October 9, 2023

Photos from the Hamas invasion of Israel. From top left, clockwise: Five dead civilians in Sderot, a woman hostage with Hamas captors, a dead Israeli soldier in Gaza, and another hostage, possibly a child. Some 700 Israelis were killed and an estimated 100 hostages taken.
As you know, even as Hamas terrorists invaded Israel—forcing a state of war—media lies against the Jewish state have already begun.
Surely CNN and the NYT won’t bring you reports of sadistic terrorists shooting Israelis in their homes and cars, dragging a bloody, half-naked woman’s body into a Gaza street for mutilation by the rabble.
The mainstream media won’t show you the images of Hamas gangs riding through Israeli towns in pick-up trucks firing AK-47s at anything that moves.
Instead, a ho-hum NYT headline reads, “Israel-Gaza Conflict,” while NBC writes mysteriously, “Netanyahu vows war as attacks kill hundreds.” No mention of who started the fight or who’s murdering innocent Israelis.
We can, however, expect to read about the “cycle of violence” or blaming the war on Israel’s “occupation”—though Israel fully left Gaza 18 years ago!
But if you value the truth, here’s a spark of good news: Thanks to your support, FLAME today spreads the truth about Israel to more Americans—in more traditional and social media—than ever.
Help us fight the media lies against Israel: Go to membership donation now.
Dear Friend of Israel, Friend of FLAME:
Like you, I woke Saturday morning to the shocking news: Barbarians are at the gates.
Hamas had sent hundreds of armed terrorists into Israel, where they were roaming in gangs, house to house, rounding up Jewish children, women and men—young and old—gathering them in rooms, then machine-gunning them to death. They also fired 2,500 missiles at Israeli civilians.
Over 600 innocents were killed in cold blood.
But let me remind you: This scene of trauma, death and horror will soon be massaged by the media . . . so the real causes of the conflict are hidden from the American people.
The New York Times, CNN, Washington Post, MSNBC—most all the major media—will work hard to cover up or distort the true reasons Israel is forced into war:
The Islamist terror group Hamas—funded primarily by Iran—has vowed to destroy Israel. Hamas opposes the two-state solution, they oppose the Palestinian Authority, they oppose the United States . . . and above all they oppose any Jewish state.
In fact, this weekend’s attack is the fifth time Hamas has started wars with Israel.
So what does all this horror in Israel have to do with you and me?
My point is this: When thousands of jihadi missiles rain down on Israelis—when terrorists shoot, stab and blow up innocent Jews . . . as they did this weekend, there’s little you and I can do to help.
But here’s where we can make a difference: We can fight the lies and misinformation.
By joining the information war—we can defeat the falsehoods and distortions that threaten Israel and the Jewish people . . . just as seriously as do rockets, machine guns and knives.
Today FLAME’s messages telling the truth about Israel reach tens of millions of people in top American daily newspapers and through FLAME’s powerful Facebook channel.
Won’t you please help FLAME fight the liars and haters with your membership donation now?
Israel’s enemies defame her in the newspapers, TV news and social media with accusations of apartheid, genocide, slaughter of children—all vicious lies.
Here are just some of the falsehoods FLAME has exposed in recent weeks and months.
Top CNN anchor Christine Amanpour outrageously lied a few months ago that Israeli Lucy Dee and her two daughters were caught in a “shootout”—when in fact they were brutally executed by Palestinian terrorists.
NPR’s Israel reporter Daniel Estrin conjured up a fake story implying that Israel is hiding its intentional killing of an al-Jazeera journalist—but neglects to mention that three investigations by the U.S. and Israel have shown Israel’s innocence. Zero intent.
These are exactly the kind of media lies we at FLAME fight against—balancing our anger at the malicious, unfair media bias . . . with joy when we win. In the end, we come back with recharged energy and determination to defeat the bad guys.
It pays off: As you know, this past year we won major victories in the U.S. and on the world stage—and for these we can celebrate (at least for today):
ü As of today, 37 states have outlawed the antisemitic BDS movement and a U.S. appeals court just overruled the ACLU’s efforts to rescind Alabama’s BDS ban. Now Senator Tom Cotton has plans for a national law targeting BDS.
ü Congress has again overwhelmingly approved $3.8 billion in military aid to Israel—fortifying its ability to resist terror from Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas.
ü A total of 1,116 countries and organizations—including 30 U.S. states—have now adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism, censuring slander against Israel and denial of Jewish rights to self-determination. That’s a huge win for Israel!
ü Let’s not forget the momentous Abraham Accords, which sparked booming new relations between Israel and four Arab Gulf nations—totally debunking the idea that Middle East peace depends on permission from the Palestinians. Soon, Saudi Arabia will surely join this alliance.
My friends, we should be proud of these amazing developments, especially after so many years of uphill struggle. Can we count on you to help FLAME to fight on in mainstream and social media . . . telling the inspiring truth about Israel? If so, please go to membership donation now.
