February 27, 2025

U.S. fighter jet takes off on Monday to attack Houthi military and security facilities in Yemen following 18 months of Houthi attacks on Israel, global shipping and the U.S. Navy. It’s one of many reasons American support for Israel is critical in the war against Islamist terror.

U.S. fighter jet takes off on Monday to attack Houthi military and security facilities in Yemen following 18 months of Houthi attacks on Israel, global shipping and the U.S. Navy. It’s one of many reasons American support for Israel is critical in the war against Islamist terror.

March 20, 2025

My friend, you know I always tell you the truth: Of course, I always give you
the good news about Israel. But I also never hide the bad.

The good news, of course, keeps us pumped up.
But we also need to face the bad news—it keeps us
focused on reality . . . what we need to do right now.

Here’s the bad news: A new Gallup poll shows a shocking fall in
support for Israel relative to the Palestinians—from 2024, when a
strong majority of Americans supported Israel—to just 46% today.

This is huge—because only one thing flips American opinion
so dramatically . . . and that’s media coverage of the news.

 As usual, mainstream media reporting on Israel has been terrible—filled
with lies, slanders and facts twisted to malign the Jewish state.

Below, I’ll spell out some of the most outrageous media hatchet jobs
against Israel, but here’s the main point: We are—as always—in the
middle of a fierce Information War . . . a war you and I must continue
fighting . . . and that we must win.

So, here’s some good news: When we fight hard to refute the lies against
Israel—when we spread the truth—we win. In past months, since October
7th, American support for Israel rose as high as 80%! We can do it again!

But clearly, our enemies are gaining ground—we can’t stop fighting
 now. Israel has survived so much, it has beaten back the terrorists—
now it’s time for you and I to dig in . . . the stakes are too high to quit.

We must ensure the American people keep hearing the truth about Israel.

To help FLAME continue fighting malicious lies against Israel . . .
act now: Make your tax-deductible membership donation

right now, before March 31.

Dear Friend of Israel, Friend of FLAME:

Even with all the challenges Israel faces, I truly believe the Jewish state—and we lovers of Israel—are entering a new Golden Age.

Israel’s miraculous victories over the past year convince me our best days are before us. Surely, we can celebrate . . . because you and I have helped achieve this miracle.

But make no mistake: Our sworn enemies will oppose us tooth and nail. In the media, on campus, in the UN and in Congress, their anti-Israel libels persist daily.

Did you see the damning new Harvard study confirming what we’ve always known? It proves the New York Times consistently twists its coverage to portray
Israel as the evil-doer and Palestinians as helpless victims. NYT is assisting our  terrorist enemy!

Likewise, anti-Israel lies are equally vicious in most legacy media—CNN, NPR, Washington Post—they’re all driven by false narratives attacking Israel and covering up the murderous acts of Hamas and other Palestinian terror groups.

The UN, too, represents the side of terrorists, libeling Israel for depriving Gazans of “essential humanitarian services”—all because Israel has banned the notorious UNRWA agency, which houses, hides and collaborates with Hamas war criminals.

I was also sickened that renegade anti-Israel Senator Bernie Sanders led 19 other Senators trying to block transfers of high-powered U.S. weaponry to our ally
Israel, which alone is still battling terrorists on five fronts in the Middle East.

My friend, as you know, these attacks—large and small—sorely wound the Jewish state, stealing its good name, its funding, weapons and its ability to fight back.

But here’s great news: Israel is winning the Information War:
With your help, we are defeating the liars and hypocrites in the public square.

As you know, every day in the Middle East, Israel, continues to crush the world’s mightiest terror organizations—Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and Iran.

But also here at home—despite the overwhelming flood of slanders spread by mainstream media, still nearly half of Americans sympathize with Israel—
compared to just 33% who sympathize with Palestinians.

Against all odds, millions of Americans reject the countless lies told ad nauseum about Israel in newspapers, evening news programs, radio shows and social media.

Our goal—by flooding media channels with the truth about Israel—is to raise support for Israel among Americans AGAIN to 80%. We’ve accomplished this
miracle in the past, and with your help, we’ll make this miracle happen again..

Here’s why it’s critical that you continue to stand by Israel:

Our miracle is this: Even with all Israel’s enemies in the Information War, we’ve helped convince hundreds of millions of Americans to keep the faith!

I think you’ll agree: A huge part of Israel’s miraculous success comes from lovers of Israel who defend Israel . . . with the power of the truth.

