March 31, 2023

Tens of thousands of demonstrators who favor democratic reforms of Israel’s judiciary gather peacefully in Jerusalem. Despite hysterical media reports about chaos and collapse of Israel’s democracy, the Jewish state, civil society and economy continue to function smoothly.
Israel’s enemies are trying to bring down its government—and trash the Israel-U.S. relationship. We must fight back . . . now!
Dear Friend of Israel, Friend of FLAME:
Surely, as a lover of Israel, you’ve been following the distressing news.
What they’re saying about Israel is breaking my heart. I could almost cry.
At the same time, they’ve so provoked my ire . . . I’m literally screaming mad.
Both leftists in the United States—as well as here in Israel—are spewing a false and hateful narrative about the Jewish state.
Hysteria reigns. Reason is being crushed by lies.
These lies not only threaten the democratically elected government of Israel—they also threaten the precious relationship between Israel and the United States.
Everyday, voices in the U.S. State Department issue shrill complaints against Israel’s duly elected leadership.
Everyday, the left-leaning media—led by the ring-leader New York Times—tell us the sky is falling in the Jewish state.
They insist Israel’s democracy will fall. They tell us right-wing fanatics have taken over.
Please listen: I’m currently here on the ground in Israel: I can tell you that none of this is true.
Israel’s democracy is alive and thriving . Its institutions are robust. The streets are peaceful.
The Jewish state has the full support of Israel’s quiet majority—those millions who overwhelmingly voted Prime Minister Netanyahu and his ruling coalition into office.
But I can also tell you this: We must act now—right now —to stop the deluge of disinformation our enemies, especially in the U.S., have unleashed.
That’s where FLAME comes in.
See our plan of action—below.
We must correct the lies—we must attack falsehoods like these:
LIE : Today the New York Time’s Thomas Friedman accused the Prime Minister of an “attempt to impose his control over Israel’s independent judiciary and gain a free hand to rule as he wishes.”
TRUTH: This lie is absurd: Israel’s Supreme Court is not just “independent”—it’s an unrestrained judicial dictatorship.
The court currently has no democratic checks on it—zero: It chooses its own judges, it judges laws based on subjective criteria, it vetoes political appointments, and it overrules legislation even before it’s passed.
Reformers want to make the court more democratic —not a free hand to rule as they wish, but freedom to govern fairly and pass laws as they were elected to do.
LIE: NPR just reported this morning that reformers are part of a “right-wing, ultra-nationalist, religious coalition” that wants to “infringe on people’s rights.”
TRUTH: Another outrageous accusation: Israel’s coalition government was elected by millions of Israeli voters—a decisive majority—whose members range from centerists to right-wing and religious.
Most of these supporters would describe themselves as Zionists— patriots. None would use the term “ultra-nationalist”: This is like calling them “deplorables.”
The reformist members of the Knesset simply want to enact laws and policies that their millions of supporters demand. Critics of reforms are generally leftists who don’t want to lose the left’s iron— but non-democratic—grip on the judiciary.
These are just two of dozens of falsehoods in the mainstream media.
Get this: Yesterday an American friend asked if we were afraid of looting in our shopping centers! Ridiculous. Aside from anti-reform protestors blocking major highways with bonfires, life is peaceful and running smoothly in Israel.
The left-leaning, anti-Israel media in the U.S.—as usual—have an agenda.
Their agenda today is to portray Israel’s government as wild renegades . . . instead of the smart, respected, duly elected reformers that they really are.
The media are afraid of Israel’s democracy, because it turned more conservative in the last elections.
They are trying to discredit Israel among the American public—just like they try to malign conservative American politicians.
We must reverse the false anti-Israel narrative in the U.S.
How you can help FLAME correct the media lies:
Of course, as a friend of FLAME, you know that we always recommend that you begin telling the truth about Israel at home—to your friends, family, colleagues . . . and in letters to the editor.
However, while one-to-one conversations are powerful and help immensely . . . we must also use a force multiplier—bold messages in American media that quickly reach millions of people.
As you know, that’s FLAME’s specialty: Only FLAME publishes hard-hitting advocacy and position papers in mainstream American media to fight the misinformation blasted out by Israel’s enemies.
We’ve been telling this truth about Israel—and fighting the lies—for 33 years now!
In fact, FLAME’s latest ad—“Demand Justice for Jewish Students”—just ran last Sunday in five major metro dailies:Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, New York Post, Houston Chronicle and Los Angeles Times. It will also run in America’s highest-circulation daily newspaper, the Wall Street Journal, this Friday.
Total readership for these publications is 5.5 million influential Americans. Boom, just like that.