As you’re aware, Israel has enjoyed decades of bipartisan support in the United States—and President Biden has always insisted he’s a friend of Israel.
But this balance is threatened by a squad of Congressional Representatives, several Senators and State Dept. hacks who oppose the Jewish state and promote anti-Israel lies.
As you know, Israel—and Israel advocates—must fight back ceaselessly. When we win, it’s only because we are diligent and battle harder than the bad guys.
That’s why I hope you’ll renew your support of the Jewish state—and FLAME—over the coming year, as we continue our struggle against the biased media, Israel haters, the antisemitic U.N., the Palestinian leaders and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Here’s a preview of FLAME’s plan to rise to these challenges—as we have for the last 34 years—a plan I’m hoping with all my heart you’ll approve of . . . and support generously.
Please go to membership donation now.
Through a combination of ignorance and maliciousness, many media continue to slander Israel—one of the world’s most inspiring successes and the most enlightened nation in the Middle East.
Worst, of course, is the New York Times, which needs no excuse to bash the Jewish state—from house editorials and op-eds to factual errors and omissions. To hear the Times tell it, Israel willfully kills innocent women and children, and Palestinians terrorism doesn’t exist.
Just one example: The U.S. “newspaper of record” in a short period in which two brothers and two sisters were murdered by Palestinian terrorists, covered it in a headline that innocuously highlights “rising tensions” in the West Bank and Israel.
Unfortunately, Washington Post, BBC, NPR, Forward, The Guardian, Harvard Crimson, CNN, NBC News, Foreign Affairs, MSNBC Reuters, Haaretz, Associated Press and LA Times—all these media also recently committed egregious reporting “errors,” attacked Israel editorially or cast her in a bad light.
How FLAME fights back against unfair media: As you know, FLAME is the world’s only organization that publishes hard-hitting editorial-style ads—hasbarah—in media nationwide, telling the truth about Israel . . . and correcting media distortions and lies.
As you’ll see below, thanks to members like you, FLAME ads recently have begun appearing in the belly of the beast—the New York Times itself.
One editorial——“Is the Two-State Solution Still Possible?”—explains the perils of the U.S. forcing Israel to make peace while the Palestinians stand unalterably against a Jewish state in the Middle East.
This message—which appeared in the Sunday New York Times (circulation 1.6 million readers)—takes them head on. We offer irrefutable proof that those who attack Israel’s existence are antisemitic, pure and simple.
Our hasbarah effort—“What Is “Palestinian Territory?”—utterly disproves accusations that Israel’s settlements in Judea-Samaria (the West Bank) are illegal under international law, and proves there’s no such legal entity as “Palestinian territory.”
Another recent editorial—titled “Israel Apartheid Lie”—exposes Israel haters, including some U.S. Representatives—who falsely accuse Israel of ethnic separation. It appeared in the New York Times and Washington Post.
Our hasbarah message—“How Aid to Israel Makes Us Safer”—slams the idea that U.S. aid to Israel is a gift—but rather shows how our investment in Israel provides a greater return than any other U.S. foreign aid. It ran in the Times and Washington Post.
(You can see all FLAME’s messages at www.factsandlogic.org.)
You can help support these messages by joining us in 2024: Go to membership donation now.
In 2024: With your help, we will keep opposing media lies about Israel by running new editorials like these:
“Democracy Thrives in Israel”—Many mainstream media are hysterically criticizing Israel for new efforts to reform its broken judiciary—ignoring the fact that Israel is one of the world’s strongest democracies. This ad proved the case in the New York Times, Washington Post and five other major dailies.
“The Israel Genocide Slander”: Celebrities falsely accuse Israel of genocide, and V.P. Harris declined to deny it, but FLAME’s hard-hitting new ad appeared in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Orlando Sentinel, Houston Chronicle and New York Post.
For decades, Israel has suffered humiliation, back-stabbing and outright Jew-hatred in the U.N.—just this past year, the U.N. voted to condemn Israel in 17 resolutions, compared with just 6 resolutions against brutal nations like Iran, Syria, North Korea and Myanmar.
How do you feel? We can keep quiet in the face of such despicable antisemitism . . . or we can fight back.
I think you know how we at FLAME feel—and I hope you feel the same.
How FLAME fights back against the U.N. The United Nations is dependent on U.S. funding for its existence. Our support should be contingent upon Israel—one of America’s strongest allies and the only democracy in the Middle East—at least receiving a fair deal from the U.N.
Americans must know how disgracefully the U.N. treats Israel, and we must demand justice:
FLAME’s editorial position paper—“Exit the U.N. Human Rights Council”—which appeared in dozens of mainstream media nationwide, exposes the UNHRC for attacking Israel at virtually every meeting.
Our efforts were rewarded when the U.S. withdrew from this corrupt organization several years ago. Alas, the Biden Administration has begun again to support this antisemitic organization.