  • We tell the truth that Israel is one the strongest democracies in the world and the only democracy in the Middle East.
  • We tell the truth that Israeli Arabs enjoy more freedom and prosperity than their brethren in any other Arab nation.
  • We tell the truth that Israel’s Defense Force (IDF) is one of the most humane armies in the world . . . one that never targets civilians.
  • We tell the truth that Jews are the indigenous people of the land of Israel—continuous occupants for more than 3,000 years.

Won’t you please go now to membership donation before midnight March 31, to help Israel win this Information War with your tax-deductible support?

Why it’s critical that we Americans—and the United States—support Israel

I’ll be honest: We at FLAME readily and harshly criticize politicians—any politician, either party—who fails to support Israel. That’s why we called out the Biden administration for its failings—and if need be, we’ll also call out Mr. Trump.

But make no mistake: U.S. support of Israel is vital for Israel’s survival. Every administration this century has stood strong for Israel—supplied her arms, defended her at the UN, and warned her enemies against hostile actions.

When we tell the truth—and dispel the lies—about Israel . . . we help ensure that loyal Americans—and our governments—maintain this “unbreakable bond” with the Jewish state.

As we speak, U.S. fighter jets, aircraft carriers, warships and missile defense systems are deployed in the Middle East . . . to counter threats from Iran and its allies.

That only happens when Americans know the truth and believe in Israel’s righteous cause. That happens when we spread the word . . . loud and wide across the U.S.

It’s no secret: Mainstream media are deceiving the American people

As you know, most major American media promote their own political agenda— not the facts, not the truth. We saw how scandalously they ignored, then lied about President Biden’s mental health.

No surprise the media deceive us equally about Israel’s war against Hamas­: Bogus civilian death counts, the famine hoax, the fake Israeli-hostage-rescue “massacre.”

NPR reports on alleged Israeli attacks targeting “dozens” of Gaza schools— focusing obsessively on wounded children—while ignoring Hamas’s use of those
shelters as hiding places for armed terrorists, a vicious war crime.

New York Times writes that a deported Brown University professor was in Lebanon innocently visiting family—without noting she also attended the funeral rally for Hezbollah’s arch-terrorist chief, Hassan Nasrallah. Why ignore this fact?

BBC broadcasts a “documentary” about life in Gaza—but hides fact that the 14- year-old narrator is the son of a Hamas official. It also “doctored” dialogue, using “Israelis” in captions when characters said “Jews”—to cover up antisemitism.

New Yorker calls the arrest of Columbia University pro- Hamas militant Mahmoud Khalil “an affront to freedom of speech,” while leaving out that visa and
green-card holders may be deported for law breaking and aiding terrorist groups.

Your membership donation helps FLAME continue exposing these lies.


While Israel has been fiercely fighting—and winning!—against Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas, the United States and other Western nations decline to defend themselves from the global jihad. Despite daily attacks on them, they keep calling for ceasefire

If this hypocrisy bothers you, I think you’ll cheer FLAME’s powerful new ad—which we plan to publish in June in the New York Post, Tampa Bay Times, Denver Post, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal.

“Israel’s War Is America’s War”—this hard-hitting message demands the U.S. abandon its failed Middle East strategy of “soft-diplomacy”—and actively assist Israel in its brave struggle. (I’ve attached a copy of this ad for you at the close of this letter.)

I hope you’ll support our placement of this ad, which will reach millions of Americans nationwide, including Senators and Representatives in Washington DC. This ad will cost $139,000. Can you chip in now to help us?

Won’t you please make your tax-deductible membership donation before March 31, to help Israel win this Information War?


My friends, I think you’ll agree that the mounting antisemitism and drumbeat of anti-Israel reporting in the media these days is unprecedented . . . and scary.

But here’s a beam of hope: For decades FLAME has bravely fought against our enemies—defending Israel against the wide range of falsehoods they aim at her.

Here are just a few of the editorial media ads FLAME has run to spread the truth . . . and defend the Jewish state in mainstream media (see hundreds of them under “PR for Israel” at www.factsandlogic.org.)

The Israel Genocide Slander”—refutes the lie that Israel attacks people because of race or ethnicity and proves mushrooming Palestinian population growth: This ad reached nearly 5 million people in the Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, New York Post, Houston Chronicle and Orlando Sentinel.

