December 7, 2022

In the early days of Hitler’s Third Reich, despite increasing antisemitic attacks and restrictions, German Jews refused to believe they were unsafe. Despite today’s increasing antisemitic attacks on U.S. Jews and Israel, many American Jews deny they and the Jewish homeland are in danger.
As supporters of Israel, our job is painful and difficult.
Our enemies are brutal, hateful . . . unrelenting.
But our job is also surprisingly easy. Israel is an amazing, inspiring, morally righteous nation.
All we have to do is tell the truth.
Unfortunately, defeating our enemies is a constant struggle. We’ve been battling for more than 3,000 years.
Keeping the Jewish people and the Jewish state free demands that we trumpet the truth ceaselessly—every day.
Just yesterday, FLAME informed you and tens of thousands of other Americans about the malicious FBI investigation against Israel—instigated by leftist members of Congress.
Last week, the U.N. declared Palestinian Nakba Day—a condemnation of Israel’s founding as a “catastrophe.” Yet FLAME was ready: Our editorial—”The Palestinian Catastrophe”—tells the truth that it is Palestinian refusal to accept offers of land for peace that caused their catastrophe in 1948 . . . and tragically continues it today.
I hope you agree: The only solution for Israel supporters is to fight back—win this “war of words” with a bold campaign of truth.
Let me ask you this: If you and I don’t fight back . . . who will ?
Please join me in defending Israel and the Jewish people: Together I know we’ll succeed.
Just go to donate now to contribute.
Dear Friend of FLAME:
Let me tell you: I fear for my fellow Jews in the United States—and for U.S. support of Israel over the coming months and years.
Here’s why: I visited the Jewish Museum in Berlin last week and was struck by how attacks on Jews in America today so resemble attacks on Jews in Germany in the 1930s.
It reminded me that 15 organizations at UC Berkeley Law School have banned supporters of Israel from speaking there—effectively creating “Jew free zones”—just as Jewish students and faculty were banned from universities during Hitler’s Third Reich.
Antisemitic thuggery in the U.S. has hit an all-time high—physical and verbal attacks occur against Jews every day all over America. Just as happened in Germany.
Last month’s U.S. elections will put at least two additional anti-Israel Representatives—”Squad members”—in Congress. Remember that the Nazis were elected, too . . . at first.
Like most Jews in Germany in the 30s, many Jews in the U.S. believe it can’t happen here. The Jews in Germany believed they were safe—they were “good Germans.” So do American Jews believe—rightfully so—that they are good Americans.
But my friends, they are not safe. Because the antisemites don’t care if you’re a good American or if Israel is one of America’s strongest allies. All that matters: You’re Jewish.
Now is the time for Jews—and all those who support Israel and the Jewish people—to stand up and fight back. Before it’s too late.
The truth will keep us free.
Good news: FLAME has already begun to fight back against the haters.
As you know, FLAME has a 33-year reputation for hard-hitting, outspoken editorials that defend Israel—with the truth—in mainstream media.
Now we’re at it again with FLAME’s largest-ever “Israel truth campaign.”
FLAME just published a new editorial message in mainstream media that refutes many of the lies that Israel’s enemies here in the U.S. tell about the Jewish state.
- The lie that Israel is not a democracy
- The lie that Israel is an apartheid state
- The lie that Israel commits genocide
- The lie that Israel mistreats its two million Arab citizens
- The lie that Israel oppresses Palestinians outside of Israel
Best of all, this editorial—titled “Democracy in Israel Thrives”—defeats these slanders with the hard fact that Israel is now ranked one of the strongest, most vibrant democracies on earth.
That’s right: The Economist Intelligence Unit just named Israel the world’s 23rd most successful democracy—ahead of the U.S., Italy and Spain and 139 other nations!
Thanks to your support, our ad ran just a few weeks ago, in the Sunday New York Times, Washington Post, Miami Herald, Chicago Tribune, Houston Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, New York Post and Mercury News.
This editorial will go a long way toward defeating the falsehoods of U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Kanye West and other enemies of Israel in the “war of words” we’re currently fighting.
This message reached some 7 million influential readers. It cost over $150,000.
(Click here to read FLAME’s new editorial on Israel’s thriving democracy.)
Click here to support FLAME’s media messages with a donation.
In September, Google workers called Israel an Apartheid state, demanding that Google cancel a $1.5 billion contract for services to Israel—a blatant BDS effort.