FLAME’s hard-hitting position paper—”U.N. School for Terrorism”—reveals the hateful jihadi lessons Palestinian children are taught in schools run by the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA).
Good news and bad: We’re pleased that the U.S. ceased funding to UNRWA in 2018. But now the Biden Administration has restored funding to UNRWA and other such corrupt Palestinian welfare funds!
This coming year: Please support us financially to ensure we can continue to run bold editorials—holding the Biden Administration’s feet to the fire in mainstream media like the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, and Los Angeles Times.
Help us fight the lies and misinformation about Israel: Go to membership donation now.
FLAME also recently distributed our hasbarah message exhorting Congress and the President to become bolder in opposing Iran’s nuclear build-up and belligerent threats to its neighbors—including Israel—as well as to U.S. interests in the Middle East.
Early last year, we published a hard-hitting position paper called “We Must Stop Iran Now” in dozens of mainstream media.
Now, FLAME’s newest hasbarah effort—“No Fool’s Deal with Iran”—warns of the dangers to the U.S. and Israel of inviting Iran back into the treacherous 2015 “Iran Nuclear Deal.”
For more than 14 years FLAME has fought the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement on campuses through our editorial messages published in dozens of American colleges and universities.
Our latest editorial on campus antisemitism—“Demand Justice for Jewish Students”—exposes college deans’ failure to stop anti-Zionist attacks and supports new law suits to force redress.
“Ben & Jerry’s Bad Taste!”—Since FLAME’s ad condemning the ice cream maker’s BDS boycott appeared in the Chicago Tribune, Orlando Sentinel, Houston Chronicle and New York Post, B&J parent Unilever’s stock plummeted by more than 20%.
With your help, our upcoming editorial efforts will continue to challenge the lies about Israel told by antisemitic academics, who attempt to indoctrinate millions of U.S. college students:
So many people say they love and support Israel, but they simply don’t know how to get involved. They don’t have time or they don’t have thousands of dollars to give.
I understand completely. But consider this: You don’t have to donate hours of time, and you don’t have to donate $500 or $100. You don’t even have to donate $50 or $25.
You see, FLAME is supported by tens of thousands of members. One by one: We have strength in numbers.
More than 30,000 donors—people just like you, many who make very modest donations, many on fixed incomes—help ensure our good work.
Won’t you please step forward today as someone who cares for Israel from the heart . . . someone who recognizes Israel’s importance to the United States and the Jewish people?
Go to membership donation now.
I hope you agree that FLAME’s editorial messages, which appear monthly in media reaching more than ten million readers—including college students—must continue educating Americans about these and other issues, such as the antisemitic BDS movement on campus.
I hope you also agree that FLAME’s editorials spread the truth about Israel—a truth we can’t depend on mainstream media to tell.
Finally, I hope you agree that Israel needs this kind of public relations—someone like FLAME to tell the inspiring story about the Jewish state—its virtues, values and accomplishments . . . and its strategic importance for our own country.
Who supports FLAME? Our media efforts are made possible by more than 30,000 passionate individual donors who love Israel and everything it stands for. They are people who strongly believe Israel deserves a fair shake in the media
Thousands of our supporters are of the Christian faith, and we of course welcome their devotion and generosity.
Please be assured that FLAME is an educational non-profit organization and extraordinarily thrifty with the funds that you and other supporters contribute to us.
We work out of Spartan offices, much of our work is contributed pro bono and our part-time office-staff payroll is tiny.
By keeping expenses low, we’re able to publish our monthly messages in major national magazines and metropolitan and small-town newspapers all across the U.S.
We also send our messages, with convincing cover letters, to all U.S. Senators and Representatives, the President, Vice President, Secretary of State and all Justices of the Supreme Court.
Won’t you step forward—help us tell the truth about Israel? Please make your membership donation now.
When you start or renew as a member of FLAME, you join tens of thousands of ardent Zionists who realize how precious Israel is to the Jewish people—and the world.
Won’t you give us your vote of support?
Let me leave you with one thought: The American people must know the truth about these issues—and about Israel’s current war with Hamas. No more lies. No more fake stories.
Remember: The only thing limiting international persecution of Israel is the United States. We must continue to protect the Jewish state from her enemies.
When you renew your membership in FLAME, you help us continue telling Israel’s righteous and powerful story to influential people all over the U.S.—including college students—and to all members of the U.S. Congress.
Won’t you go to membership donation now, while you have this message front and center?
I hope you agree that FLAME’s mission is critical and deserving of your generous support.
Thank you very much, shalom and sincerely yours,James Sinkinson, President
Facts and Logic About the Middle East
P.S.1: Please consider leaving a bequest to FLAME in your will. Your generosity allows us to sustain and expand our voice in more mainstream media, and it secures our ability to support Israel for many decades to come.
P.S.2: You can play an important role in defending Israel from her enemies—today. This very minute. Please go to membership donation.