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Pro-Palestinian militant nails shut entrance to UCLA building during anti-Israel and anti-American protests that also supported terrorist group Hamas. Protesters chanted genocidal threats to Israel and denied campus access to Jewish students.
Stop Terrorism on Campus
Attacks on Israel and Jews on scores of American universities have exploded into a jihadi-fueled, violent revolution against American freedoms and values
While protestors violate school rules, state and federal laws—seizing and destroying campus property, refusing access to Jewish students and physically attacking those who disagree with their terrorist ideology—spineless college administrators have failed to stop the anarchy.
Their behavior is hateful, harmful and often unlawful.
What are the facts?
Antisemitic acts on U.S. college campuses have skyrocketed by 700% since Hamas’s October 7 massacre in Israel—and they’ve become more violent. Jewish students have been harassed, barred from entry, and physically attacked by pro-Hamas demonstrators, reminiscent of Nazi behavior in 1930s Germany. Scandalously, while schools forbid hate speech against Black, Muslim and LGBTQ+ students, they refuse to protect Jewish and pro-Israel students.
Moreover, campus demonstrators—and faculty—have become so emboldened, they no longer hide their scorn for the United States, tearing down American flags and replacing them with those of non-existent “Palestine.” Finally, they reject such civil liberties as freedom of speech, routinely seize and destroy school property and defy rule of law. Authorities have ignored the lawbreaking.
Anti-American and genocidal goals inspired by Islamist terror: No wonder pro-Hamas protestors parrot the motto of global jihad sponsor, Iran: “Death to America! Death to Israel!” No surprise, either, that campus protestors cheered Iran’s massive missile-and-drone attack on Israel recently. Their shouted goal is to “globalize the intifada.” Militants support Iran-proxy Hamas’s mission to create an Islamist caliphate, as well as the terrorist group’s slaughter of some 1,200 innocent Israelis. Finally, the radicals advocate “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” a demand the U.S. House of Representatives recently declared to be antisemitic—a call for genocide of seven million Israeli Jews.
A revolution of hate that opposes civil liberties and academic freedom: This violent revolutionary movement is rooted in neo-Marxism, which divides the world into oppressors and oppressed. The ideology, which today dominates American university culture, has inspired both critical race theory (CRT) and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) policies. It classifies people, organizations and nations into categories of good and evil according to their hierarchy on the oppressor-oppressed scale. Oppressors are subject to defeat “by any means necessary”—a slogan seen at many anti-Israel protests. Campus revolutionaries and their faculty mentors consider Jews, Israel and the U.S. to be “White” oppressors and therefore subject to violent “resistance”—such as breaking into and seizing buildings, attacking Jewish students, and preventing “Zionist” students’ access to their own campus.
College administrators have scandalously failed to do their jobs: Their two foremost responsibilities are to protect students’ safety and academic freedom. That means zero tolerance for harassment or intimidation of Jewish or any students. It means honoring the search for truth and free expression—and forbidding “cancel culture.” Finally, administrators must apply policies fairly: If hate speech or calls for genocide against any ethnic group on campus is not permitted, college administrators cannot allow antisemitism or calls for Israel’s destruction.
Four ways Americans can shut down terror on campus.
1) College administrators who fail to punish violence and hate speech—and/or fail to protect academic freedom—should be removed. Students who violate school policies on hate speech, harassment, illegal assembly, or trespassing should be suspended or expelled. Faculty who do the same—even those with tenure—should be fired for cause.
2) Congress must increase penalties related to antisemitic and unlawful behavior on campus, including violence. These should include harsh financial sanctions on schools and revocation of visas for foreign students who participate in antisemitic or unlawful activities.
3) Colleges should face dire legal consequences for failing to stamp out antisemitism. Already Columbia University faces a lawsuit that alleges “round-the-clock” harassment of Jewish students, who have been punched, shoved, spat on, blocked from attending classes and moving freely about campus. Dozens of other U.S. colleges face similar federal lawsuits.
4) Donors should withhold gifts from colleges that refuse to act against antisemitism. Many donors have already ceased their giving, including Robert Kraft, CEO of the New England Patriots, who pulled his support from Columbia University due to unchecked Jew-hatred.
The current behavior of “pro-Palestinian” militants at American colleges and universities is hateful, harmful and too often unlawful—it’s terrorism on campus. If recent outrages suffered by Jewish college students were directed against any other ethnic or “marginalized” groups on campus, it would not be tolerated for a minute, let alone recent months and years. Time to shut down the injustice