But as you know, telling this truth about anti-Israel hate is not cheap. I just signed a check for $138,000 to run this last flight of ads—about antisemitism on campus—in mainstream media.
That ad was paid for by individual lovers of Israel, one by one—through donations large, medium and tiny. Every dollar helps put the truth in front of millions of Americans.
Won’t you help FLAME now with a tax-deductible donation?
Now it’s time to refute the latest lies and hysteria about Israel in American media
I hope you agree: It’s critical that we respond quickly to this most recent spate of lies in American media—in the New York Times, NPR, CNN, Washington Post, MSNBC, USA Today and the rest—about Israel’s honest and urgent efforts to democratize its judiciary.
While $138,000 sounds like a great sum of money—and it is—FLAME is supported by 30,000 lovers of Israel, just like you.
We have great power in our numbers.
Your donation of any amount—$100, $75, $50, even $18 or $5—will be welcome and will make a big difference in our ability to defeat Israel’s enemies.
Won’t you make a meaningful donation —right now—to help spread the truth to the American people about Israel’s righteous cause?
Even as you read this, the media are stoking anti-Israel sentiment:We must respond quickly and shut down their outrageous lies.
Media coverage of life in Israel is extremely alarmist—dramatically overblown and frankly, mostly slanderous:
• An MSNBC story falsely “sparks alarm” that “Netanyahu and his political allies” are “corrupting the nation’s democracy.”
• USA Today reports the Biden administratiobn is “‘deeply concerned’ about the unfolding chaos . . . in Israel” and that strikes threaten to “paralyze” Israel’s economy
• A New York Times headline predicts a “slide from democracy”
Such coverage creates a false impression that Israel’s society is falling apart. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Life here in Israel is beautiful and peaceful: It proceeds as absolutely normal.
No businesses are closed, no riots, nothing burning in the streets, the “start-up nation” economy continues to speed forward. All systems are “go” at Ben Gurion Airport—my wife and I are flying out tomorrow on a trip to Europe.
I urge you to get on a plane . . . come see wonderful Israel for yourself!
In truth, Israel’s social bonds are mighty, and its democracy is robust—no thanks to media reports like those above, that aim to bring Israel to its knees . . . and that attract larger audiences with every hint of disaster.
FLAME is already planning to tell this truth—and refute the lies like those above—with an editorial ad campaign in mainstream media.
In these media messages, FLAME will make dramatically clear the following points to American supporters—and detractors—of Israel:
• Israel’s current judicial system operates with no democratic checks or balances—none
• Israel’s ruling government coalition was democratically elected by a large majority
• Most Israelis agree that some type of reform is absolutely necessary
• Many who oppose reform simply want to protect and overwhelmingly leftist judiciary
• For months those against reforms have refused to negotiate with the reformers
• Prime Minister Netanyahu is committed to achieving consensus on reforms
Following the approaching Passover holidays, new negotiations on the much-needed reforms will start.
I hope you agree that it’s critical we deliver these facts to as many Americans as possible—especially to politicians in Washington, DC.
I hope too, that you’ll join FLAME by supporting this upcoming ad campaign with a generous, tax-deductible donation .
How Israel lovers—and all Americans—can support Israel’s government now. Please deliver these 3 messages to your friends and families:
Let me give you some great news: Israel was recently named the world’s 23rd strongest democracy—even ahead of the United States, Spain, Italy and 139 other nations.
To spread this word, FLAME last November published a new editorial—“Democracy Thrives in Israel”—in 8 major daily newspapers, reaching 7 million readers.
Donations from Israel lovers like you made this massive media campaign possible.
Here’s why this message matters: Our job as American supporters of Israel is not to judge individual elected officials and not to support or oppose Israeli laws. That’s best left to Israelis.
Our job today is to tell fellow Americans the inspiring story of Israel’s democracy. Here are three points all of us need to make to friends, family, colleagues—and in letters to the editor:
1. Israel is one of the world’s great democracies—and the current government is working to make it even stronger.
Israel’s robust democracy just elected a new government by a large majority. The ruling coalition’s efforts to add democratic checks and balances to the judiciary will only further improve Israel’s democracy.
2. Huge demonstrations on Israel’s streets and public square symbolize a free people.
Most countries in the world would not permit such open discussion—or open dissent. Israel’s democracy permitted hundreds of thousands of flag-waving citizens to voice their opinions day after day, night after night.
3. Israel’s Prime Minister listened to the nation’s people . . . and compromised.
A large portion of the Israeli public demanded that reforms slow down and that negotiations begin. Unlike Prime Minister Macron of France, who recently ignored public protests and bulldozed through his pension reforms, Mr. Netanyahu yielded to the pressure.