But FLAME fought back.
FLAME immediately ran our recent ad—“The Israel Apartheid Lie”—in Google’s backyard: The message ran in Silicon Valley’s Mercury News.
This editorial demolished the high-tech employees’ slander and called them out for their antisemitism.
Just a few days later Google announced that the Israel contract is continuing without delay.
In July 2021, Ben & Jerry’s announced plans to boycott Israel—falsely claiming the Jewish state occupies “Palestinian Territories.”
FLAME quickly published an outspoken media ad refuting the B&J claim and called Israel supporters to reconsider purchasing Ben & Jerry’s and Unilever products:
This editorial ran in the New York Post, Chicago Tribune, Houston Chronicle and Orlando Sentinel, reaching hundreds of thousands more Americans. It cost FLAME $50,000 to run.
As you know by now, Ben & Jerry’s parent Unilever has agreed to sell its B&J operation in Israel to its Israeli partner, ending a year of struggle by Israel advocates like you, me . . . and FLAME.
FLAME’s efforts—and those of other advocates—were supported by thousands of individual donations.
The result: Ben & Jerry’s managers were repudiated: Israelis are now free to buy B&J ice cream.
My point is simply this: While no single action can defeat antisemites and other enemies of Israel . . . by working together, thousands of supporters—like you and I—can help us win!
Won’t you help FLAME continue its support of Israel by making a donation today?
Let me give you several more examples of how FLAME—and supporters like you—fight back:
In May 2021, when Hamas launched more than 4,500 missiles against Israel—and national media were condemning the Jewish state for defending itself—FLAME published an outspoken editorial in mainstream media exposing the evil of the Gaza terror group.
Our message reached nearly 5 million New York Times and the Washington Post readers. (Read “The Ugly Truth About Hamas ” here.)
FLAME also told the truth in national media about the perverse United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) . . . whose primary obsession is condemning Israel—the only democracy in the Middle East.
Good news: In 2018, the United States finally resigned from the organization.
FLAME also told the truth about the corrupt United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)—which incites Palestinians against Israel and prolongs the suffering of the Palestinian people.
Good news: In 2018, the United States stopped funding this organization.
(Unfortunately our struggle continues: In 2021, the current U.S. administration rejoined UNHRC and re-funded UNRWA.) With your help, we will keep fighting.
Click here to support FLAME’s media messages with a donation.
Like you, I’ve been an avid supporter of Israel for many years.
I’m motivated by both anger and passion.
But I’m sustained—year after year—by hope.
Because I’ve seen us win many battles—from the new U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem, to the generous U.S. investment in Israel’s safety, to winning the battle against giant Unilever.
Together we can do it.
According to a February 2022 Gallup Poll, a powerful majority of Americans—55%—support Israel.
In fact, this support for Israel is actually higher than 20 years ago.
Truth is, Americans support Israel because people like you—and FLAME—keep hammering the truth about the Jewish state.
We refuse to accept the lies. We refuse to stay silent.
We fight harder than our foes.
Obviously, we can take momentary comfort from U.S. support of Israel—but we cannot rest.
Our enemies—like the Squad (and their allies) in the House of Representatives, like Students for Justice in Palestine, like the management at Ben & Jerry’s—won’t relent. They keep punching.
(In fact, Ben & Jerry’s’ management is hopping mad about Unilever quashing their BDS shenanigans.)
That’s why, if you love Israel, I pray you’ll help FLAME keep punching back.
I hope you’ve seen and approve of our hard-hitting editorial positions exposing defamatory accusations against Israel . . . in the media, on campus, in the U.N. and on American streets:
“The Palestinian Catastrophe”
Several members of the House of Representatives have introduced a bill to make a national holiday of Palestinian Nakba (“Catastrophe”) Day, to lament Israel’s founding. Our latest editorial ad tells the truth: Palestinians don’t have a state because they have refused every offer from the U.N. and Israel to share the Holy Land with the Jewish people.
This editorial ad recently appeared in such media as the New York Post, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Miami Herald , Houston Chronicle and Orlando Sentinel. (Cost: Almost $120,000!)
