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Last July 30, Israel killed Fuad Shukr, architect of Hezbollah’s 1983 Beirut bombing of a U.S. Marine base, which killed 231 American troops—just a small example of how Israel helps the U.S. protect its Middle East interests. Shukr was meeting Hezbollah leaders in this building.

Israel’s War Is America’s War

While Islamic terrorists attack American interests here and abroad daily, our ally Israel fiercely fights back and wins. Why has the U.S. held back?

The same Islamic radicals violently attacking Israel also attack American assets in the Middle East—and on U.S. campuses. They cry “Death to America, Death to Israel” because they aim to destroy both nations. While Israel battles, the U.S. seems fearful to join the fight.

U.S. Mideast diplomacy has consistently failed

What are the facts?

Islamic terrorists have killed thousands of Americans and Israelis. Today’s global Islamist terror network is led by Iran and its proxies—mainly Hezbollah, Hamas and the Houthis. In 1983, Hezbollah killed 241 U.S. service members in Beirut. Iran-sponsored militias in Iraq repeatedly attack U.S. military bases. Houthi rebels from Yemen launch missiles at U.S. ships in the Red Sea and attack global shipping, costing the U.S.—and the world—billions of dollars. In addition to Hamas’s October 7 massacre of 1,200 and kidnapping of 250 Israelis, Americans and others, Hezbollah has launched 8,500 missiles at Israel, driving 80,000 Israelis from their homes. Recently, supporters of Hamas terrorists have ravaged American university campuses with illegal encampments, bullying of Jewish students and threats to destroy Israel. While Israel bravely confronts the jihadis, the White House resorts to failed diplomacy.

Israel is America’s strongest ally in the Middle East and one of its strongest worldwide. No surprise, since the U.S. and Israel share core democratic, religious and economic values. No surprise, either, that Iran calls the U.S. and Israel “Big Satan” and “Little Satan.” But to continue protecting American interests in this explosive region, as well as guarding its own territory against Islamist aggression, Israel depends on U.S. military funding and American arms.

Yet puzzlingly, despite our common enemies and despite Biden-Harris administration insistence it supports “Israel’s self-defense,” the White House is withholding weapons. Rather than striking back itself against Iran’s aggression—and rather than supplying Israel’s needed weapons—the White House seems indecisive about the Islamist threat and America’s global leadership role.

Israel lives in the world’s most dangerous neighborhood. On Middle East maps, tiny Israel represents only a third of a percent of the total territory. Its ten-million population is just 2% of the region’s 471 million Muslims. Beginning with Israel’s birth in 1948, its neighbors have violently opposed the Jewish state, forcing it to defend itself continuously for 75 years. Today, its fiercest enemies are Iran and proxies Hamas and Hezbollah whose terrorist murders and thousands of missiles threaten Israel’s citizens daily.

How Israel successfully fights Middle East terrorism. Israel is the Middle East’s only democracy and commands the region’s most advanced military forces, thanks in part to U.S. aid. Israel’s successes against its terrorist neighbors are legendary. In recent months, it has begun to dismantle two of the world’s largest terror organizations—Hamas and Hezbollah. Moreover, even when fighting opponents who hide among their own civilians, Israel has achieved the lowest ratio of civilian-to-combatant casualties in modern warfare.

Israel’s use of military strength against Middle East bullies provides enormous benefit to the United States. No U.S. military are stationed in Israel, and very few U.S. troops serve in Iraq and Syria. Israel handles virtually all defensive and pre-emptive military actions in the “hot zones” of Lebanon, Gaza, Syria, Yemen and Iran. Experts estimate Israel’s value to the U.S. in the region to be many billions of dollars, while also protecting the lives of American troops.

Why has U.S. Middle East diplomacy consistently failed?

America’s “peaceful” pull-out of Afghanistan was a diplomatic and military disaster. The last administration also tried and failed to restart the ill-fated Iran Nuclear Deal, while their sanctions relief for Iran only funded more terrorism. The State Department’s relentless promotion of a “two-state solution” has also achieved no success, since the Palestinians refuse to recognize the Jewish state. Over the last year, diplomatic attempts to negotiate a ceasefire—either with Hamas or Hezbollah—likewise failed. Finally, all efforts to placate the terrorist Houthis have only emboldened them to continue to attacking Israel and global shipping.

In short, while some have seen diplomacy as the only solution to Middle East stability—and refused to strike back at Iran and its terrorist proxies—this “diplomatic strategy” has only fueled our Islamist enemies. Clearly, American diplomats have underestimated the fanatical religious determination of Islamist regimes to defeat the infidel West. No ceasefires, no financial rewards, no promises of peace and stability will appease them.