Now our work really begins. It’s time to fight back against the lies . . . again.
No time to waste! As you see every day in the TV news and local newspapers, the anti-Israel propaganda machine is already streaming a steady flow of toxic messages.
Take heart: FLAME has already started work on the next pro-Israel editorial campaign—with the messages that I outlined for you above. We’re primed to move forward.
Can you help us with a heartfelt donation?
Our goal is to run this new message in daily newspapers all over the United States—to reach 10 million American readers. It will cost about $160,000.
I urge you—I beseech you—to join FLAME’s army of tens of thousands of Israel loyalists by making a tax-deductible donation right now.
Together—one by one—we can meet our goal of reaching 10 million Americans . . . we can beat back Israel’s enemies in the media . . . and increasingly in the halls of Congress.
These pro-Israel editorials reached millions to ensure Americans continue their support of the Jewish state.
Let me remind you: In addition to messages in mainstream media, FLAME also publishes outspoken hasbarah—clarifying messages of truth—on Facebook, other social media and sent weekly to members like you, reaching hundreds of thousands more people.
In recent weeks, these FLAME Hotlines have struck back at Israel’s enemies on current breaking topics such as these:
• “5 Ways American Jews Can Help Israel—by Helping Ourselves”
• “U.S. Again Betrays Promise of “Unbreakable” Support for Israel at the United Nations”
• “How the Palestinians Got Their Name: The True Story”
• “How can peace-loving Americans support Palestinians’ celebration of cold-blooded murder?”
Despite despicable attacks from extremists on the left and right, from mainstream media and even members of Congress—you and I have grown accustomed to the constant struggle against Israel’s antisemitic enemies.
We know that Israel’s survival—and the safety of Jews in America—can’t be taken for granted.
Good news: We at FLAME also know how to defend Israel . . . and how to fight back .
Our upcoming campaign to tell the truth about Israel’s democratic judicial reform is a great example—one I deeply hope you’ll support.
Won’t you help us continue publishing these powerful, persuasive messages of truth about Israel with a membership donation —which qualifies you for a 2023 tax deduction?
FLAME’s hundreds of messages defending Israel—all of which you can see at FLAME’s PR for Israel —provide powerful support for Israel—but as I’ve outlined for you in this letter, telling the truth about Israel via such paid editorial messages in mainstream media is costly.
Are you ready to join us? Here’s the double payoff for making a donation to FLAME:
First, you help tell the truth about Israel in the media—something that’s sorely needed if we’re to maintain vital U.S. financial and political support of the Jewish state.
Second, you can celebrate Passover , as well as Yom Hazikaron (Remembrance Day) and Yom Haatzmaut (Independence Day)—with even more satisfaction, because you have done a mitzvah for Israel—a generous, heartfelt good deed.
That’s why, if you’re angry about poisonous media lies about Israel’s democracy, and if you’ve ever bemoaned Israel’s “bad PR,” I urge you to help FLAME with your financial support at this time. Just go to donate to help now.
Please remember that the overwhelming majority of FLAME’s financial support comes from individuals just like you. One by one, Jews, Christians and unaffiliated alike contribute generously to this noble cause—to help ensure that Israel survives.
So whether you give $1,000 or $500 or $100 . . . or even $50 or $36 or $18—every donation is important—every dollar you contribute helps us keep defending Israel and telling the truth about the inspiring Jewish nation.
Best of all, of course, your donation is tax-deductible
Won’t you act now to make your donation online? Just go to donate now.
Thanks in advance for your generosity and your continued support of FLAME’s good work.
Best regards,
James Sinkinson, Publisher
Facts and Logic About the Middle East (FLAME)
P.S. | We at FLAME usually focus, as we should, on the challenges Israel faces in the world—the unfair treatment the Jewish state receives at the hands of the U.N., continuing rocket, gun, car and knife attacks by Arab terrorists, and the existential threat that confronts Israel from Iran. But what we must not forget is the amazing success story that Israel represents for Jews, fosr the United States and for civilization itself. It’s inspiring! To clarify, celebrate and publicize the good news about Israel, FLAME published a hasbarah (clarifying) message— “Why Israel Matters” —in media reaching 10 million readers. I hope you’ll review this powerful position paper and pass it on to all your contacts who will benefit from this message. If you agree that FLAME’s bold—but costly—brand of public relations on Israel’s behalf is critical, I urge you to support our publication of such outspoken messages. Please consider giving donation now, as you’re able—with $500, $250, $100, or even $18. (Remember, your donation to FLAME is tax deductible.) To donate online, just go to donate now . Now more than ever we need your support to ensure that Israel gets the support it needs—from the U.S. Congress, from the President, and from the American people. |