Stop Terrorism on Campus”—shows skyrocketing anti-Zionist bullying and demands school administrators be held to account and how we can fight back. It ran in the New York Post, Tampa Bay Times, Denver Post, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, Mercury News and Wall Street Journal.

—“What Is Occupied Palestinian Territory?”—proves there’s no such thing as “Palestinian territory” and why Israel’s governance is lawful and just: It was seen by millions in the New York Times and Washington Post.

The Palestinian Catastrophe”—explains why Palestinians’ real “nakba” was their failure to accept Israel’s offers of land for peace: We reached six million readers at Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, New York Post, Miami Herald, Houston Chronicle and Orlando Sentinel.

Democracy Thrives in Israel”—disproves accusations that Israel commits apartheid and shows why Israel is ranked the world’s 23rd most successful democracy (ahead of the U.S.!): It ran in New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, New York Post, Miami Herald, Houston Chronicle and Mercury News.

Please help us support these messages to the American people: Please make your tax-deductible membership donation before March 31.


•UN BLOOD LIBEL: CNN, Reuters and the Guardian continue to repeat the UN lie: “Israel has been intentionally starving the Palestinian people in Gaza,” according to unnamed “UN experts.”

FLAME EXPOSES: FLAME’s exposè proves how Israel supervises tons of food shipped to Gaza, that “starvation” is overstated, and that the culprit is terrorists: “Hamas steals food aid from its citizens, yet the media blame shortages on Israel.” This message reached tens of thousands of Americans.

—•FAKE GAZA DEATH TOLLS: Every day, NPR and other media outlets still parrot death statistics issued by Hamas’s notoriously discredited “Gaza Health Authority” without mentioning that the deaths include 21,000 armed fighters—or that there’s zero substantiation for their death tolls at all.

FLAME PUSHES BACK: We showed how Hamas lies about civilian casualties, how the media swallow it all, and how real statistics show that Israel’s a hero. Check FLAME’s Hotline article on “Why the media cite fake ‘death tolls’ in the Gaza war.” Delivered to tens of thousands of Americans.

—CEASEFIRE SCAM: The UN, Congressional enemies and radical students demand a “ceasefire now”—but they never explain how a ceasefire would help Israel, the missing hostages, or Palestinians in Gaza. In fact, it would be a disaster.

FLAME REFUTES: Truth is, only the war-criminal terrorist group, Hamas, which started the war with its savage massacre on October 7, would benefit from a ceasefire. To get the facts, please review our hard-hitting article, “A Gaza ceasefire ignores the best option—Hamas’s unconditional surrender.”

Let’s be honest: If we believe in “Never Again”—we must win the Information War . . . we must recommit to defending the Jewish state . . . and the truth.

It means we can’t give up, even for a day—we won’t stop until we defeat the haters. We must raise our fists and our voices against the rising tide of antisemitic, anti-Israel slander.

Won’t you please make your tax-deductible membership donation before March 31


Unfortunately, since October 7, the falsehoods against Israel have been piling up quickly. Almost as fast as we can refute them, our enemies invent new lies, each more vicious than the last.

It’s the reason FLAME created another outspoken editorial ad called “Israel’s Enemies Tell Five Big Lies.”

MAINSTREAM MEDIA: We ran this ad in the New York Post, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and Chicago Tribune.

SOCIAL MEDIA: FLAME’s robust Facebook campaigns calls us to reach millions of Americans. Already we’re delivering this message—“Israel’s Enemies Tell Five Big Lies”—to social media influencers of all ages.

COLLEGE MEDIA: Our latest messages debunking the greatest lies about Israel is scheduled to begin reaching tens of thousands of college students via digital ads in college newspapers nationwide in early Fall, as soon as school is back in session.


How do we decide that now is the time to act? What does it take?

A friend recently sent me this quote from Albert Einstein:

“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”

If ever in our lives we were called on to defend the Jewish people . . . and the State of Israel—the world’s only refuge for Jews—surely now is that time.

Let’s not forget the pledge that good people made after Holocaust: Jews and gentiles alike took an oath, declaring, “Never again.” We won’t let it happen.

So many people say they love and support Israel, but they simply don’t know how to get involved. They don’t have time or they don’t have thousands of dollars to give.

I understand completely, but consider: You don’t have to donate hours of time, and you don’t have to donate $500 or $100. You don’t even have to donate $50 or $25.

