Stop Terrorism on Campus

Attacks on Israel and Jews on scores of American universities have exploded into a jihadi-fueled, violent revolution against American freedoms and values

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Let Israel win: How Biden’s effort to protect Hamas endangers Jews, the U.S. and Israel

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New AP report exposes Hamas’s bogus death counts in Gaza war

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Israel’s Enemies Tell Five Big Lies

Following the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, antisemites mount a series of vicious attacks, threats and malicious lies against Jews and Israel

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Can Biden’s Plan Beat Antisemitism?

President Biden’s new Strategy to Counter Antisemitism got good press: But now we need courageous action to fight rising Jew hatred on our streets and campuses.

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FLAME is an educational non-profit dedicated to distributing paid public relations messages in media that reach some 10 million readers, including college students, every month. Our goal is to expose false reporting about the Middle East that might harm the interests of Israel and the United States. By donating, you make it possible for us to continue distributing these monthly hasbarah—clarifying messages of fact and truth. Please support us today.

As you’ll see , enemies of Israel continue to mount vicious attacks on many fronts. But here’s good news: Our efforts are helping Israel become stronger than ever before.

President’s message SEPTEMBER 19, 2023

Dear Friend of Israel, dear Friend of FLAME:

As you know, we Israel supporters can never let our guard down. Our enemies never rest.

In fact, the stronger we supporters of Israel become, the more our enemies resent us. But
here’s good news: Nothing defeats the haters better than when we stand together . . . speak up . . . and tell Israel’s amazing, inspiring truth.

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