March 22, 2022

Display of short and medium-range Iranian missiles, the likes of which Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps. recently used to attack the U.S. consulate in northern Iraq. Iran is also developing long-range ICBMs, capable of delivering nuclear weapons, which President Biden’s new Iran deal permits.
As Iran Missiles Attack US Consulate, Biden Desperately Rushes to Sign Nuclear Deal
Dear Friend of FLAME:
Last week, Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps. (IRGC) launched 14 missiles that landed near the U.S. consulate in Irbil, northern Iraq—though strangely the IRGC said it was aiming for an unspecified Israeli “strategic center.”
Nonetheless the Biden administration continues negotiations with Iran in Vienna—meant to reward Iran with a $90 billion “signing bonus” and a clear path to nuclear weapons.
In response to this attack—as well as leaks about dangerous concessions to Iran in the nuclear talks—some 20 U.S. House Representatives, including 12 Democrats, sent a message to Mr. Biden expressing grave doubts about any deal. Their letter concluded, “it is hard to envision supporting an agreement along the lines being publicly discussed.”
Their assessment is an understatement. The deal Team Biden is pushing in Vienna is a triumph of obsession over reason. It is not only hard to support, it’s frightening.
Mr. Biden promised in 2020 an “unshakeable commitment to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.” Read that again. This noble and necessary goal would have required strengthening the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), since that document gave Iran a prescribed path to nuclear weapons over 15 years.
Yet the current deal reportedly fails to tighten restrictions on the Islamic Republic—rather it actually loosens limits on uranium enrichment from 3.67% in the old deal to 20%, a threshold hurdle in the path to nuclear weapons.
Unfortunately, Iran has already been enriching to 60% purity—giving it a current breakout time of just six months to nuclearization. Suffice it to say, the new deal—called JCPOA-2—puts the lie to President Biden’s promise of a more robust agreement: It does absolutely nothing to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.
Not only will the deal being cooked up by Germany, France, the UK, China, Russia and the U.S. allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons, it will also permit Tehran to continue developing the intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) needed to launch their nukes against enemies globally.
It will in no way limit Iran’s motivation or ability to sponsor violent jihad in Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria or Latin America, where it has been increasingly active.
That’s why, just two weeks ago, the powerful Arab Quartet Committee—comprised of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt—issued a statement urgently warning the Biden administration against any deal that would give Iran nukes, permit its ICBMs, or support its terrorism in the Middle East. It’s also why Saudi Arabia and UAE leaders refused calls from President Biden to discuss increasing oil output.
Clearly, the new deal will in no way inhibit Iran’s threats or acts of war against Israel. As evidenced by Tehran’s recent attack on our consulate in northern Iraq, neither will the agreement stop them from aggression toward the United States.
In fact, the Biden strategy—led by U.S. Iran envoy Robert Malley—promises to make the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism even more terrifying.
Shocking, but no surprise: Three members of President Biden’s Iran negotiating team recently resigned from their roles, accusing the U.S. position of being too soft on Iran, particularly disagreeing with the dovish Malley’s refusal to enforce existing sanctions on the Islamic Republic and reluctance to walk away in the face of ever-more outrageous Iranian demands.
No wonder former national-security official Richard Goldberg called the new Iran agreement “The Worst Deal in History.”
To make matters worse, Russia—having taken a leadership role in Vienna, mediating between the U.S. and Iran—is now introducing its own demands related to its war against Ukraine. Russia wants written guarantees that America’s Ukraine-related sanctions won’t restrain it from doing business with Tehran under JCPOA-2.
Let’s just state this clearly: Not only is the U.S. agreeing to rescind all major sanctions against Iran and its terrorist leadership—putting hundreds of billions of dollars in the ayatollahs’ pockets—we’re now being asked to soften sanctions against Russia . . . all for the sake of a new, weaker Iran nuclear deal.
Given Iran’s past lying and cheating, its headlong determination to acquire nuclear weapons, its sweetheart relationship with Russia and its increasingly unreasonable negotiating terms, why is President Biden so obsessed with doing this dangerous deal?
Aside from wanting to reverse President Trump’s demolition of Obama’s JCPOA, State Department experts say a new Iran deal—in a hurry—is key to the Biden administration’s global strategy. Biden wants to de-emphasize the Middle East—by first putting Iran “in a box”—then move to rebuild relationships with Europe and focus more on China and Russia.
Unfortunately for Mr. Biden, Iran refuses to jump into the box, Arab states are angry and panicking, Russia decided to invade a sovereign European democracy and China vigorously continues all its competitive, destabilizing, and genocidal activities.
Events are telling the Biden team it’s time to reset. Yet they seem possessed—hell-bent.
Despite all evidence that this new Iran deal fails spectacularly to achieve the longer, stronger Iran deal we were promised . . .
Despite the fact that the deal gives Iran a huge new source of funding for its terrorist activities and makes it a nuclear threshold state in just three short years . . .
Despite a virtual guarantee that Iran will soon have enough nuclear material to create an arsenal of dozens of nuclear weapons capable of reaching any part of the United States—let alone destroy Israel . . . the Biden administration seems in a desperate rush to sign it.
I hope you’ll point out to family, friends, colleagues and especially your elected representatives that we cannot afford to allow a rogue jihadi state—a declared enemy of both the U.S. and Israel—to build nuclear weapons. Even if Mr. Biden ignores the warnings of our Middle East allies—and especially the alarm of fellow Democrats in a mid-term-election year—we must make him understand that we, the people, do not approve of this madness. We fear for our country, we fear for the world.
I hope you’ll also take a minute, while you have this material front and center, to forward this message to friends, visit FLAME’s lively Facebook page and review the message. immediately below. It describes FLAME’s new hasbarah campaign—which further exposes “The Israel Genocide Slander” and the anti-Semites who make this false accusation.
Best regards,
James Sinkinson, Presssident
Facts and Logic About the Middle East (FLAME)
P.S. |
Whoopi Goldberg’s comments recently about the Holocaust underscored perhaps the greatest “public relations” problem Israel faces: Lies, slander and misinformation. One of the greatest of these falsehoods is the accusation of genocide against the Jewish state. Last May, actor Mark Ruffalo tweeted that Israel commits genocide. A college student in a public forum told Vice President Harris that Israel commits “ethnic genocide.” I think you’ll agree that the only antidote to these lies is the truth. To clarify the outrageous accusation of genocide by Israel, FLAME has created a new hasbarah message called “The Israel Genocide Slander.” I hope you’ll review this convincing, fact-based paid editorial, which is slated to run soon in the New York Times,Washington Post, New York Post, Chicago Tribune, Houston Chronicle, Orlando Sentinel and other media nationwide. It spells out why the State of Israel does not and has never committed genocide—and why accusers should be branded anti-Semites. This piece will also be sent to all members of Congress, Vice President Harris and President Biden. If you agree that this kind of public relations effort on Israel’s behalf is critical, I urge you to support us. Remember: FLAME’s powerful ability to influence public opinion—and U.S. support of Israel—comes from individuals like you, one by one. I hope you’ll consider giving a donation now, as you’re able—with $500, $250, $100, or even $18. (Remember, your donation to FLAME is tax deductible.) To donate online, just go to donate now. Now, more than ever, we need your support to ensure that the American people, the U.S. Congress and President Biden stay committed to fighting anti-Semitic actions by individuals, politicians and commercial companies. As of today, more than 15,000 Israel supporters receive the FLAME Hotline at no charge every week. If you’re not yet a subscriber, won’t you join us in receiving these timely updates, so you can more effectively tell the truth about Israel? Just go to free subscription. |