You see, FLAME is supported by tens of thousands of members. One by one: We have strength in numbers.

More than 30,000 donors—people just like you, many who make very modest donations, many on fixed incomes—help ensure our good work.

Won’t you please step forward today as someone who cares for Israel from the heart . . . someone who recognizes Israel’s importance to the United States and the Jewish people?

Please join our fight: Make your tax-deductible membership donation
before midnight March 31.


I hope you agree that FLAME’s editorial messages, which appear in media reaching more than ten million readers—including college students—must continue educating Americans about these and other issues, including anti-Israel anarchy on campus.

I hope you also agree that FLAME’s editorials spread the truth about Israel—a truth Americans just won’t find in today’s mainstream media.

Finally, I hope you agree that Israel needs this kind of public relations—someone like FLAME to tell the inspiring story about the Jewish state—its virtues, values and accomplishments . . . and its strategic importance for our own country.

Who supports FLAME? Our media efforts are made possible by more than 30,000 passionate individual donors who love Israel and everything it stands for. They are people who strongly believe Israel deserves a fair shake in the media.

Thousands of our supporters are of the Christian faith, and we of course welcome their devotion and generosity.

Please be assured that FLAME is an educational non-profit organization and extraordinarily thrifty with the funds that you and other supporters contribute to us.

We work out of Spartan offices, much of our work is contributed pro bono and our part-time office-staff payroll is tiny.

By keeping expenses low, we’re able to publish our monthly messages in major national magazines and metropolitan and small-town newspapers all across the U.S.

We also send our messages, with convincing cover letters, to all U.S. Senators and Representatives, the President, Vice President, Secretary of State and all Justices of the Supreme Court.

Won’t you step forward—help us tell the truth about Israel? Please activate your membership now, before March 31, 2025.

When you renew as a member of FLAME, you join tens of thousands of ardent Zionists who realize how precious Israel is to the Jewish people—and the world.

Let me leave you with one thought: The American people must know the truth about all these issues—no more lies. No more fake narratives.

Remember: The only thing limiting international persecution of Israel is the United States. We must continue to protect the Jewish state from her enemies.

When you renew your membership in FLAME, you help us continue telling Israel’s righteous and powerful story to influential people all over the U.S.—including college students—and to all members of the U.S. Congress.

Won’t you renew your commitment to FLAME right now . . . while you have this message front and center? (Use membership donation link below.)

Thank you very much, shalom and sincerely yours,

James Sinkinson, President
Facts and Logic About the Middle East

P.S.1: Please consider remembering FLAME’s good work in your will. Your generosity allows us to sustain and expand our voice in more mainstream media, and it secures our ability to support Israel for many decades to come.

P.S.2: Remember: You are part of Israel’s miracle—what you do this every minute matters: Please make your FLAME membership donation right now—before March 1.

P.S.3 Too often, American citizens take comfort in their insulation from Islamist violence roiling the Middle East, as well as cities in Europe. But the jihadists are clear that fighting Jews and Israel is just the beginning. At rallies in Iran—and increasingly in the U.S.—the crowds scream, “Death to Israel, Death to America.” They understand that Israel is just the tip of the spear of Western Civilization—because Israel was the birthplace of so many Western values. Today the Jewish state stands as one of the strongest democracies in the world—a defender of liberty and enemy of oppressive Middle East dictatorships and terrorism. I hope you’ll agree that we supporters of the Israel-U.S. relationship need to speak out. FLAME’s latest editorial message—“Israel’s War Is America’s War”—describes how Israel defends United States interests in the Middle East and how Israel blocks Islamic expansion worldwide. Finally, it explains why the recent U.S. foreign policy of soft diplomacy and appeasement of Iran has failed consistently. Please review this convincing, fact-based editorial, which FLAME intends to publish to millions—in leading social media, as well as in the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, New York Post, Chicago Tribune, Tampa Bay Times, Denver Post and Los Angeles Times. If you agree that this kind of public relations effort on Israel’s behalf is critical, I urge you to support us with a donation.

Join FLAME to help tell the truth about Israel in the media.

It feels great when you make a difference!

How many times have you heard someone lament that Israel doesn’t have good public relations? By joining with thousands of other FLAME supporters, you help one of the world’s most powerful efforts to spread the truth about Israel in mainstream, college and social media. If you want to help Israel—if you want to be part of the amazing Israel story—please join FLAME with a generous donation today.

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