the terrorists terrorists, let alone compare their racist brutality to the Holocaust.
One thing I can tell you: We cannot let it pass. Never again means never again.
No more white-washing antisemitic terrorism.
We must act now—right now—to stop the deluge of disinformation our enemies in the media have unleashed.
Won’t you help us continue publishing these powerful, persuasive messages of truth about antisemitism and Israel with a membership donation—which qualifies you for a 2023 tax deduction?
How FLAME fights back. See our plan of action—below.
We must correct the lies—we must condemn the omissions—we must attack false reporting like this:
Three Israelis Murdered by Terrorists? (Palestinians Have Problems, Too) Following a recent CNN interview with Rabbi Leo Dee, just after his two daughters and wife were murdered in cold blood by Palestinian terrorists, the charming interviewer promised CNN viewers that next “we’ll hear similar stories from Palestinians.” No stories about brutal terrorist murders of innocent Palestinians, of course, but “similar.”
Terrorism, What Terrorism? Last year, Israel suffered more than 2,618 terrorist attacks—shootings, bombings, stabbings and car-rammings—most by murderers and would-be murderers affiliated with certified terrorist groups Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah.
Yet according to a recent survey of New York Times coverage, only eight headlines in 2022 even mentioned Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad or Hezbollah.
Who Is the Terrorist? Last year, new Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir was referred to by the New York Times 20 times along with the word “terrorist.” But leader of the Hamas terror group, Yahya Sinwar, got only two such references and terrorist Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah didn’t rate even one.
These are just three of dozens of examples in which terrorists and terrorist murders are ignored or minimized by American mainstream media.
We must tell the truth about antisemitic murders in Israel.
How you can help FLAME correct the media lies, errors and omissions:
Of course, as a friend of FLAME, you know that we always recommend that you begin telling the truth about Israel at home—to your friends, family, colleagues . . . and in letters to the editor.
However, while one-to-one conversations are powerful and help immensely . . . we must also use a force multiplier—bold messages in American media that quickly reach millions of people.
As you know, that’s FLAME’s specialty: Only FLAME publishes hard-hitting advocacy and position papers in mainstream American media to fight the misinformation blasted out by Israel’s enemies.
We’ve been telling this truth about Israel—and fighting the lies—for 33 years now!
Just two weeks ago, FLAME’s article—“How Can Peace-Loving Americans Support Palestinians’s Cold-Blooded Murder?”—told the true story of terrorists murdering of dozens of innocent Jews in Israel.
The article also exposes the fact that the current U.S. administration has sent the Palestinians almost one-billion dollars so far, even as the Palestinians currently spend $270 million every year paying salaries to jailed and released terrorists.
In other words, even as American politicians honored the 6 million Jews killed in the Holocaust last week, our country is sponsoring the murder of more Jews every day with taxpayer dollars!
In another effort, FLAME’s ad “U.S Funds Palestinian Terrorism,” appeared in dozens of American newspapers and reached millions of readers. It also criticizes the use of U.S. aid to support terrorism.
Finally, on the topic of media distortion, I think you’ll appreciate FLAME’s ongoing effort to keep the New York Times honest. One of our most recent FLAME Hotline articles called them on the carpet for their openly anti-Israel reporting:
“New York Times’ blatant antisemitic coverage should repulse truth-loving advertisers and readers”
Please help us continue publishing these outspoken messages exposing antisemitism and defending Israel with a membership donation—which qualifies you for a 2023 tax deduction.
These pro-Israel editorials reached millions to ensure
Americans continue their support of the Jewish state.
Let me remind you: In addition to messages in mainstream media, FLAME also publishes outspoken hasbarah—clarifying messages of truth—on Facebook, other social media and sent weekly to members like you, reaching hundreds of thousands more people.
In recent weeks, these FLAME Hotlines have struck back at Israel’s enemies on current breaking topics such as these:
“5 Ways American Jews Can Help Israel—by Helping Ourselves”
“U.S. Again Betrays Promise of “Unbreakable” Support for Israel at the United Nations”
“How the Palestinians Got Their Name: The True Story”
Despite despicable attacks from extremists on the left and right, from mainstream media and even members of Congress—you and I have grown accustomed to the constant struggle against Israel’s antisemitic enemies.
We know that Israel’s survival—and the safety of Jews in America—can’t be taken for granted.
Good news: We at FLAME also know how to defend Israel . . . and how to fight back.
Our upcoming campaign to tell the truth about Israel’s democratic judicial reform is a great example—one I deeply hope you’ll support.
Won’t you help us continue publishing these powerful, persuasive messages of truth about Israel with a membership donation—which qualifies you for a 2023 tax deduction?
FLAME’s hundreds of messages defending Israel—all of which you can see at FLAME’s PR for Israel—provide powerful support for Israel—but as you well know, telling the truth about Israel via such paid editorial messages in mainstream media is costly.
I urge you—I beseech you—to join FLAME’s army of tens of thousands of Israel loyalists by making a tax-deductible donation right now.
Are you ready to join us? Here’s the double payoff for making a donation to FLAME:
First, you help tell the truth about Israel in the media—something that’s sorely needed if we’re to maintain vital U.S. financial and political support of the Jewish state.
Second, we’re still in the glow of Yom Hazikaron (Remembrance Day) and Yom Haatzmaut (Independence Day)—so you can donate with satisfaction, because you have done a mitzvah for Israel—a generous, heartfelt good deed.
That’s why, if you’re angry about poisonous media lies about terrorism in Israel, and if you’ve ever bemoaned Israel’s “bad PR,” I urge you to help FLAME with your financial support at this time. Just go to donate to help now.
Please remember that the overwhelming majority of FLAME’s financial support comes from individuals just like you. One by one, Jews, Christians and unaffiliated alike contribute generously to this noble cause—to help ensure that Israel survives.
So whether you give $1,000 or $500 or $100 . . . or even $50 or $36 or $18—every donation is important—every dollar you contribute helps us keep defending Israel and telling the truth about the inspiring Jewish nation.
Best of all, of course, your donation is tax-deductible.
Won’t you act now to make your donation online? Just go to donate now.
Thanks in advance for your generosity and your continued support of FLAME’s good work.
Jim Sinkinson
President, FLAME
P.S. We at FLAME usually focus, as we should, on the challenges Israel faces in the world—the unfair treatment the Jewish state receives at the hands of the U.N., continuing rocket, gun, car and knife attacks by Arab terrorists, and the existential threat that confronts Israel from Iran. But what we must not forget is the amazing success story that Israel represents for Jews, for the United States and for civilization itself. It’s inspiring! To clarify, celebrate and publicize the good news about Israel, FLAME published a hasbarah (clarifying) message—“Why Israel Matters”—in media reaching 10 million readers. I hope you’ll review this powerful position paper and pass it on to all your contacts who will benefit from this message. If you agree that FLAME’s bold—but costly—brand of public relations on Israel’s behalf is critical, I urge you to support our publication of such outspoken messages. Please consider giving donation now, as you’re able—with $500, $250, $100, or even $18. (Remember, your donation to FLAME is tax deductible.) To donate online, just go to donate now. Now more than ever we need your support to ensure that Israel gets the support it needs—from the U.S. Congress, from the President, and from the American people.