“No Fool’s Deal with Iran”
This op-ed, which appeared in the New York Times and Washington Post Sunday editions, exposes the flaws in the first 2015 Iran Deal and holds the Biden Administration to account as it tries to entice Iran back into a worse deal. Our ad demands that any future agreement block Iran’s quest for nuclear weapons, as well as Iran’s attempts to spread terrorist jihad globally.
“The Israel Genocide Slander”
Vice President Kamala Harris missed the chance on a college campus to condemn one student’s lie that Israel commits genocide—but FLAME printed the truth about this demonization in mainstream media. In fact, Israel strenuously avoids killing any innocent people, even when Hamas uses them as human shields.
Click here to support FLAME’s media messages with a donation.
These pro-Israel editorials reached millions to ensure Americans continue their support of the Jewish state.
In addition to mainstream media, FLAME also publishes outspoken hasbarah—clarifying messages of truth—on Facebook, other social media and sent weekly to members like you, reaching hundreds of thousands more people.
In recent weeks, these FLAME Hotlines have struck back at Israel’s enemies on current breaking topics such as these:
- “American Politicians Jump into Israel’s Elections: Do They Welcome Israeli Opinions on Their Candidates?”
- “Ukraine and Putin Remind Israel: You’re on Your Own”
- “How SJP’s Antisemitism and Violent Harassment Threaten Jewish Students”
- “Palestinians’ New Threat Against Israel Proves Only Their Fading Influence”
- “Whoopi’s Denial of Holocaust Racism is Anti-Semitic and Anti-Israel”
Despite the despicable attacks from extremists on the left and right, from mainstream media and even members of Congress—you and I have grown accustomed to the constant struggle against Israel’s antisemitic enemies.
We know that Israel’s survival—and the safety of Jews in America—can’t be taken for granted.
Good news: We at FLAME also know how to defend Israel . . . and how to fight back.
Won’t you help us continue publishing these powerful, persuasive messages of truth about Israel with a membership donation —which qualifies you for a 2022 tax deduction?
FLAME’s hundreds of messages defending Israel—all of which you can see at FLAME’s PR for Israel—provide powerful support for Israel, but as I’m sure you can imagine, telling the truth about Israel via such paid editorial messages in mainstream media is costly.
Are you ready to join us? Here’s the double payoff for making a donation to FLAME:
First, you help tell the truth about Israel in the media—something that’s sorely needed if we’re to maintain vital U.S. financial and political support of the Jewish state.
Second, you can celebrate the new Jewish year —it’s now 5783!—and Hanukkah with even more satisfaction, because you have done a mitzvah for Israel—a generous, heartfelt good deed.
That’s why, if you’re angry about terror attacks in Israel, the United States and worldwide, and if you’ve ever bemoaned Israel’s “bad PR,” I urge you to help FLAME with your financial support at this time. Just go to donate to help now.
Please remember that the overwhelming majority of FLAME’s financial support comes from individuals just like you. One by one, Jews, Christians and unaffiliated alike contribute generously to this noble cause—to help ensure that Israel survives.
So whether you give $1,000 or $500 or $100 . . . or even $50 or $36 or $18—every donation is important—every dollar you contribute helps us keep defending Israel and telling the truth about the inspiring Jewish nation.
Best of all, of course, your donation is tax-deductible.
Won’t you act now to make your donation online? Just go to donate now.
Thanks in advance for your generosity and your continued support of FLAME’s good work.
Jim Sinkinson ,
President, FLAME
P.S. | We at FLAME usually focus, as we should, on the challenges Israel faces in the world—the unfair treatment the Jewish state receives at the hands of the U.N., continuing rocket, gun, car and knife attacks by Arab terrorists, and the existential threat that confronts Israel from Iran. But what we must not forget is the amazing success story that Israel represents for Jews, for the United States and for civilization itself. It’s inspiring! To clarify, celebrate and publicize the good news about Israel, FLAME published a hasbarah message— “Why Israel Matters” —in media reaching 10 million readers. I hope you’ll review this powerful position paper and pass it on to all your contacts who will benefit from this message. If you agree that FLAME’s bold—but costly—brand of public relations on Israel’s behalf is critical, I urge you to support our publication of such outspoken messages. Please consider giving donation now, as you’re able—with $500, $250, $100, or even $18. (Remember, your donation to FLAME is tax deductible.) To start or renew your membership online, just go to donate now. Now more than ever we need your support to ensure that Israel gets the support it needs—from the U.S. Congress, from the President, and from the American people. |